Vladimir Zhdanov
Visar 289 publikationer
Kinetics of the formation of core–shell structures under transient external conditions
Extracellular interplay of amyloid fibrils and neural cells
Catalytic Conversion of Hydrocarbons and Formation of Carbon Nanofilaments in Porous Pellets
Simulation of reduction of oxidized metal nanoparticles
Basics of the LSPR Sensors for Soft Matter at Interfaces
Ionizable lipids in bio-inspired nanocarriers
Release of molecules from nanocarriers
Unification: Viscosity, permittivity, and hydration forces near an interface
Diffusion-limited association of nanoparticles in fluid: Beyond the no-slip boundary conditions
Kinetics and percolation: coke in heterogeneous catalysts
Lipid nanoparticles with ionizable lipids: Statistical aspects
Late stage of the formation of a protein corona around nanoparticles in biofluids
Grain-growth mediated hydrogen sorption kinetics and compensation effect in single Pd nanoparticles
How nanoparticles can induce dimerization and aggregation of cells in blood or lymph
Manifestation of Onsager's off-diagonal fluxes in diffusion of coadsorbed particles
Kinetic aspects of virus targeting by nanoparticles in vivo
Virology from the perspective of theoretical colloid and interface science
Nanocrystallites, adsorption, surface tension, and Wulff rule
Kinetics of Reaction on a Single Catalytic Particle in a Fluidic Nanochannel
Two-dimensional Ostwald ripening with irreversible absorption or reaction on boundaries
Vacuum field in a cavity, light-mediated vibrational coupling, and chemical reactivity
Suppression of hysteresis in absorption of hydrogen by a Pd-Au alloy
Kinetic aspects of the interplay of cancer and the immune system
How the partial-slip boundary condition can influence the interpretation of the DLS and NTA data
Virions and respiratory droplets in air: Diffusion, drift, and contact with the epithelium
Ostwald ripening on a composite support
Ligand-receptor-mediated attachment of lipid vesicles to a supported lipid bilayer
Simulations of oxidation of metal nanoparticles with a grain boundary inside
Relaxation of a dislocation in a nanocrystallite
Kinetic model of oxidation of metal nanoparticles: Cabrera-Mott and Kirkendall effects
Intracellular RNA delivery by lipid nanoparticles: Diffusion, degradation, and release
Nanoparticles without and with protein corona: van der Waals and hydration interaction
Kirkendall effect in the two-dimensional lattice-gas model
Spatio-temporal aspects of the interplay of cancer and the immune system
Competition for membrane receptors: Norovirus detachment via lectin attachment
Formation of a protein corona around nanoparticles
Slow relaxation during and after perturbation of bistable kinetics of gene expression
Metal–polymer hybrid nanomaterials for plasmonic ultrafast hydrogen detection
mRNA function after intracellular delivery and release
Intracellular miRNA or siRNA delivery and function
Proliferation of cells with aggregation and communication
Charge transfer between sensing and targeted metal nanoparticles in indirect nanoplasmonic sensors
Detachment of Membrane Bound Virions by Competitive Ligand Binding Induced Receptor Depletion
Mathematical aspects of the regulation of gene transcription by promoters
Oxidation of metal nanoparticles with the grain growth in the oxide
Kinetics of lipid-nanoparticle-mediated intracellular mRNA delivery and function
Multivalent ligand-receptor-mediated interaction of small filled vesicles with a cellular membrane
Nanoparticles in a nanochannel: Van der Waals interaction and diffusion
Hydride formation in core-shell alloyed metal nanoparticles
Diffusion-limited attachment of nanoparticles to flexible membrane-immobilized receptors
A generic statistical model of hydride formation in a random alloy
