Lars Nyborg
Lars Nyborg är professor i ytteknik och ledare för forskargruppen Pulver- och ytteknik. Han är också ledare för Chalmers styrkeområde Produktion.
Han är stipendiat vid Kungliga Svenska ingenjörsvetenskapsakademin och har varit starkt intresserad av att utveckla vetenskapligt samarbete med industrin inom pulvermetallurgi, men även inom andra områden som integrerar material och tillverkar ingenjörsforskning som skärande bearbetning och höghållfasthetsmaterial. Nya projekt inkluderar PROENVIRO-projektet SuSintPart, MNT-ERA-projektet TAILORSINT. Han är aktivt involverad i att utveckla internationellt samarbete, inklusive det kinesisk-svenska avancerade material utbytescentrat, STINT Institutional Project med City University Hong Kong (länk) och europeiskt forskningsnätverk inom pulvermetallurgiområdet. Han är också en av forskningsledarna för MCR.
Lars Nyborg utbildades i Göteborg och fick doktorsexamen 1987. Han tilldelades SKF / Chalmerspriset för sin avhandling 1988 och fick även som första mottagare pulverteknologipriset 1993. Han är författare eller medförfattare till 80 tidskrifter och konferensbidrag.

Visar 308 publikationer
Additive Manufacturing of Interstitial Nitrogen-Strengthened CoCrNi Medium Entropy Alloy
Tool Condition Monitoring in machining for the workpiece surface quality evaluation
The Effect of Powder Reuse on Electron Beam Melting for Biomedical Implants
Assessment Of Surface Roughness In Additively Manufactured Channels For Fluid Applications
Challenges and opportunities to advance manufacturing research for sustainable battery life cycles
Role of Cr in Mn-rich precipitates for Al–Mn–Cr–Zr-based alloys tailored for additive manufacturing
Corrosion resistance of additively manufactured aluminium alloys for marine applications
Controllable Coating Graphene Oxide and Silanes on Cu Particles as Dual Protection for Anticorrosion
Current Challenges Of Precision Manufacturing Through Powder Bed Fusion -Laser Beam
Advancing novel Al-Mn-Cr-Zr based family of alloys tailored for powder bed fusion-laser beam process
A Case Study for a Worn Tool Steel in the Hot Stamping Process
Corrosion behaviour of additively manufactured 316L and CoCrNi
Laser-based Powder Bed Fusion of dispersion strengthened CoCrNi by ex-situ addition of TiN
Predicting laser powder bed fusion defects through in-process monitoring data and machine learning
New Aluminium Alloy Tailored For Powder Bed Fusion - Laser Beam Process
Towards data-driven additive manufacturing processes
Thermal Stability In Al-Mn-Cr-Zr Based Aluminium Alloys Tailored For Powder Bed Fusion - Laser Beam
Carbon-coated iron nanopowder as a sintering aid for water-atomized iron powder
Study of defects in directed energy deposited Vanadis 4 Extra tool steel
Micropitting and microstructural evolution during gear testing -from initial cycles to failure
Model-based design of AM components to enable decentralized digital manufacturing systems
Low-temperature carburized high-alloyed austenitic stainless steels in PEMFC cathodic environment
Sintering of bimodal micrometre/nanometre iron powder compacts - A master sintering curve approach
Evolution of surface chemistry during sintering of water‐atomized iron and low‐alloyed steel powder
Atmosphere control during hot isostatic pressing of capsule free materials
Oxide reduction and oxygen removal in water-atomized iron powder: a kinetic study
On surface carbides in low-temperature carburized austenitic stainless steels
Moisture content analysis of metal powders, using oven desorption followed by Karl Fischer titration
Surface chemical analysis of copper powder used in additive manufacturing
Analysis of Iron Oxide Reduction Kinetics in the Nanometric Scale Using Hydrogen
Full Densification in PM Steels Through Liquid Phase Sintering and HIP Approach
Surface modification of Ti-6Al-4V powder during recycling in EBM process
Effect of Powder Recycling on Defect Formation in Electron Beam Melted Alloy 718
Effect of Nanopowder Addition on the Sintering of Water-Atomized Iron Powder
Investigation of surface and thermogravimetric characteristics of carbon-coated iron nanopowder
Atmosphere control during hot isostatic pressing of capsule-free materials
Manufacturing full density powder metallurgy gears through HIP:ing
Environmental and safety aspects of AM metal powder recycling
Processability & Microstructure of Fe-C System via L-PBF
Effect of Running-In (Load and Speed) on Surface Characteristics of Honed Gears
Vacuum sintering of chromium alloyed powder metallurgy steels
Effect of Powder Recycling in Electron Beam Melting on the Surface Chemistry of Alloy 718 Powder
Surface Oxide State on Metal Powder and its Changes during Additive Manufacturing: an Overview
