Anders Larsson

Showing 358 publications


25-GBd 850-nm VCSEL for an Extended Temperature Range

Hans Kaimre, Alexander Grabowski, Johan Gustavsson et al
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters. Vol. 37 (6), p. 369-372
Journal article

25 Gbaud 850 nm VCSEL for an Extended Temperature Range

Hans Kaimre, Alexander Grabowski, Johan Gustavsson et al
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters
Journal article

Impact of the oxide aperture width on the degradation of 845 nm VCSELs for silicon photonics

M. Zenari, M. Buffolo, Fabiana Rampazzo et al
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics. Vol. In Press
Journal article

Lifetime-Limiting Mechanisms of Integrated IR Sources for Silicon Photonics

M. Buffolo, M. Zenari, C. De Santi et al
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. Vol. 12890
Paper in proceeding

Modeling the Electrical Degradation of Micro-Transfer Printed 845 nm VCSILs for Silicon Photonics

M. Zenari, M. Buffolo, Carlo De Santi et al
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices. Vol. 71 (2), p. 1131-1138
Journal article

25 Gbaud VCSEL with Reduced Temperature Dependence

Hans Kaimre, Alexander Grabowski, Johan Gustavsson et al
Conference Digest - IEEE International Semiconductor Laser Conference
Paper in proceeding

Channel Scalability of Silicon Nitride (De-)multiplexers for Optical Interconnects at 1 μm

Alexander Caut, Marcello Girardi, Victor Torres Company et al
Journal of Lightwave Technology. Vol. 42 (1), p. 276-286
Journal article

End-to-End Learning for VCSEL-based Optical Interconnects: State-of-the-Art, Challenges, and Opportunities

Muralikrishnan Srinivasan, Jinxiang Song, Alexander Grabowski et al
Journal of Lightwave Technology. Vol. 41 (11), p. 3261-3277
Journal article

High-angle deflection of metagrating-integrated laser emission for high-contrast microscopy

Mindaugas Juodenas, Erik Strandberg, Alexander Grabowski et al
Light: Science and Applications. Vol. 12 (1)
Journal article

Addressing the electrical degradation of 845 nm micro-transfer printed VCSILs through TCAD simulations

M. Zenari, M. Buffolo, C. De Santi et al
Proceedings of the International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices, NUSOD. Vol. 2023-September, p. 91-92
Paper in proceeding

Modeling of the Optical and Electrical Degradation of 845 nm VCSILs

M. Buffolo, M. Zenari, M. Fornasier et al
2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2023
Paper in proceeding

3D Integration of Microcombs

Marcello Girardi, Òskar Bjarki Helgason, Alexander Caut et al
2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2023
Paper in proceeding

Effects of Detuning on Wide-Temperature Behavior of 25 Gbaud 850 nm VCSELs

Hans Kaimre, Alexander Grabowski, Johan Gustavsson et al
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. Vol. 12439
Paper in proceeding

Analysis of defect-related optical degradation of VCSILs for photonic integrated circuits

M. Zenari, M. Buffolo, M. Fornasier et al
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. Vol. 12439
Paper in proceeding

Understanding the optical degradation of 845nm micro-transfer-printed VCSILs for photonic integrated circuits

M. Zenari, M. Buffolo, M. Fornasier et al
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics. Vol. 59 (4)
Journal article

Impact of Carrier Transport and Capture on VCSEL Dynamics

Alexander Grabowski, Johan Gustavsson, Anders Larsson
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics. Vol. 59 (1), p. 1-6
Journal article

Multilayer integration in silicon nitride: decoupling linear and nonlinear functionalities for ultralow loss photonic integrated systems

Marcello Girardi, Òskar Bjarki Helgason, Alexander Caut et al
Optics Express. Vol. 31 (19), p. 31435-31446
Journal article

Petabit-per-second data transmission using a chip-scale microcomb ring resonator source

