Mietek Lisak
Visar 172 publikationer
Energetic particle instabilities in fusion plasmas
Preliminary results on the Multipactor effect prediction in RF components with ferrites
Reduction of the Multipactor Threshold Due to Electron Cyclotron Resonance
Microwave breakdown due to heating of an irradiated metal sphere
Toward a wave turbulence formulation of statistical nonlinear optics
Experimental validation of fringing field effects for the multipactor phenomenon
Numerical simulation of the multipactor in septum polarizers
A comparison between experiments and numerical simulations of multipactor in coaxial waveguides
On the thermal balance of a small spherical microwave breakdown region in atmospheric Air
Nonlinear Evolution of Fast Ion Driven Modes at Mariginal Stability in Tokamak Plasmas
Highlights of the fringing field effects at C-band on waveguide components
On wave-particle interaction in axisymmetric toroidal systems
Experimental study of the single-surface poly-phase multipactor on a metal plate
Can intentional electrical discharges be used for HPM protection?
Steady-state and bursting nonlinear scenarios of beam driven waves on MAST: experiment and theory
Study of the multipactor avalanche in two-wire transmission line
Multipactor and corona breakdown in inhomogeneous microwave fields
The nonlinear evolution of a small spherical microwave breakdown in air
Simulations of Multipactor Breakdown Between Two Cylinders
Microwave corona breakdown around helix antennas in air
Nonlinear evolution of two fast-particle-driven modes near the linear stability threshold
Multihump soliton-like structures in interactions of lasers and Bose-Einstein condensates
Influence of microwave field polarization on the multipactor threshold in circular waveguides
Microwave multipactor in open two-wire transmission systems
Self-similar collapse and blow up of laser beams in nonlinear Kerr media-Revisited
Microwave multipactor breakdown in helix antennas, theory and simulations
Overview of physics results from MAST
Microwave breakdown in space borne rf equipment
Multipactor in Microwave Transmission Systems Using Quadrature Phase-Shift Keying
Radiative Damping of Low Shear Toroidal Alfvén Eigenmodes
Nonlinear evolution of beam driven waves on MAST
On the microwave breakdown stability of a spherical hot spot in air
Simulations of multipactor in circular waveguides
Multipactor breakdown in open two-wire transmission lines
Interacting laser and Bose-Einstein-condensate atomic beams: Mutual guiding structures
Experimental and numerical investigation of multipactor discharges in a coaxial waveguide
Thermal Stability of a Plasma in a Homogeneous Microwave Field in Air
Galerkin approach to approximate solutions of some nonlinear oscillator equations
Collisional Nonlinear Energetic Particle Modes
Electrical breakdown in space-borne microwave equipment
Microwave multipactor breakdown between two cylinders
Collective fast ion effects in tokamaks
Soliton interaction in logarithmically saturable media
Propagation of Partially Coherent Light in Nonlinear Media
Propagation of partially coherent solitons in saturable logarithmic media: A comparative analysis
Spreading of collimated particle beams within a generalized Fokker-Planck diffusion equation
Microwave breakdown in a gas-filled rectangular resonator cavity
On Wave-Particle Interaction in Axisymmetric Toroidal Systems
Microwave Corona Breakdown in rf Devices
Fast Ion Driven Alfvén Eigenmodes within the q=1 Radius
Gas breakdown in inhomogenous microwave electric fields
Alfvénic Eigenmodes within the q=1 Radius in Sawtoothing Plasmas
Multipactor breakdown in waveguide irises
Microwave Corona Breakdown in Strongly Inhomogeneous Fields
Mechanical analogy of the nonlinear dynamics of a driven unstable mode near marginal stability
Simulations of multipactor thresholds in shielded microstrip lines
Magnetic field threshold for runaway generation in tokamak disruptions
Extreme nonlinear optics in a Kerr medium: Exact soliton solutions for a few cycles
Parabolic similarity solutions of the Nonlinear Schrödinger and Wigner-Moyal equations
Multipactor in QPSK-modulated carriers
Different saturation regimes of multipactor between parallel metal plates
Influence of secondary emission yield on the saturation of two-sided multipactor
Simulations of multipactor in micro-strip lines
Simulations of the multipactor effect in hollow waveguides with wedge-shaped cross section
Analytical description of the multipactor inside narrow waveguide iris
Influence of the wave guide cross section on the multipactor threshold
Conformal mapping analysis of multipactor breakdown in waveguide irises
Eigenvalues of the Zakharov-Shabat scattering problem for two separated sech-shaped pulses
The optimal journey from A to B
