Lennart Löfdahl
Lennart Löfdahl är professor i Fluid Dynamics sedan 2000. Hans forskningsområden inkluderar strömningsstabilitet, turbulens och dess modellering samt användning av ”Micro Electro Mechanical Systems” (MEMS) teknologier för strömningskontroll. Under de senaste tjugo åren har professor Löfdahl ägnat större delen av sin forskning åt optimering av fordon inom områdena Aero- och Termodynamik. Avancerad experimentell teknik och CFD-metoder har använts för att minska bränsleförbrukningen och emissioner på såväl lätta som tunga fordon.

Visar 238 publikationer
Connection between rear-end extensions and yaw response of a passenger vehicle
Lithium-Ion Battery Pack Modelling for Electric Vehicles in Mining Applications Using GT-AutoLion
A Coupled 1D–3D Numerical Method for Buoyancy-Driven Heat Transfer in a Generic Engine Bay
Numerical investigation of crossflow separation on the a-pillar of a passenger car
Experimental Investigation of the Near Wall Flow Downstream of a Passenger Car Wheel Arch
Experimental and numerical investigations of cooling drag
Force Based Measurement Method for Cooling Flow Quantification
Quantitative Tuft Flow Visualization on the Volvo S60 under realistic driving Conditions
Surface Flow Visualization on a Full-Scale Passenger Car with Quantitative Tuft Image Processing
Numerical Investigation of Natural Convection in a Simplified Engine Bay
Flow Structure Identification over a Notchback Vehicle
Qualitative tuft flow visualization on the volvo S60 under realistic driving conditions
Investigations of the Rear-End Flow Structures on a Sedan Car
Vehicle Aerodynamics and Thermal Management in Future Hybrid and Electrical Vehicles
Wheel housing aerodynamics on heavy trucks
Wake and Unsteady Surface-Pressure Measurements on an SUV with Rear-End Extensions
On the Aerodynamic Performance of two Silver Arrows from the Thirties
Numerical and Experimental Investigations of Brake Cooling for Passenger Cars
Structures of Flow Separation on a Passenger Car
Effect of the traversing unit on the flow structures behind a passenger vehicle
A Computational Investigation of Ground Simulation for a Saloon Car
Influence of Rims and Tyres on the Aerodynamic Resistance of Passenger Vehicles
Experimental Investigation of Heat Transfer Rates and Pressure Drops through Compact Heat Exchangers
Study of different tyre simulation methods and effects on passenger car aerodynamics
Investigation of Wheel Aerodynamic Resistance of Passenger Cars
Effect of rear-end extensions on the aerodynamic forces of an SUV
Vehicle Aerodynamics and Thermal Management in Future Hybrid and Electrical Vehicles
Experimental and Numerical Investigations of the Base Wake on an SUV
Performance of an Automotive Under-Body Diffuser Applied to a Sedan and a Wagon Vehicle
Investigation of Wheel Ventilation-Drag using a Modular Wheel Design Concept
Yaw- and Trailer Dependence for Rear-Mounted Cooling Installations for Heavy Vehicles
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Wheel Housing Aerodynamics on Heavy Trucks
Aerodynamic Wheel Force Measurements on a Detailed Scale-Model Car – Possibilities and Challenges
Aerodynamics of passenger vehicles - bluff bodies
Fordonsaerodynamik - trubbig kropp
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Wheel Housing Aerodynamics on Heavy Trucks
Aerodynamic Effects of Different Tire Models on a Sedan Type Passenger Car
Road Vehicle Aerodynamics at Chalmers University and Forces Acting on the Rotating Wheel
Alternative Approach in Ground Vehicle Wake Analysis
Influence of a Diffuser to the Wake Flow of a Passenger Car
Continuing Cooling Performance Investigation of a Rear Mounted Cooling Package for Heavy Vehicles
Aerodynamic Effects of Roof Deflector and Cab Side Extenders for Truck-Trailer Combinations
Cooling Performance Investigation of a Rear Mounted Cooling Package for Heavy Vehicles
Role of Aerodynamics and Thermal Management in the Vehicles of Tomorrow
Wing-diffuser interaction on a sports car
Cooling Airflow System Modeling in CFD Using Assumption of Stationary Flow
Wing-Diffuser Interaction on a Sports Car
Influence of Different Truck and Trailer Combinations on the Aerodynamic Drag
Wheel Housing Aerodynamics on Heavy Trucks
Effects of Ground Simulation on the Aerodynamic Coefficients of a Production Car in Yaw Conditions
Secondary instability of a swept-wing boundary layer disturbed by controlled roughness elements
Flow Field Investigation of the Wheel Housing Opening Shape on Heavy Truck Using CFD