A. A. Jorgensen, D. Kong, M. R. Henriksen et al
Nature Photonics. Vol. 16 (11), p. 798-802
Journal article

Angled Flip-Chip Integration of VCSELs on Silicon Photonic Integrated Circuits

Alexander Caut, Mehdi Jahed, J. Goyvaerts et al
Journal of Lightwave Technology. Vol. 40 (15), p. 5190-5200
Journal article

Performance tradeoffs in low-loss Si3N4 waveguides for linear and nonlinear applications

Marcello Girardi, Anders Larsson, Victor Torres Company
Conference poster

Low-loss dispersion-engineered silicon nitride waveguides coated with a thin blanket layer

Yi Sun, Zhichao Ye, Raphaël Van Laer et al
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers
Paper in proceeding

Large-Signal Equivalent Circuit for Datacom VCSELs – Including Intensity Noise

Alexander Grabowski, Johan Gustavsson, Anders Larsson
Journal of Lightwave Technology. Vol. 40, p. 1-9
Journal article

Enabling VCSEL-on-silicon nitride photonic integrated circuits with micro-transfer-printing

Jeroen Goyvaerts, Alexander Grabowski, Johan Gustavsson et al
Optica. Vol. 8 (12), p. 1573-1580
Journal article

Monolithic Multi-Wavelength VCSEL Arrays with Uniform Performance by Intra-Cavity Phase Tuning

Mehdi Jahed, Johan Gustavsson, Anders Larsson
Conference Digest - IEEE International Semiconductor Laser Conference
Paper in proceeding

Large-Signal Equivalent Circuit for Datacom VCSELs

Alexander Grabowski, Johan Gustavsson, Zhongxia Simon He et al
Journal of Lightwave Technology. Vol. 39 (10), p. 3225-3236
Journal article

VCSEL Wavelength Setting by Intra-Cavity Phase Tuning - Numerical Analysis and Experimental Verification

Mehdi Jahed, Johan Gustavsson, Anders Larsson
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics. Vol. 57 (6), p. 1-7
Journal article

Analysis of Carrier Transport in Tunnel-Junction Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers by a Coupled Nonequilibrium Green's Function-Drift-Diffusion Approach

Alberto Tibaldi, Jesus A. Gonzalez Montoya, Matteo G. C. Alasio et al
Physical Review Applied. Vol. 14 (2)
Journal article

Low cutoff G.657-compatible fiber for data center interconnects operating in the 1064 and 1310 nm windows

S. Bickham, Pushkar Tandon, Snigdharaj K. Mishra et al
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. Vol. 11286
Paper in proceeding

Si3N4 photonic integration platform at 1 µm for optical interconnects

Xiaonan Hu, Marcello Girardi, Zhichao Ye et al
Optics Express. Vol. 28 (9), p. 13019-13031
Journal article

Single Dark-Pulse Kerr Comb Supporting 1.84 Pbit/s Transmission over 37-Core Fiber

D. Kong, A. A. Jorgensen, M. R. Henriksen et al
Conference Proceedings - Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting-LEOS. Vol. 2020-May
Paper in proceeding

The Future of VCSELs: Dynamics and Speed Limitations

Anders Larsson, Johan Gustavsson, Attila Fulop et al
Paper in proceeding

Modeling Tunnel Junctions for VCSELs: A Self-Consistent NEGF-DD Approach

Alberto Tibaldi, Alberto Gullino, Jesus Gonzalez Montoya et al
Proceedings of the International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices, NUSOD. Vol. 2020-September, p. 67-68
Paper in proceeding

Noise Performance of Single-Mode VCSELs: Dependence on Current Confinement and Optical Loss

Ewa Simpanen, Johan Gustavsson, P. Debernardi et al
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics. Vol. 56 (5)
Journal article

Error-Free 100Gbps PAM-4 Transmission over 100m OM5 MMF using 1060nm VCSELs

Justin Lavrencik, Ewa Simpanen, Siddharth Varughese et al
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. Vol. Part F160-OFC 2019
Paper in proceeding