Quasi-linear analysis of whistler waves driven by relativistic runaway beams in tokamaks
Influence of electron reflection on the threshold for multipactor between two parallel plates
Polyphase (non-resonant) multipactor in rectangular waveguides
Study of multipactor in waveguide irises
Experiments on polyphase (nonresonant) multipactor in a rectangular wave guide
Interaction between two partially incoherent soliton stripes
Diffusion of super-Gaussian profiles
Multipactor in a coaxial transmission line. I. Analytical study
Bidirectional tornado modes on the Joint European Torus
Multipactor in rectangular waveguides
On precursor propagation in linear dielectrics
Analysis of the dynamics of high intensity Gaussian laser beams in nonlinear de-focusing Kerr media
Multipactor in a coaxial transmission line. II. Particle-in-cell simulations
Multipactor in a Waveguide Iris
Microwave Corona Breakdown Around Metal Corners and Wedges
Evolution of optical pulses towards wave breaking in highly nonlinear fibres
Tokamak current driven by poloidally asymmetric fueling
Microwave Breakdown in RF Devices Containing Sharp Corners
Runaway electrons and the evolution of the plasma current in tokamak disruptions
Microwave breakdown field in a spherical resonant cavity
Non-linearly driven second harmonics of Alfvén cascades
Investigations of time delays in microwave breakdown initiation
On the effective diffusion length for microwave breakdown
Destabilization of magnetosonic-whistler waves by a relativistic runaway beam
Runaway electrons and the evolution of the plasma current in tokamak disruptions
Relativistic electron distribution function of a plasma in a near-critical electric field
Microwave breakdown in RF devices
Destabilization of magnetosonic-whistler waves by a relativistic runaway beam
Relativistic electron distribution function of a plasma in a near-critical electric field
Destabilization of magnetosonic-whistler waves by a relativistic runaway beam
Tokamak current driven by poloidally asymmetric fueling
Microwave breakdown of the TE11 mode in a circular wave guide
Multipactor inside a Coaxial Line
Microwave breakdown in low pressure gas
Detection of multipaction using AM signals
Electron Multipacting on rf Windows in the Absence of Static Electric and Magnetic Fields
Multipactor discharge on a dielectric surface: statistical theory and simulations
Statistical analysis of the time delays in microwave breakdown initiation
The Brachistochrone problem an introduction to variational calculus for under graduate students
Multiphase regimes of single-surface multipactor
Non-linearly driven second harmonics of Alfvén Cascades
Multi-Phase Regimes of Multipactor Breakdown
Effect of emission velocity spread of secondary electrons in two-sided multipactor
A conceptual study of commercial fusion power plants, EFDA-RP-RE-5.0
Fast electron bremsstrahlung in low density, grassy sawtoothing plasmas on JET
Non-local effects in high-energy charged particle beams
Current dynamics during disruptions in large tokamaks
Improved model for multipactor in low pressure gas
Variational approach to the Thomas-Fermi equation
A kinetic description neutrino--anti-neutrino interactions
Modulational instabilities of partially incoherent light
On the effective diffusion length for microwave breakdown
Slowing down Dynamics of fast Particles in Plasmas via the Fokker-Planck Equation
Localization of compressional Alfvén eigenmodes in spherical tori
Localization of fast magnetosonic eigenmodes in spherical tori
Effects on Backscattering on One-Dimensional Electron Beam Transport
Approximate solutions of two-way diffusion equations
Pump-probe collision in optical fibers: Four-wave-mixing induced frequency jump
The radial and poloidal localization of fast magnetoacoustic eigenmodes in tokamaks
Four-wave mixing of femtosecond pump-probe pulses in optical fibers
Ion cyclotron emission from fusion products and beam ions in the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor
Localized fast magnetoacoustic eigenmodes in tokamak plasmas
The radial and poloidal localization of fast magnetoacoustic eigenmodes in tokamaks
Electron beam transport - revisited
Edge localized fast magnetoacoustic waves in a tokamak plasma with elliptic cross section
Analysis of profile effects on high Q subignited tokamak fusion plasmas
Origin of ion cyclotron emission in tokamaks
Self-phase modulation in dispersion compensated optical fibre transmission systems
Novel mechanism of ion cyclotron emission in tokamaks
A variational approach to optical soliton collisions
Wave-breaking-free pulses in nonlinear-optical fibers
Modulational instability dynamics in a spatial focusing and temporal defocusing medium.
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