Arne Svensson
Arne Svensson utsågs till professor i Kommunikationssystem av utbildningsminister Per Unckel i februari 1993 och har varit på Chalmers sedan april samma år. Han var prefekt för institutionen för Signaler och System från 2005 till och med aug. 2016 och var chef för avdelningen för Ledningsstöd inom Chalmers verksamhetsstöd från sep. 2016 till nov. 2019. Han har forskat om trådlösa kommunikationssystem i över 30 år och har bidragit till utvecklingen av grundteknologin för flera av de internationella mobiltelefonstandarder som idag används eller är under utveckling. Arne Svensson är en IEEE Fellow med en forskarbakgrund inom metodutveckling och prestandaanalys för överföring av digital information på en radiokanal. I den vedertagna OSI-modellen för datorkommunikation i sju lager är han främst expert på det så kallade fysiska lagret.
Visar 236 publikationer
In memory of Professor Per-Simon Kildal
On BICM-ID with Multiple Interleavers
Topology Aware Link Throughput of Slotted Aloha in Rayleigh Block Fading Channels
Wideband Sequential Spectrum Sensing with Varying Thresholds
Exploiting UEP in QAM-based BICM: Interleaver and Code Design
A Scheduling Algorithm for Minimizing the Packet Error Probability in Clusterized TDMA Networks
Unequal Error Protection in BICM with QAM Constellations: Interleaver and Code Design
Design and Performance of Constrained Envelope Continuous Phase Modulation
A Semi-Analytical Approximation to the Block Error Rate in Nakagami-m Block Fading Channels
On the Capacity of BICM with QAM Constellations
Adapting the Ranging Algorithm to the Positioning Technique in UWB Sensor Networks
An Algorithm for Positioning Relays and Point Scatterers in Wireless Systems
An ICI Reduction Scheme for OFDM Systems with Phase Noise over Fading Channels
Suboptimal Soft Range Estimators With Applications in UWB Sensor Networks
Methods for Compression of Feedback in Adaptive Multi-carrier 4G Schemes
Special Issue: Spectrum and Power Efficient Broadband Communications
An Algorithm for Locating Point Scatterers Using a Wide-Band Wireless Network
High Spectral Efficient and Flexible Next Generation Mobile Communications
An Algorithm for Mapping the Positions of Point Scatterers
On the Design of Interleavers for BICM Transmission
Improved Model for Transmission and Interference Ranges
Adapting the Ranging Algorithm to the Positioning Technique in UWB Sensor Networks
High Spectral Efficient and Flexible Next Generation Mobile Communications
Towards Systems Beyond 3G Based on Adaptive OFDMA Transmission
Methods for Compression of Feedback in Adaptive Multi-Carrier 4G Schemes
An Approach to Positioning Road-Users in a Telematics Network
On the MAC Protocols of Co-Existing Time-Slotted Sensor Networks
An Introduction to Adaptive QAM Modulation Schemes for Known and Predicted Channels
Special Issue on Adaptive Modulation and Transmission in Wireless Systems
Ultra-Wideband Communication Systems: Technology and Applications
Autonomous Positioning Techniques Based on Cramer-Rao Lower Bound Analysis
Robust Sensor Network Positioning Based on Projections Onto Circular and Hyperbolic Convex Sets
An Efficient Broadcast MAC Scheme for Traffic Safety Applications in Automotive Networks
On the Effect of Antennas on UWB Systems
Design and performance of carrier-based direct-sequence ultra-wideband systems
Practical Automotive Applications of Cramer-Rao Bound Analysis
Evaluations of a 4G Uplink System Based on Adaptive Single-Carrier TDMA
Clock-offset Cancellation Methods for Positioning in Asynchronous Sensor Networks
A Low Complexity Algorithm for Sensor Localization
Towards a Wireless Network for Traffic Safety Applications
Performance of Coded Single-Band Carrier-Based DS-SS Systems on IEEE 802.15.3a UWB Channels
Performance of Coherent Impulse Radio and Multiband-OFDM on IEEE UWB Channels