Precise setting of micro-cavity resonance wavelength by dry etching

Mehdi Jahed, Johan Gustavsson, Anders Larsson
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B: Nanotechnology and Microelectronics. Vol. 37 (3)
Journal article

102Gbps PAM-2 over 50m OM5 Fiber using 850nm Multimode VCSELs

Justin Lavrencik, Siddharth Varughese, V. A. Thomas et al
2019 IEEE Photonics Conference, IPC 2019 - Proceedings
Paper in proceeding

1060 nm Single-Mode VCSEL and Single-Mode Fiber Links for Long-Reach Optical Interconnects

Ewa Simpanen, Johan Gustavsson, Anders Larsson et al
Journal of Lightwave Technology. Vol. 37 (13), p. 2963-2969
Journal article

Error-free 850nm to 1060nm VCSEL links: Feasibility of 400Gbps and 800Gbps 8λ-SWDM

Justin Lavrencik, Ewa Simpanen, Nasibeh Haghighi et al
IET Conference Publications. Vol. 2019
Paper in proceeding

Passive Si3N4 photonic integrated platform at 1μm for short-range optical interconnects

Xiaonan Hu, Zhichao Ye, Marcello Girardi et al
2019 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2019. Vol. Part F140-CLEO_Europe 2019
Paper in proceeding

VCSEL modulation speed: Status and prospects

Anders Larsson, Johan Gustavsson, Erik Haglund et al
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. Vol. 10938
Paper in proceeding

High-power single transverse and polarization mode VCSEL for silicon photonics integration

Erik Haglund, Mehdi Jahed, Johan Gustavsson et al
Optics Express. Vol. 27 (13), p. 18892-18899
Journal article

1060 nm VCSELs for long-reach optical interconnects

Anders Larsson, Ewa Simpanen, Johan Gustavsson et al
Optical Fiber Technology. Vol. 44, p. 36-42
Journal article

Optimum VCSEL Apertures for High-Speed Multimode Fiber Links

Justin Lavrencik, Johan Gustavsson, Erik Haglund et al
2018 Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exposition, OFC 2018 - Proceedings
Paper in proceeding

Long-Reach 1060 nm SM VCSEL - SMF Optical Interconnects

Ewa Simpanen, Johan Gustavsson, Anders Larsson et al
European Conference on Optical Communication, ECOC. Vol. 2018-September
Paper in proceeding

Power Efficient Modulation Formats for Error-Free VeSEL MMF Links

Justin Lavrencik, Siddharth Varughese, Johan Gustavsson et al
European Conference on Optical Communication, ECOC. Vol. 2018-September
Paper in proceeding

Large-Signal Circuit Model for Datacom VCSELs

Alexander Grabowski, Johan Gustavsson, Zhongxia Simon He et al
Conference Digest - IEEE International Semiconductor Laser Conference. Vol. 2018-September, p. 193-194
Paper in proceeding

Pre-emphasis enabled 50 Gbit/s transmission over 1000 m SMF using a 1060 nm single-mode VCSEL

Tamas Lengyel, Ewa Simpanen, Johan Gustavsson et al
Electronics Letters. Vol. 54 (20), p. 1186-1187
Journal article

Vertical-Cavity Silicon-Integrated Laser with In-Plane Waveguide Emission at 850 nm

Sulakshna Kumari, Emanuel Haglund, Johan Gustavsson et al
Laser and Photonics Reviews. Vol. 12 (2), p. 1700206-
Journal article

Large-signal circuit model for datacom VCSELs (Ulm)

Alexander Grabowski, Johan Gustavsson, Zhongxia Simon He et al
Paper in proceeding

Vertical-Cavity Silicon-Integrated Lasers by Bonding and Transfer Printing

Erik Haglund, Sulakshna Kumari, J. Goyvaerts et al
Conference Digest - IEEE International Semiconductor Laser Conference. Vol. 2018-September, p. 241-242
Paper in proceeding