Surface oxide state on metal powder and its changes during additive manufacturing: An overview
Surface analysis of fine water-atomized iron powder and sintered material
Manufacturing of Valve Bridge Component Utilizing Lean Alloyed Powders and Vacuum Sintering
Influence of Iron Nanopowder Addition on Sintering of Water Atomized Iron Powder
Hot Isostatic Pressing of the Water Atomized Steel Powder: Possibilities and Challenges
Approaches to Reach Fully Dense Powder Metallurgical Materials
Enhanced Densification of PM Steels by Liquid Phase Sintering with Boron-Containing Master Alloy
Oxide reduction and oxygen removal in water-atomized iron powder and its influence on sintering
Surface analysis of iron and steel nanopowder
Effect of Powder Recycling on the Fracture Behavior of Electron Beam Melted Alloy 718
Surface chemistry of the titanium powder studied by XPS using internal standard reference
Effect of running-in - load and speed - on surface characteristics of honed gears
COPGLOW and XPS investigation of recycled metal powder for selective laser melting
Effect of Alloying Type and Lean Sintering Atmosphere on the Performance of PM Components
Influence of running-in on surface characteristics of efficiency tested ground gears
Bonding EBM-built blocks of 316L steel, using hot isostatic pressing
Visualizing shear bands in 3-D using axisymmetric sample: An experimental study
Innovative Powder Based Manufacturing Of High Performance Gears
Residual stress analysis of machined lead-free and lead-containing brasses
Effect of Powder Processing on the Sintering Mechanisms of Carbonyl and Water-atomized Iron Powders
Inverse identification of flow stress in metal cutting process using Response Surface Methodology
An FEM-based approach for tool wear estimation in machining
Characterization of the virgin and recycled nickel alloy hx powder used for selective laser melting
Characterization of virgin and recycled 316L powder used in additive manufacturing
Characterisation of EBM-Built Shelled Samples of Ti6Al4V Compacted by HIP
Machinability of CuZn21Si3P brass
As-HIP Microstructure Of EBM Fabricated Shell Components
Influence of friction models on FE simulation results of orthogonal cutting process
Vacuum Sintering Studies On Chromium Alloyed PM Steels
Surface Characterization Of 60Cu-40Sn Bronze Powder
Effect of active constituents in the atmosphere on the sintering of chromium-alloyed PM steels
Characterization Of The Virgin And Re-cycled Nickel Alloy HX Powder Used For Selective Laser Melting
Copper Bronze Powder Surface Studied by XPS and HR SEM
Stress distribution over gear teeth after grinding, running-in and efficiency testing
Effect of Rheocasting on Corrosion of AM50 Mg Alloy
Selective band gap manipulation of graphene oxide by its reduction with mild reagents
Influence of temperature on the atmospheric corrosion of the Mg–Al alloy AM50
Lean Atmospheres for Sintering of Chromium Alloyed Powder Metallurgy Steels
Nitrogen uptake of nickel free austenitic stainless steel powder during heat treatment-an XPS study
Dissolution of carbon in Cr-prealloyed PM steels: effect of carbon source
XPS Analysis of Oxide Transformation During Sintering of Chromium Alloyed PM Steels
Surface Oxide Transformation during HIP of Austenitic Fe-19Mn-18Cr-C-N PM steel
The Role of Carbon Source in the Production of WC Powders
Oxide Transformation in Cr-Mn-Prealloyed Sintered Steels: Thermodynamic and Kinetic Aspects
Surface Oxides on Gas and Water Atomized Steel Powders
Optimization of Carbothermal Reactions for Producing Nanostructured Tungsten Carbide Powders
Effectiveness of reducing agents during sintering of Cr-prealloyed PM steels
Investigation of Low Temperature Creep Behaviour of PM Steels
Development of methodology for surface characterization of vanadium containing slag
NaCl-Induced Atmospheric Corrosion of the MgAl Alloy AM50-The Influence of CO2
Carbon control in PM Sintering
Effect of process parameters on surface oxides on chromium-alloyed steel powder during sintering
Surface Oxides on Gas and Water Atomized Steel Powders
Influence of delubrication process on the properties of sintered PM components
Low Temperature Creep Behavior of PM Components Under Static Load Conditions
Wear mechanism of CBN inserts during machining of bimetal aluminum-grey cast iron engine block
A study of the surface integrity after machining by means of non-destructive testing methods
Effect of Carbon Source on Oxide Reduction in Cr-Prealloyed PM Steels
Kohlenstoffreggelung beim Sintern
Carbon control in PM sintering: industrial applications and experience
PM parts sintered state improvement achieved by carbon source selection