Node-aided Locationing and Tracking for Low Cost Ad-hoc Automotive Sensor Networks
Adaptive Modulation Systems for Predicted Wireless Channels
A Communication Network for Safe Traffic and Efficient Transportation
Receiver Algorithms for OFDM systems in Phase Noise and AWGN
Frequency Diversity Performance of Coded Multiband-OFDM Systems on IEEE UWB Channels
Low Complexity Tracking for Ad-hoc Automotive Sensor Networks
Broadband Multicarrier-based Air Interface for Future Mobile Radio Systems
Adaptive predistorter design for nonlinear high power amplifiers
Estimation of Phase Noise for QPSK Modulation over AWGN Channels
Performance of Coherent UWB RAKE Receivers with Channel Estimators
Adaptive Trellis-Coded Modulation over Predicted Flat Fading Channels
Signature sequences for CDMA communications
An OFDM based System Proposal for 4G Downlinks
Empirical Model for Spectrally Efficient Continuous Phase Modulation
Attaining both Coverage and High Spectral Efficiency with Adaptive OFDM Downlinks
Impact of Multiuser Diversity and Channel Variability on Adaptive OFDM
Virtual Cellular Networks for 60 GHz Wireless Infrastructure
Constrained Envelope Continuous Phase Modulation
Adaptive Modulation Systems for Predicted Wireless Channels
Performance of Coherent UWB Rake Receivers using Different Channel Estimators
Towards 4G IP-based Wireless Systems: A Proposal for the Uplink
Packet transmission with turbo codes on fading channels
Phase offset estimation using enhanced turbo decoders
Performance of 60 GHz Virtual Cellular Networks using Multiple Receiving Antennas
White Paper: Broadband Multi-Carrier Based Air Interface (version 1.2)
Towards 4G IP-based wireless systems: A proposal for the uplink
Sequential decoding of convolutional codes for Rayleigh fading channels
Timing error recovery in turbo coded systems on AWGN channels
An Introduction to Spread Spectrum Systems
Diversity benefits in 60 GHz VCN wireless architecture
A Design Method for Advanced ARQ Schemes on Wireless Channels
Joint Channel Estimation and Turbo Decoding for OFDM-based systems
Effect of prediction errors on adaptive modulation systems for wireless channels
A 4G IP based wireless system proposal
Multi-pulse Continuous Phase Modulation
Convolutionally Coded Hybrid Type-II ARQ on Rayleigh Fading Channels
Pulse shaping considerations in DS-CDMA systems with long spreading sequences
Improved spectral efficiency by predicting channel properties
White Paper: Broadband Multi-Carrier Based Air Interface (version 1.4)
Adaptive Modulation Systems for Predicted Wireless Channels
Improved Iterative Channel Estimation and Turbo Decoding over Flat-Fading Channels
Joint adaptive rate turbo decoding and synchronization on Rayleigh fading channels
Performance of 60 GHz Virtual Cellular Network using Multiple Receiving Antennas
Scheduling and adaptive transmission for the downlink in 4G systems
System implications in designing a 60 GHz WLAN RF front end
PCC Wireless IP - Optimizing throughput and QoS over fading channels
Maximizing minimum Euclidean distance of spectrally constrained partial response CPM
Improving phase estimation with enhanced turbo decoders
Complexity and performance of spectrally efficient continuous phase modulation
Improved turbo decoder structures for burst error channels
On the design of an OFDM system for 60 GHZ WLAN
Towards 4G IP-based wireless systems
Fast header decoding using turbo codes on Rayleigh fading channels
Timing and Phase Synchronization with Turbo Codes
New rate-compatible repetition convolutional codes
Analysis of mm-wave Propagation and Interference for Mobile Broadband Networking
Post-Decoding Timing Synchronization of Turbo Codes on AWGN Channels
Hybrid type-II ARQ/AMS supported by channel predictive scheduling in a multi-user scenario
A hybrid interference cancellation scheme for multiuser systems in multipath fading channels