1060 nm single-mode vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser operating at 50 Gbit/s data rate

Ewa Simpanen, Johan Gustavsson, Erik Haglund et al
Electronics Letters. Vol. 53 (13), p. 869-870
Journal article

Multi-wavelength VCSEL arrays using high-contrast gratings

Erik Haglund, Johan Gustavsson, W. V. Sorin et al
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. Vol. 10113
Paper in proceeding

850 nm hybrid vertical cavity laser integration for on-chip silicon photonics light sources

Gunther Roelkens, Emanuel Haglund, Sulakshna Kumari et al
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), 19-23 March 2017, p. W3E.6-
Paper in proceeding

Polybinary Coding for Low Complexity High Speed Error-Free VCSEL-MMF Links

Siddharth Varughese, Justin Lavrencik, Johan Gustavsson et al
European Conference on Optical Communication, ECOC. Vol. 2017-September
Paper in proceeding

Ultra-thin VCSELs based on monolithic subwavelength high-index contrast surface gratings

M. Gebski, T. Czyszanowski, Erik Haglund et al
2016 IEEE Photonics Conference, IPC 2016, p. 653-654
Paper in proceeding

High speed optical interconnects with 850 nm VCSELs and advanced modulation formats

Krzysztof Szczerba, Tamas Lengyel, Zhongxia Simon He et al
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. Vol. 10122
Paper in proceeding

High-Speed VCSELs for OOK and Multilevel PAM Modulation

Anders Larsson, Johan Gustavsson, Erik Haglund et al
Paper in proceeding

Investigation of Si and O Donor Impurities in Unintentionally Doped MBE-Grown GaN on SiC(0001) Substrate

Tobias Tingberg, Tommy Ive, Anders Larsson
Journal of Electronic Materials. Vol. 46 (8), p. 4898-4902
Journal article

Empowering silicon with vertical-cavity lasers

Anders Larsson, Emanuel Haglund, Johan Gustavsson et al
Compound Semiconductor. Vol. 23 (5), p. 40-45
Magazine article

Silicon-integrated short-wavelength VCSELs

Emanuel Haglund, Sulakshna Kumari, Erik Haglund et al
Proc. European Semiconductor Laser Workshop, p. C21-
Paper in proceeding

VCSEL modulation capacity: Continued improvements or physical limits?

Anders Larsson, Johan Gustavsson, Erik Haglund et al
6th IEEE Photonics Society Optical Interconnects Conference, OI 2017, p. 53-54
Paper in proceeding

Impact of Damping on 50 Gbps 4-PAM Modulation of 25G Class VCSELs

Tamas Lengyel, Krzysztof Szczerba, Emanuel Haglund et al
Journal of Lightwave Technology. Vol. 35 (19), p. 4203-4209
Journal article

Optoelectronics Enabled Dense Patch Antenna Array for Future 5G Cellular Applications

Zhongxia Simon He, Tamas Lengyel, Jian Yang et al
European Conference on Optical Communication, ECOC. Vol. 2017-September
Paper in proceeding

Error-Free 100Gbps PAM-4 Transmission over 100m Wideband Fiber using 850nm VCSELs

Justin Lavrencik, Siddharth Varughese, Johan Gustavsson et al
European Conference on Optical Communication, ECOC. Vol. 2017-September, p. 1-3
Paper in proceeding

VCSEL design and integration for high-capacity optical interconnects

Anders Larsson, Johan Gustavsson, Petter Westbergh et al
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. Vol. 10109, p. 101090M-
Paper in proceeding

Silicon-Integrated Hybrid-Vertical-Cavity Lasers for Life Science Applications

Johan Gustavsson, Sulakshna Kumari, Emanuel Haglund et al
2017 IEEE Photonics Conference. Vol. 2017-January
Paper in proceeding

Hybrid vertical-cavity laser integration on silicon

Emanuel Haglund, Sulakshna Kumari, Johan Gustavsson et al
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. Vol. 10122, p. 101220H-
Paper in proceeding