The effects of grain size and feed rate on notch wear and burr formation in wrought Alloy 718
Thin film characterisation of chromium disilicide
Effectiveness of Different Reducing Agents during Sintering of Cr-Prealloyed PM Steels
Dissolution of Carbon in Cr-Prealloyed PM Steels: Effect of Carbon Source
Machinability of Compacted Graphite Iron (CGI) and Flake Graphite Iron (FGI) with coated carbide
Effect of Processing Parameters on Oxide Transformation in Cr-Mn-Prealloyed Sintered Steels
Lean atmospheres for sintering chromium alloyed PM steels
Effect of Delubrication Process Parameters on Surface Characteristics of Cr- alloyed PM steels
Tempering of 3Cr–0.5Mo sintered steel: influence on mechanical properties
Carbon Control in PM Sintering: Industrial Applications and Experience so Far
On-line Control of Processing Atmospheres for Proper Sintering of Oxidation-Sensitive PM Steels
XRD and XPS Characterisation of Transition Metal Silicide Thin Films
Surface Chemical Analysis of Soft Magnetic Composite Podwers
Wear Evaluation on Ni3Al/MnS Composite Related to Metallurgical Processes
Control of delubrication process for PM components based on prealloyed steel powders
Stoichiometric Vanadium Oxides Studied by XPS
Development of methodology for surface analysis of soft magnetic composite powders
Corrosion of stainless steels in simulated diesel exhaust environment with urea
Inhomogeneous Microstructure and Electrical Transport Properties at the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 Interface
Influence of Nitrogen Atmosphere on Reduction Mechanisms of a High Strength Austenitic Steel
Process Control System for Delubrication of PM Steels
Tribological properties of powder metallurgical tool steels used in powder compaction pressing dies
TEM study of carbide precipitation in low alloyed austempered ductile iron
Characterization of High-Mn-Cr Austenitic Steel Powder Fe-19Mn-18Cr-C-N
An Experimental Study to Understand the Effect of Cooling Media in Metal Cutting
Oxide Transformation during Sintering of Cr and Mn Prealloyed Water Atomized Steel Powder
Corrosion Properties of Thermally Annealed and Co-sputtered Nickel Silicide Thin Films
Delubrication of PM Components Based on Cr-Prealloyed Steel Powder – Chances and Risks
Surface Analysis at Different Sintering Stages of Steel Compacts with Mn and Si
Critical aspects of sinter-hardening of prealloyed Cr-Mo steel
Oxide Distribution in Prealloyed Water Atomized Steel Powder
Oxide Transformation During Sintering Of Prealloyed Water Atomized Steel Powder
Surface Interactions during Sintering of Chromium-alloyed PM Steels in Different Atmospheres
The effect of cold ring rolling on the evolution of microstructure and texture in 100Cr6 steel
Sintered Steels Alloyed with Manganese: Effect of Alloying Mode
Surface modification of PM gearlever
Surface Analysis of Prealloyed Steel Powders: Qualitative and Quantitative Aspects
Surface composition of the steel powders pre-alloyed with manganese
Critical Aspects of Alloying of Sintered Steels with Manganese
Methodology for Evaluating the Oxide Distribution in Water Atomized Steel Powder
In situ studies and simulation of mould filling with a model system for PIM
Development and manufacture of brazed sintered part for wear resistant application
Optimising grey iron powder compacts
Corrosion behaviour of amorphous Ni-Si thin films on AISI 304L stainless steel
Surface Analysis of Prealloyed with Manganese Steel Powder
Microstructural evolution during fracture induced by high strain rate deformation of 100Cr6 steel
Microstructure Development during Sintering of Manganese Alloyed PM Steels
Rheological and thermal properties of a model system for PIM
Evaluation of Surface Characteristics of Prealloyed Cr-Mo-steel Powder
Sputter deposition and XPS analysis of nickel silicide thin films
XPS calibration study of thin-film nickel silicides
Tailoring the surface microstructure of starch consolidated vanadium-rich high speed steel powder
Initial Formation of Contact Layers on Ni/SiC Samples Studied by XPS
Simulation of Mechanical Properties of Chromium Alloyed Sintered Steel
Electron microscopy of white-etching band generated by high-velocity parting-off of 100CrMn6 steel
Rheological properties and PVT-behaviour of a model system for PIM
Study of performance of Cutting Fluids in Drilling and Tapping
Wear Mechanisms of Tool Steels Used in PM pressing Dies
Modelling of Sintering Atmosphere and Microstructure Development of Chromium Alloyed Steel
High strain rate deformation induced by high-velocity forming of 100Cr6 steel
Microstructure and texture development during ring rolling of 100Cr6
Liquid Phase Sintering of Ferrous Powder Metallurgical Materials
Interface Reactions and Electrical Properties of Ta/4H-SiC Contacts
