Olof Engström

Visar 130 publikationer
Properties of Metal/High-k Oxide/Graphene Structures
Effect of oxide traps on channel transport characteristics in graphene field effect transistors
Analysis of electron capture at oxide traps by electric field injection
Charge carrier traffic at self-assembled Ge quantum dots on Si
Compensation effects at electron traps in semiconductors
Characterization of Interface Defects
On the nature of the interfacial layer in ultra-thin TiN/LaluO3 gate stacks
Admittance spectroscopy of Si/LaLuO3 and Si/GdSiO MOS Structures (Invited)
A model for internal photoemission at high-k oxide/silicon energy barriers
Influence of interlayer properties on the characteristics of high-k gate stacks
Charge carrier traffic at self-assembled Ge quantum dots on Si
Investigation of gate edge effects on interface traps densities in 3C-SiC MOS capacitors
Physical trends of High-k oxides
Quantum dots and high-k MOS stacks: Research at Chalmers and ITE (Invited)
Graphene Millimeter Wave Electronics
Electron states in MOS systems (Invited)
Hole emission mechanism in Ge/Si quantum dots
Spatial variarion of hole eigen energies in Ge/Si quantum wells
Physical trends in high-k oxides: Report from a tour in the Periodic System
Coulomb interaction between InAs/GaAs quantum dots and adjacent impurities
The influence of inhomogeneous trap distribution on results of DLTS study
Electron eigenstates in quantum dots revealed by temperature derivative capacitance spectroscopy
Classification of Energy Levels in Quantum Dot Structures by Depleted Layer Spectroscopy
Coulomb interaction between InAs/GaAs quantum dots and adjacent impurities
Capture cross sections for holes at LaLuO/Si interfaces
Charging Phenomena at the Interface Between High-k Dielectrics and SiOx Interlayers (Invited)
The Role of Mobile Charge in Oxygen Plasma-Enhanced Silicon-to-Silicon Wafer Bonding
Multiparameter admittance spectroscopy (Invited)
Electron eigen states in quantum dots revealed by temperature derivative capacitance spectroscopy
Spatial variations of hole eigen energies in Ge/Si quantum wells
Electrical properties of LaLuO3/Si(100) structures prepared by molecular beam deposition
Confined energy states in quantum dots detected by a resonant differential capacitance method
CMOS technology: Is this the end of the beginning or the end of the end? (Invited)
Multiparameter admittance spectroscopy for metal-oxide-semiconductor systems
Leakage current effects on C-V plots of high- k metal-oxide-semiconductor capacitors
The conductance method in a bottom-up approach applied on hafnium oxide/silicon interfaces
Wafer bonding strength increased by mobile ions
Limitations in future high-k materials
Comprehensive study of InAs/GaAs quantum dots by means of complementary methods
Charging phenomena at the interface between high-k dielectrics and SiOx interlayers
Scaling potential and MOSFET integration of thermally stable Gd silicate dielectrics
Schottky barriers on silicon nanowires influenced by charge configuration
High-k-oxide/silicon interfaces characterized by capacitance frequency spectroscopy
Deep level spectroscopy in quantum dot characterization
Future high-k gate stack materials
Interface Defects in HfO2, LaSiOx, and Gd2O3 High-k/MetalGate Structures on Silicon
Metastable behavior of 1 eV trap in InAs/GaAs quantum dot structures
Comprehensive study of InAs/GaAs quantum dots by means of complementary methods
A new mechanism for modulation of Schottky barrier heights on silicon nanowires
Method for identifying confined electron states in quantum dot structures
Multiphonon capture of electrons at high-k-silicon interfaces
Leakage current effects on C-V plots of high-k MOS capacitors
Gd silicate: A high-k dielectric compatible with high temperature annealing
A generalised methodology for oxide leakage current metric
Electrical study of InAs/GaAs quantum dots with two different environments
Quest for an optimal gadolinium silicate gate dielectric stack
High-k dielectrics and metal gates
Thermal instability of electron traps in InAs/GaAs quantum dot structures
Electron traps at HfO2/SiOx interfaces
Deep level transient spectroscopy in quantum dot characterization
Novel high-k/metal gate materials
Energy concepts involved in MOS characterization
A new mechanism for modulation of Schottky barrier heights on silicon nanowires
Electrical characterization of InAs/GaAs quantum dots by frequency spectroscopy
Thermal instability of electron traps in InAs/GaAs quantum dot structures
Electronic properties of InAs/GaAs quantum dots in two different environments
Electron tunneling from quantum dots characterized by deep level transient spectroscopy
Schottky barrier modulation on silicon nanowires
Extremely small hole capture cross sections in HfO2/ HfxSiyOz/p-Si structures
Three dimensional mapping of thermal and tunnelling electron emission from InAs/GaAs quantum dots
Deep traps at GaAs/GaAs interfaces grown by MBE interrupted growth technique
Discovery of classes among deep level centers in GaAs
Schottky barrier lowering on silicon nanowires by introduction of positive charge
Will the insulated gate transistor survuve next decade?
Navigation aids in the search for future high-k dielectrics: Physical and electrical trends
High-k-oxide/silicon interfaces characterized by capacitance frequency spectroscopy
Carrier emission of electronic states of self-assembled indium arsenide quantum dots
Deep levels induced by InAs/GaAs quantum dots
Navigation aids in the search for future high-k dielectrics: physical and electrical trends
Electrical activity of deep levels in the presence of InAs/GaAs quantum dots
Statistics of Electron Emission from InAs/GaAs quantum dots
Electrical properties of low-temperature bonded uni-polar Si/Si junctions
Applications of SOI materials to quantum devices and Microsystems
Entropy associated with electron emission from InAs/GaAs quantum dots
Deep levels induced by InAs/GaAs quantum dots
Charge carrier statistics at quantum dots
Electron capture cross sections of InAs/GaAs quantum dots
Electron capture at InAs/GaAs quantum dots
Emission rates for electron tunneling from InAs quantum dots to GaAs substrate
Selected thermal emission of electrons from different configurations in InAs/GaAs quantum dots
Thermal emission of electrons from selected s shell configurations in InAs/GaAs quantum dots
Proceedings of the 1997 10th Biennial Conference on Insulating Films on Semiconductor (INFOS)
Steady-state and transient current transport in undoped polycrystalline diamond films
Electrical properties of undoped polycrystalline diamond thin films on silicon
Charge transport in polycrystalline diamond thin films on silicon
Electrical characterization of bonding interfaces
Electrical Characterization Of Bonding Interfaces
Oxide degradation of wafer bonded MOS capacitors following Fowler-Nordheim electron injection
Charge trapping in wafer bonded structures
Charge Trapping In Wafer Bonded Mos Structures
The Bonded Unipolar Silicon-Silicon Junction
Electrical Methods For Characterizing Directly Bonded Silicon Silicon Interfaces
Charge densities at silicon interfaces prepared by wafer bonding
Interface Charge Control Of Directly Bonded Silicon Structures
Electronic-Properties Of Silicon Interfaces Prepared By Direct Bonding
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