Wavelength Control of VCSELs using High-Contrast Gratings

Erik Haglund, Johan Gustavsson, W. V. Sorin et al
VII Workshop on Physics and Technology of Semiconductor Lasers
Paper in proceeding

1060 nm single and multimode VCSELs for up to 50 Gb/s modulation

Ewa Simpanen, Johan Gustavsson, Erik Haglund et al
Proceedings of IEEE Photonics Conference 2017. Vol. 2017-January, p. 65-66
Paper in proceeding

Impact of Damping on 50 Gbps 4-PAM Modulation of 25G Class VCSELs

Tamas Lengyel, Emanuel Haglund, Johan Gustavsson et al
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, p. paper W3G.2-
Paper in proceeding

Silicon-Integrated Hybrid-Cavity 850-nm VCSELs by Adhesive Bonding: Impact of Bonding Interface Thickness on Laser Performance

Emanuel Haglund, Sulakshna Kumari, Erik Haglund et al
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics. Vol. 23 (6), p. 1700109-
Journal article

The European project Merlin on multi-gigabit, energy-efficient, ruggedized lightwave engines for advanced on-board digital processors

Leontios Stampoulidis, Efstratios Kehayas, Mikko Karppinen et al
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. Vol. 10563
Paper in proceeding

Silicon integrated 850-nm hybrid vertical-cavity laser for life science applications

Johan Gustavsson, Sulakshna Kumari, Emanuel Haglund et al
VCSEL Day 2017
Paper in proceeding

Design of an 845-nm GaAs Vertical-Cavity Silicon-Integrated Laser with an Intracavity Grating for Coupling to a SiN Waveguide Circuit

Sulakshna Kumari, Johan Gustavsson, Emanuel Haglund et al
IEEE Photonics Journal. Vol. 9 (4), p. 1504109-
Journal article

70+ Gb/s VCSEL-based multimode fiber links

D.M. Kuchta, A.V. Rylyakov, F.E. Doany et al
Proceedings IEEE Compound Semiconductor Integrated Circuit Symposium (CSICS). Vol. 2016-November, p. art. no. 7751010-
Paper in proceeding

1060 nm VCSEL for up to 40 Gbit/s Data Transmission

Ewa Simpanen, Johan Gustavsson, Erik Haglund et al
Conference Digest - IEEE International Semiconductor Laser Conference, p. Article no 7765757-
Paper in proceeding

Dynamic properties of silicon-integrated short-wavelength hybrid-cavity VCSEL

Emanuel Haglund, Sulakshna Kumari, Petter Westbergh et al
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. Vol. 9766
Paper in proceeding

Investigation of 60 Gb/s 4-PAM Using an 850 nm VCSEL and Multimode Fiber

J. M. Castro, Rick Pimpinella, Bulent Kose et al
Journal of Lightwave Technology. Vol. 34 (16), p. 3825-3836
Journal article

Step-flow growth of GaN(0001) on 4H-SiC(0001) by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy

Tobias Tingberg, Anders Larsson, Tommy Ive
Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials Science. Vol. 213 (9), p. 2498-2502
Journal article

94-Gb/s 4-PAM Using an 850-nm VCSEL, Pre-Emphasis, and Receiver Equalization

Krzysztof Szczerba, Tamas Lengyel, Magnus Karlsson et al
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters. Vol. 28 (22), p. 2519-2521
Journal article

High-Speed VCSELs with Strong Confinement of Optical Fields and Carriers

Erik Haglund, Petter Westbergh, Johan Gustavsson et al
Journal of Lightwave Technology. Vol. 34 (2), p. 269-277
Journal article

An Energy Efficient 56 Gbps PAM-4 VCSEL Transmitter Enabled by a 100 Gbps Driver in 0.25 µm InP DHBT Technology

Jingjing Chen, Zhongxia Simon He, Tamas Lengyel et al
Journal of Lightwave Technology. Vol. 34 (21), p. 954-4964
Journal article