Combined Coding and Spreading in Downlink CDMA Systems
Influence of the Phase and Timing Offset on the BCJR Algorithm Performance
Optimizing Performance of Spectrally Constrained Partial Response CPM
Reduced Complexity Detection of Bandwidth Efficient Partial Response CPM
Parallel Combinatory OFDM Signaling
Future improvements to wideband CDMA
Suboptimum Detection of Bandwidth Efficient Partial Response CPM
On multirate DS-CDMA schemes with interference cancellation
On Convolutionally Encoded Partial Response CPM
Timing Synchronization with Turbo Codes on AWGN channels
Improved Turbo Decoders for Signals with Time and Phase Offset on AWGN Channels
An overview of code-spread CDMA
Some Research Programmes in Wireless Telecommunications
Improved MAP decoders for turbo codes with non-perfect timing and phase synchronization
Hybrid type-II ARQ schemes with adaptive modulation systems for wireless channels
Convolutional Coding in Hybrid Type-II ARQ Schemes on Wireless Channels
Rate-compatible convolutional codes for multirate DS-CDMA systems
Decision Directed Coherent Detection in Multicarrier Systems on Rayleigh Fading Channels
Hybrid type-II ARQ Schemes based on Convolutional Codes in Wireless Channels
Convolutional coding and decoding in hybrid type-II ARQ schemes on wireless channels
Joint Synchronization and Decoding of Turbo Codes on AWGN Channels
Towards Future Communication Networks: A Wireless Perspective
Wireless IP - a new PCC project
A Flexible Coding Scheme for Wireless Communications
Joint Timing Synchronization and Decoding of Turbo Codes in AWGN
Sequential Decoding for Wireless Communications
On schemes for multirate support in DS-CDMA systems
Hybrid type-II ARQ schemes for Rayleigh fading channels
Convolutional coding and ARQ schemes for wireless communications
Convolutional coding schemes for variable rate, unequal error protection, and packet data services
Hybrid type-II ARQ schemes for Rayleigh fading channels
Sequential decoding in future mobile communications
Rate Compatible Convolutional Codes for Multichannel Systems
Rate matching in multichannel systems using RCPC-codes
Joint Interference Cancellation and Viterbi Decoding in DS-CDMA
Decision Directed Channel Estimation in 16QAM on Fading Channels
The Demanding Society: Panel Discussion between Speakers and University Representatives
On multi-rate DS/CDMA with interference cancellation for wireless multimedia applications
A parallel combinatory OFDM system
Interference cancellation in multirate DS/CDMA systems
Decision directed coherent detection of 16-QAM on fading channel
Successive interference cancellation schemes in multi-rate DS/CDMA systems
Multistage interference cancellation in multirate DS/CDMA on a mobile radio channel
On DS/CDMA for Wireless Multirate Applications
A minimum mean square error channel estimator for OFDM
Multirate schemes for multimedia applications in DS/CDMA systems
A decision directed coherent detector for OFDM
Successive interference cancellation in multiple data rate DS/CDMA systems
Decision Directed Coherent Detection of 16-QAM on Fading Channels
Successive interference cancellation schemes in multi-rate DS/CDMA systems
Diversity for star 16QAM on fading channels
Multi-stage interference cancellation in multi-rate DS/CDMA systems
Multi-Rate Schemes in DS/CDMA Systems
1 and 2 Stage Decision Feedback Coherent Detectors for DQPSK in Fading Channels
Analysis of Successive Interference Cancellation Scheme in Multiple Data Rate DS/CDMA Systems
On Differentially Encoded Star 16QAM with Differential Detection and Diversity
Analysis of a successive interference cancellation scheme with M-ary QAM in DS/CDMA
Coherent DQPSK Detector Based on Mean Square Error Carrier Phase Estimation and Decision Feedback
Performance of different multi-rate schemes in DS/CDMA systems
Coherent Detector Based on Linear Prediction and Decision Feedback for DQPSK