Interference between engine bay flow and external aerodynamics of road vehicles
Continued Study of the Error and Consistency of Fan CFD MRF Models
Detailed flow studies in close proximity of rotating wheels on a passenger car
A Correction Method for Stationary Fan CFD MRF Models
The Aerodynamics of Cooling Air Inlets of Road Vehicles
Optimizing the Cooling Air Flow of a Formula Car Using CFD
Lägre bränsleförbrukning med hjälp av vindtunneltestning
Heavy Vehicle Wheel Housing Flows - a Parametric Study
An Investigation and Correction Method of Stationary Fan CFD MRF Simulations
Drag Reduction of a Simple Bluff Body by Changing The Rear End
High Level Geometry Restoration for CFD Purposes in ANSA
Influence of Aerodynamics on the Fatal Crash in Le Mans 1955
Moving Ground Effects on the Wheelhouse Flows of Heavy Vehicles
Drag Reduction of Long Haulage Trucks
Development of a Model Scale Heat Exchanger for Wind Tunnel Models of Road Vehicles
The Role of Aerodynamics in the 1955 Le Mans Crash
Influence of Moving Ground Conditions on the Cooling Flows of Road Vehicles
Improving the Cooling Airflow of an Open Wheeled Race Car
The L2 Model Scale Wind Tunnel at Chalmers University of Technology
On investigation of sinusoidal and varicose instabilities of streaks in boundary layers
Flow field investigation around a convertible passenger car using CFD and experiments
The L2 Wind Tunnel at Chalmers University of Technology
Designing a course for future designers, Advantage – excellence in Engineering Simulation
Reynolds Effects in Cooling Airflow
Using CFD in the Design of a Model Scale Radiator
Aerodynamic Development and Evaluation of a Formula SAE Car Using Numerical Simulations
Control of Lambda-structure transformation into a turbulent spot by means of riblets
On nonlinear sinusoidal and varicose instabilities in a boundary layer and their control by riblets
Hot wire visualization of turbulization of complex flows
Experiments on streamwise vortices in a swept wing boundary layer and their secondary instability
Visualization of sinusoidal and varicose instabilities of streaks in a boundary layer
Visualization of sinusoidal and varicose instabilities of streaks in a boundary layer
Effect of riblets on nonlinear disturbances in the boundary layer
A study of the Blasius wall jet
Fundamental Fluid Dynamics Relevant to Road Vehicle Aerodynamics (RVAD)
Sensors and actuators for turbulent flows
Nonlinear sinusoidal and varicose instability in the boundary layer
Nonlinear sinusoidal and varicose instability in a boundary layer
Riblet-assisted control of transformation of the Λ-structure into a turbulent spot
Hybrid-mounted micromachined aluminum hotwires for wall shear stress measurements
Review of visualization techniques in exploration of incompressible shear flows
Experiments on secondary instability of streamwise vortices in a swept wing boundary layer
Fluid mixing induced by vibrating walls
A Brief History of Road Vehicle Aerodynamics (RVAD)
Hot wire visualizations of breakdown to turbulence in complex flows
Steady streaming due to vibrating walls
Time-resolved wall shear stress measurements using MEMS
Nonlinear sinusoidal and varicose instability in the boundary layer (review)
Secondary instability of stationary vortex packets in a swept wing boundary layer
Control of cross-flow instability on a swept wing by suction
Heat transfer effects due to vibrating walls
A visualization study of the longitudinal structures of a plane wall-jet
Design of a Modern Test-Facility for LPT/OGV flows
A multi-sensor hot-wire anemometer system for investigation of wall-bounded flow structures
Characteristics of a hot wire microsensor for time-dependent wall shear stress measurements
A visualisation study of the longitudinal structures in the near filed of a plane wall-jet
Measurement of the turbulence intensities in a flat plate boundary layer
Control of spanwise flow instability of a swept wing by suction
A numerical and experimental study of the Blasius wall jet
Effect of streamwise vortices on the transition in the boundary layers and jets
Design of a modern test facility for LPT/OGV flows
Sensors and Actuators for Turbulent Flows
Design and Fabrication of MEMS velocity and Pressure Sensors
Role of the streaky structures in a transition mechanism of the boundary layers and jets
MEMS Wall Shear Stress Sensors – Experiments, Theory and Modelling
Hybrid mounted micromachined aluminium hot-wire for near-wall turbulence measurements