Kinetics of enzyme-mediated hydrolysis of lipid vesicles
Two-dimensional Ostwald ripening on a patterned support and in a mixed overlayer
Kinetic aspects of enzyme-mediated repair of DNA single-strand breaks
Kinetics of virus entry by endocytosis
Ostwald ripening of supported Pt nanoclusters with initial size-selected distributions
Control of tissue growth by locally produced activator: Liver regeneration
Kinetics of single-enzyme reactions on vesicles: Role of substrate aggregation
Note: The effect of viscosity on the rate of diffusion-limited association of nanoparticles
Diffusion-limited attachment of large spherical particles to flexible membrane-immobilized receptors
Liquid in a tube oscillating along its axis
Ostwald ripening of charged supported metal nanoparticles: Schottky model
Transient Bimodal Particle Size Distributions during Pt Sintering on Alumina and Silica
Kinetics of enzymatic reactions in lipid membranes containing domains
Mechanism of rupture of single adsorbed vesicles
Interaction of Virus-Like Particles with Vesicles Containing Glycolipids: Kinetics of Detachment
Kinetic models of CO oxidation on gold nanoparticles
Potential profiles near the nano-patterned semiconductor-electrolyte interface
Viral capsids: Kinetics of assembly under transient conditions and kinetics of disassembly
Localized mRNA translation and protein association
A Neuron Model Including Gene Expression: Bistability, Long-Term Memory, etc
Determination of exosome concentration in solution using surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy.
Three generic bistable scenarios of the interplay of voltage pulses and gene expression in neurons
Diffusion of adsorbed particles with attractive lateral interactions at low temperature
Kinetics of the maintenance of the epidermis
Two novel aspects of the kinetics of gene expression including miRNAs
Simulation of the catalytic oxidation of soot
Physical aspects of the initial phase of endocytosis
Real time indirect nanoplasmonic in situ spectroscopy of catalyst nanoparticle sintering
Interaction of virions with membrane glycolipids
Asymmetric Hysteresis in Nanoscopic Single-Metal Hydrides: Palladium Nanorings
Periodic perturbation of genetic oscillations
Kinetic model of HIV infection including hematopoietic progenitor cells
A generic 3D kinetic model of gene expression
Photo-induced chemical processes on metal-semiconductor-metal nanostructures
Kinetics of the enzyme-vesicle interaction including the formation of rafts and membrane strain
Neural networks including microRNAs
Plasmonics: Heat transfer between metal nanoparticles and supporting nanolayers
Inhibition of the receptor-mediated virion attachment to a lipid membrane
Cabrera-Mott kinetics of oxidation of metal nanowires
Novel aspects of Ostwald ripening of supported metal nanoparticles
Interaction of Single Viruslike Particles with Vesicles Containing Glycosphingolipids
Kinetics of Cell-to-Cell Spread of Viruses.
Growth and global gene expression of eucaryotic cells
Potential profiles near the Schottky nanocontacts
Interplay of viral miRNAs and host mRNAs and proteins
Effect of lattice strain on hydrogen diffusion in Pd: A density functional theory study
A kinetic model of standard selective catalytic reduction of NO by NH3 on single sites
Kinetic models of the interference of gene transcription to ncRNA and mRNA
Operando indirect nanoplasmonic spectroscopy of catalyst sintering and deactivation
From sticking to slipping conditions in QCM-D
Kinetic models of gene expression including non-coding RNAs
Periodic perturbation of the bistable kinetics of gene expression
Non-coding RNAs and complex distributed genetic networks
Dissolution and redeposition on Pt nanoparticles under electrochemical conditions
Are the complex distributed genetic networks inherently oscillatory and chaotic?