Reduced Complexity Detectors for Continuous Phase Modulation Based on a Signal Space Approach
Performance of Detectors for the Japanese Digital Cellular TDMA System
A Modem for the Japanese Digital Cellular Standard - Algorithms and Performance
Reduced Complexity Detectors for Continuous Phase Modulation
Recent Advances on Simplified Detectors for Continuous Phase Modulation
A Noncoherent CPM-detector which uses a Reduced Set of Basis Functions
Reduced State Sequence Detection of Partial Response Continuous Phase Modulation
A Noncoherent CPM-Detector That Uses a Reduced Set of Basis Functions
Reduced State Sequence Detection of Continuous Phase Modulation
Felsannolikhet för Icke-Binära Faltningskoder - En jämförelse
Reduced State Sequence Detection of Full Response Continuous Phase Modulation
A Trellis Decoder for a Set of Convolutional Codes
Noncoherent Detection of Convolutionally Encoded Continuous Phase Modulation
Noncoherent Detection of Convolutionally Encoded Continuous Phase Modulation
Noncoherent Detection Algorithm for Convolutionally Encoded Continuous Phase Modulation
Noncoherent Detection of Convolutionally Encoded Continuous Phase Modulation
On Error Probability for CPM with Viterbi Detection in Interference and Gaussian Noise
Icke-Koherent Detektering av CPM med Mjuk Avkodning
Känslighet för Grannkanalstörning av CPM med Linjär Detektor
MSK-Type Reception of Continuous Phase Modulation: Co-Channel and Adjacent Channel Interference
Icke-Koherent Detektering av CPM med Hård Avkodning
Symbol Error Probability Behaviour for Continuous Phase Modulation with Partially Coherent Detection
On an Improved Differential Detector for Continuous Phase Modulation
On Coherent Detection of MSK on a Two-Ray Multipath Fading Channel
Performance Evaluation of Differential and Discriminator Detection of Continuous Phase Modulation
On Coherent Detection of Continuous Phase Modulation on a Two-Ray Multipath Fading Channel
Performance of Generalised AMF Receivers for Continuous Phase Modulation
Bit Error Probability Bounds and Simulations for Coded CPM with Viterbi Detection
An Upper Bound on the Bit Error Probability of Coded CPM with Viterbi Detection
Bit Error Probability of Coded CPM - Bounds and Simulations
Narrowband Coded Digital Modulation Schemes with Constant Amplitude
On Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Systems with Continuous Phase Modulation
On Differential and Discriminator Detection of CPM on Gaussian and Rayleigh Fading Channels
An Overview of Continuous Phase Modulation with Coherent and Noncoherent Receivers
Serial MSK-Type Detection of Partial Response Continuous Phase Modulation
A Class of Reduced-Complexity Viterbi Detectors for Partial Response Continuous Phase Modulation
Mottagare för Digital Modulation med Kontinuerlig Fas
Performance of AMF Receivers for CPM
On Error Probability for Several Types of Noncoherent Detection of CPM
Coded Continuous Phase Modulation Systems
Optimum MSK-Type Receivers for Continuous Phase Modulation on Fading Channels
Error Probability of Multilevel CPM with High Rate Convolutional Codes
Optimum MSK-Type Receivers for CPM on Gaussian and Rayleigh Fading Channels
Serial Detection of Partial Response Continuous Phase Modulation
Parallel and Serial MSK-Type Detection of Partial Response Continuous Phase Modulation
Distance Measure for Simplified Receivers
Optimized Reduced-Complexity Viterbi Detectors for CPM
Partial Response Continuous Phase Modulation with Partially Coherent Detection
MSK-Type Receivers for Partial Response Continuous Phase Modulation
Sub-Optimum Receivers for Continuous Phase Modulation
Average Matched Filter Receivers for Partial Response Continuous Phase Modulation
Viterbi Detectors with Reduced Complexity for Partial Response Continuous Phase Modulation
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