An analytical asymptotic solution to a conjugate heat transfer problem
Longitudinal structures in boundary layers and jets
The role of streamwise structures in the near-field entrainment of plane jet
Multiwire system for hot-wire measurements in boundary layers
Experimental study of the K-regime of breakdown in straight and swept wing boundary layers
A quantitative flow visualization of a point source disturbance in a swept wing boundary layer
On K-type transition in swept wing boundary layer in the presence of an acoustic field
Experimental study of the K-regime of breakdown in straight and swept wing boundary layers
On the Calculation of Streamwise Derivatives from Single Point Measurements
Experimental study of K-regime of breakdown in straight and swept wing boundary layers
On the Thermal MEMS-Sensors for Wall-Shear Stress Measurements
Patterns of streamwise lambda structures mapped with Mini-CTA hot wire anemometry
On K-type transition in swept wing boundary layer in the presence of an acoustic field
MEMS Applications in Turbulence and Flow Control
A Similarity Theory for the Plane Wall Jet
The use of MEMS in Fluid Dynamics
Pulsed Hot-Wire Measurements in Two- and Three-Dimensional Wall Jets
MEMS based Pressure and Shear Stress Sensors for Turbulet Flows
A Shear-Free Turbulent Boundary Layer - Experiments and Modeling
An Integrated Pressure-Velocity Sensor for Correlation Measurements in Turbulent Gas Flows
Analytical Characterisation of Piezoresistive Square Diaphragm Silicon Microphone
An investigation of the turbulence field in the three-dimensional wall jet
A Similarity Theory for the Plane Wall Jet
An Integrated Silicon Based Pressure-Shear Stress Sensor for Turbulence Measurements
An Integrated Pressure-Velocity Sensor for Correlation Measurements in Turbulent Gas Flows
A Small-Size Microphone for Turbulence Measurements
Measurements of Turbulent Quantities in Complex Three-Dimensional Boundary Layer Flow
A Turbulent Plane 2-Dimensional Wall-Jet in a Quiescent Surrounding
An Estimate of the Pressure Strain, Rate Tensor in a Plane Cylinder Wake
The Plane Wake of a Cylinder: An Estimate of the Pressure Strain Rate Tensor
Small Silicon Based Pressure Transducers for Measurements in Turbulent Boundary Layers
An Integrated Silicon Based Pressure-Shear Stress Sensor for Measurements in Turbulence Flows
On the Reynolds number dependence of a plane two-dimensional wall jet
Determination of Derivative Moments using Two Slanted Hot-Wires and a Spectral method
The Plane Wake of a Cylinder: Measurements and Inferences on Turbulence Modelling
Studies of the Turbulence Field in a Three-Dimensional Wall-Jet
Turbulence in a Two-Dimensional Wall-Jet - Experiments and Modeling,
Measured and Modelled Component (11) of the Dissipation Rate Tensor
Silicon Based Flow Sensors for Mean Velocity and Turbulence Measurements
Turbulence Measurements in a Two-Dimensional Wall-Jet
Turbulence in the Vicinity of a Rotating Cylinder in a Quiescent Fluid
Flow Visualization and Turbulence Measurements in a Three-Dimensional Turbulence Wall Jet
Reynolds Stress Measurements using Direction-Sensitive Double-Chip Silicon Sensors
Turbulence Measurements using Double-Chip Silicon Sensors
Turbulence measurements using sensors based on silicon technology
A Sensor Based on Silicon Technology for Turbulence Measurements
Turbulence Measurements in a rotating frame of reference
Hot-Wire Measurements Inside a Centrifugal Fan Impeller
Traverse Mechanisms for the Determination of Reynolds Stresses using Hot-Wire Techniques
Hot-Wire Techniques for the Determination of the Reynolds Stress Tensor in Three-Dimensional Flows
Measurements Near the Stern of a Ship Model
Measurements of Reynolds Stress Profiles in the Stern Region of a Ship Model
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Visar 11 forskningsprojekt
Utveckling av Volvos fullskalevindtunnel och virtuell tunnelmodell för framtida fordonscertifiering
Aerodynamik Komplett Fordon / Ny Fordonsarkitekturer
Förbättrad prediktering av flödesseparation på vägfordon
Aerodynamik hos tunga fordon (KNEG)
Sänkt luftmotstånd på fordon genom bättre design av hjul, fälg och optimering av kylluftflöden
Inkapsling av motorrum för aktiv temperaturkontroll och lägre ljudemissioner
Konceptstudie av motorcykeldesign för ökad säkerhet och förbättrad energieffektivitet
Reduktion av personbilars luftmotstånd genom vakkontroll och optimering
Strömningsmotstånd hos personbilar