MWNT reinforced melamine-formaldehyde containing alpha-cellulose
An Experimental Study to Understand the Effect of Cooling Media at Metal Cutting
Tailoring of nickel silicide contacts on silicon carbide
Investigation of Ni/Ta contacts on 4H silicon carbide
Possibilities and constraints of implementing starch consolidated high speed steel in prototyping
Application of angle-resolved XPS for characterisation of SiC/Ni2Si thin film systems
Quantitative XPS Depth Profiling for Nickel/4H-SiC Contact with Layered Structure
Application of ARXPS for characterisation of SiC/Ni2Si Thin Film Systems
Study of Reaction Process on Ni/4H-SiC Contact
Microstructure of surface zones subjected to high-velocity parting-off
Effect of Vacuum Annealing and Nitrogen alloying on Gas Atomised M4 High Speed Steel Powder
Grey Iron Microstructures via Liquid-Phase Sintering
Effect of pre-treatment and Nickel Layer Thickness on Nickel Silicide/Silicon Carbide Contact
Adhesion study of copper layer deposited and liquid crystalline polymer for electronics packaging
Multi-wall Carbon Nanotube/Cellulose/Melamine-Formaldehyde Composites
Carbon nanotube/cellulose/melamine-formaldehyde composites
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy studies of indium tin oxide nanocrystalline powder
Surface Chemical Analysis of Pre-alloyed Water-atomised Steel Powder
Mechanical properties of MWNT/cellulose/melamine-formaldehyde composites
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Visar 60 forskningsprojekt
Snabb utvärdering av cirkulära aluminiumlegeringar för klimatsmarta lättviktskomponenter
SweBIC-etablering av forsknings- och teknikinfrastruktur för uppskalning av batteriproduktion
MAXBATT Centre for Manufacturing Excellence - Battery Technology Products and Systems
Additive Manufacturing and Artificial Intelligence (AMAI)
Uppföljning av forskningsbehov för industrialisering av additiv tillverkning i metall (FuRAM)
Skalbarhet och kvalitetskontroll i AM -- Big Data och ML i tillverkningsprocesser
Standardisering inom additiv tillverkning av metall
Innovativa pulverkomponenter via additiv tillverkning - globalinitiativ (INNOGLOBE)
Flexibel additiv tillverkning av komponenter för millimeter och mikrometervågor
Lättare komponenter genom additiv tillverkning av aluminiumlegeringar
Additive Manufacturing using Metal Pilot Line (MANUELA)
Hetisostatisk pressning av PM-komponenter med atmosfärskontroll
Design och materialprestanda för lättvikt vid pulverbäddbaserad additiv tillverkning
Kontroll av pulver och processvariationer för en robust och repeterbar additiv tillverkning i metall
Design av nya material och processer för nästa generations additiv tillverkning
Digitalisering av tillverkningsflödet av Additiv Tillverkning i Sverige (DiSam)
Innovativ pulverbaserad komponentteknologi (INNOKOMP)
Additivt tillverkade verktygsdelar för flexibel produktion och optimerade produktegenskaper
Flexibel tillverkning av funktionella kopparbaserade produkter
Återvinningsstudie av metallpulver för AM
Testbädd för framtidens processvätskor inom hållbar produktion
Optimering av vikt- och volymintelligenta gjutna komponenter (OLGA)
Nanoteknikstödd tillverkning av högpresterande sinterstål
Kompakta och energieffektiva transmissioner - styrning och prediktering av funktionsytans beteende
Högpresterande lättviktskomponenter genom additiv tillverkning
Pulver och materialdesign för flexibel additiv tillverkning av högpresterande komponenter
Demonstration of additive manufacturing as a method for fabrication of 316L-grade components
Utveckling av svetsbarhetsmetodik och förståelse för varmsprickor i pann- och gasturbinmaterial
Blyfria kopparlegeringar i produkter och komponenter
Lead-free brass in home products and components
Strategic Research Area No.1 Modelling - Fas II
Verksamhetsutveckling svensk-kinesiskt materialsamarbete
Innovativ pulverbaserad tillverkning av kugghjul med höga prestanda (HIPGEAR)
Svetsbarhet hos nickelbaserade superlegeringar för energitillämpningar
Innovativ komponentteknologi via pulverteknik (Steg 2)
Strategic Research Area No.1 Modelling
Innovativ komponentteknologi via pulverteknik
Welding Metallurgy and Cracking in Superalloys (WELDMECS)
Förbättring av lågtemeperatur jonstråle-niltreringssystem för framställningen av expanderad austenit
Weldability of Superalloys - Physical Metallurgy Extension
Miljö- och kretsloppsanpassade tillverkningsprocesser för metalliska material (EnviroMan)
Induktionssintring av pulverkomponenter
Simulering, prediktering och optimering av inkörningsförlopp i kuggtransmissioner
Uthållig produktion av framtida motorkomponenter
Non Destructive Testing methods: development of innovative solutions for in-line applications