A kinetic model of standard selective catalytic reduction of NO by NH3 on two sites
LSPR study of the kinetics of the liquid-solid phase transition in Sn nanoparticles
Apparent kinetics of hydriding and dehydriding of metal nanoparticles
ncRNA-mediated bistability in the synthesis of hundreds of distinct mRNAs and proteins
Size-dependent hysteresis in the formation and decomposition of hydride in metal nanoparticles
Interplay of Noncoding RNAs, mRNAs, and Proteins during the Growth of Eukaryotic Cells
Stochastic Bursts in the Kinetics of Gene Expression with Regulation by Long Non-Coding RNAs
Overheating and undercooling during melting and crystallization of metal nanoparticles
Protein adsorption and desorption on lipid bilayers
Effect of non-coding RNA on bistability and oscillations in the mRNA-protein interplay
Hierarchical genetic networks and noncoding RNAs
Non-coding RNAs and a layered architecture of genetic networks
Size-Dependent Kinetics of Hydriding and Dehydriding of Pd Nanoparticles
Effect of lattice strain on the kinetics of hydride formation in metal nanoparticles
Simulation of dissociation of DNA duplexes attached to the surface
On the use of metal nanoparticles for enhancement of light absorption in dye-sensitized solar cells
Adsorption of proteins on a lipid bilayer
Interplay of bistable kinetics of gene expression during cellular growth
Oscillatory kinetics of gene expression: Protein conversion and slow mRNA transport
Mass transport on composite catalytic surfaces
Bistability in gene transcription: Interplay of messenger RNA, protein, and nonprotein coding RNA
Effect of lattice strain on the dehydriding kinetics in nanoparticles
Signal propagation in stem-cell niches
Diffusion-limited kinetics of adsorption of biomolecules on supported nanoparticles
The formation of a new phase in nanoparticles
Kinetics of the formation of cancer metastases via induced premetastatic cancer-stem-cell niches
Feasibility of the non-coding RNA gradients in cells
Conditions of appreciable influence of microRNA on a large number of target mRNAs
Intracellular viral kinetics limited by the supply of amino acids for synthesis of viral proteins
Coarse-grained model of long-term supply of oil
Bifurcations in the interplay of messenger RNA, protein and nonprotein coding RNA
Amplification of kinetic oscillations in gene expression
Switches in gene expression including microRNA and a large number of distinct mRNAs
Stochastic model of the formation of cancer metastases via cancer stem cells
Kinetics of electrochemical reactions on model supported catalysts: readsorption and mass transport
Kinetics of oxidation of nm-sized soot spherules
Kinetics of oxidation of nm-sized soot spherules
Cabrera-Mott kinetics of oxidation of nm-sized metal particles
Avrami-Kolmogorov-Johnson-Mehl kinetics for nanoparticles
Interplay of master regulatory proteins and mRNA in gene expression: 3D Monte Carlo simulations
Simulation of proliferation and differentiation of cells in a stem-cell niche
Steric constraints on adsorption in heteregeneous catalytic reactions
Kinetics of migration and coalescence of supported nm-sized metal particles
Kinetics of the formation of a new phase in nanoparticles
Simulation of methane oxidation on Pt
Simulation of processes related to H2-O2 PEM fuel cells
Effect of mRNA diffusion on stochastic bursts in gene transcription
Kintetic model of receptor-mediated adhesion of cells to a functionalized supported lipid bilayer
Stochasti bistable gene transcription during the cell cycle
Stem cell proliferation and differentiation and stochastic bistability in gene expression
Criterion for extinction of CO oxidation in a catalytic monolith
Kinetic model of HIV infection
Controlled radial distribution of nanoscale vesicles during binding to an oscillating QCM surface
Effect of cell-cell communication on the kinetics of proliferation and differentiation of stem cells
Lipid exchange during contact between oppositely charged lipid bilayers
Oscillatory kinetics of gene transcription during the cellular growth
Adsorption and spontaneous rupture of vesicles composed of lipids of two types
Signaling between cells attached to a surface
Charge distribution on and near Schottky nanocontacts
Self-sustained kinetic oscillations in CO oxidation over silica-supported Pt
A generic model of undesired biodiversity: Temporal and spatio-temporal bifurcations
Kinetics of electrochemical O-2 reduction on Pt
Grazers and grass: Monte Carlo simulations
Nonadiabatic rate processes on metal surface: Limitation by spin conversion
Suppression of binding events via external perturbation with emphasis on QCM
Transient stochastic bistable kinetics of gene transcription during the cellular growth
Two-variable periodic perturbation of kinetic oscillations
Fluctuations in kinetic oscillations on nm-sized catalyst particles
Bistable mean-field kinetics of CO oxidation on Pt with oxide formation
Adsorption and spontaneous rupture of vesicles composed of lipids of two types
Signaling between cells attached to a surface
Monte Carlo Simulation of Bifurcation in The Intracellular Viral Kinetics
Simulation of the growth of neurospheres
Towards the understanding of the specifics of reactions in polymer-electrolyte fuel cells
Simulation of the growth and differentiation of stem cells on a heterogeneous scaffold
Stochastic kinetics of reproduction of virions inside a cell
A Minimal Generic Model of Bacteria-Induced Intracellular Ca2+ Oscillations in Epithelial Cells
The influence of the electrolyte on the electron diffusion in mesoporous nanocrystalline TiO2
Periodic perturbation of the kinetics of heterogeneous catalytic reactions
Nanometer-sized antenna for enhancement of absorption of light by due molecules
Bifurcation in a generic model of intracellular viral kinetics
Comment on "Modelling pattern formation in CO + O2 (reaction) on Pt {100}"
Kinetic oscillations on nm-sized catalyst particles: NO reduction by CO on Pt
Kinetics of Protein Aggregation with Formation of Unreactive Intermediates
Perturbation of period-2 oscillations in catalytic reactions accompanied by surface restructuring
One of the scenarios of electrochemical oxidation of CO on single-crystal Pt surfaces
Electrochemical reactions on catalyst particles with three-phase boundaries
Simulation of CO electrooxidation on nm-sized supported Pt particles: Stripping voltammetry
Role of Steps in the NO-CO Reaction on the (111) Surface of Noble Metals
Role of the field effect fluctuations in electrochemical reactions
Simulations of kinetic oscillations in the CO+O2/Pt reaction on the nm scale
The effect of oxide formation on bistability in CO oxidation on Pt
Kinetic oscillations on nm-sized catalyst particles: Surface restructuring
Kinetic aspects of the structure-gap problem in heterogenous catalysis
Bistability in catalytic reactions on the nm scale
Kinetics of electrochemical reactions: From single crystals to nm-sized supported particles
Oscillations in the NO-CO reaction on Pt(100): NO decomposition on island boundaries
Kinetic oscillations on nm-sized catalyst particles: oxide model
Pattern formation in the A+B2 reaction with anisotropic lateral adsorbate-adsorbate interactions
Structure gap in heterogenous cayalysis: Kinetic aspects
Rapid bistable reactions in porous catalysts
Heat dissipation in exothermic reactions on non-traditional supported catalyst
Coupled catalytic oscillators: Beyond the Mass-action law
Simulation of CO adsorption and oxidation on Pt(110)
Standing fronts in oscillatory reactions on composite catalytic surfaces
Functional surfaces for biorecognition and sensing
Simulation of the reaction kinetics on nanometer supported catalyst particles
Simulations of the kinetics of rapid reactions on supported catalyst particles
Simulation of surface restructuring and oscillations in CO-NO reaction on Pt(100)
Nanofabrication of model catalysts and simulation of their reaction kinetics
Diffusion-limited reaction kinetics in nanofabricated porous model catalysts
Monte Carlo simulation of the kinetics of rapid reactions on nanometer catalyst particles
Non-thermal surface roughening in catalytic reactions
Simulation of oxygen desorption from Pt(111)
Surface roughening: Kinetics, adsorbate-induced effects, and manifestation in catalytic reactions
Surface restructuring, thermal desorption, kinetic bistability, and chemical waves
Kinetic models of oxygen supply from CeOx to active nanometer particles of three-way catalysts
Simulation of thermal desorption from nanometer catalyst particles
Mechanism and kinetics of the NO-CO reaction on Rh
Kinetics of rapid heterogenous reactions on the nanometer scale
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