GaAs High-Contrast Gratings with InGaP Sacrificial Layer for Multi-Wavelength VCSEL Arrays

Erik Haglund, Johan Gustavsson, W. V. Sorin et al
Conference Digest - IEEE International Semiconductor Laser Conference. Vol. TuD2, p. Article n0 7765746-
Paper in proceeding

Impact of Bonding Interface Thickness on the Performance of Silicon-Integrated Hybrid-Cavity VCSELs

Emanuel Haglund, Sulakshna Kumari, Erik Haglund et al
Conference Digest - IEEE International Semiconductor Laser Conference, p. Article no 7765752-
Paper in proceeding


M. Karppinen, A. Tanskanen, J. Ollila et al
Proceedings International Conference on Space Optics, p. 269-
Paper in proceeding

20-Gb/s Modulation of Silicon-Integrated Short-Wavelength Hybrid-Cavity VCSELs

Emanuel Haglund, Sulakshna Kumari, Petter Westbergh et al
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters. Vol. 28 (8), p. 856 - 859
Journal article

Demonstration of a 71.8 Gbps 4-PAM 850 nm VCSEL-based Link with a Pre-emphasizing Passive Filter

Tamas Lengyel, Krzysztof Szczerba, Magnus Karlsson et al
ECOC 2016; 42nd European Conference on Optical Communication; Proceedings of
Paper in proceeding

Demonstration of post-growth wavelength setting of VCSELs using high-contrast gratings

Erik Haglund, Johan Gustavsson, Jörgen Bengtsson et al
Optics Express. Vol. 24 (3), p. 1999-2005
Journal article

Integration of 150 Gbps/fiber optical engines based on multicore fibers and 6-channel VCSELs and PDs

Mikko Karppinen, Antti Tanskanen, Veli Heikkinen et al
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. Vol. 9753, p. Art. no. 97530S-
Paper in proceeding

High-Speed VCSELs for Datacom

Anders Larsson, Johan Gustavsson, Petter Westbergh et al
Proceedings European Conference on Optical Communication, p. 977-979
Paper in proceeding

Optimal parameters of monolithic high-contrast grating mirrors

Magdalena Marciniak, M. Gebski, Maciej Dems et al
Optics Letters. Vol. 41 (15), p. 3495-3498
Journal article

Sensitivity Improvements in an 850 nm VCSEL-based Link using a Two-tap Pre-emphasis Electronic Filter

Tamas Lengyel, Krzysztof Szczerba, Petter Westbergh et al
Journal of Lightwave Technology. Vol. 35 (9), p. 1633-1639
Journal article

Crosstalk Characteristics and Performance of VCSEL Array for Multicore Fiber Interconnects

Petter Westbergh, Johan Gustavsson, Anders Larsson et al
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics. Vol. 21 (6), p. 1-7
Journal article

A 50 Gb/s NRZ Modulated 850nm VCSEL Transmitter Operating Error Free to 90°C

D.M. Kuchta, A.V. Rylyakov, C.L. Schow et al
Journal of Lightwave Technology. Vol. 33 (4), p. 802-810
Journal article

30 GHz bandwidth 850 nm VCSEL with sub-100 fJ/bit energy dissipation at 25-50 Gbit/s

Erik Haglund, Petter Westbergh, Johan Gustavsson et al
Electronics Letters. Vol. 51 (14), p. 1096-1097
Journal article

40 Gb/s Data Transmission Over a 1-m-Long Multimode Polymer Spiral Waveguide for Board-Level Optical Interconnects

N. Bamiedakis, J. Chen, Petter Westbergh et al
Journal of Lightwave Technology. Vol. 33 (4), p. 882-888
Journal article

48.7 Gb/s 4-PAM Transmission over 200 m of High Bandwidth MMF using an 850 nm VCSEL

Jose Manuel Castro, Rick Pimpinella, Bulent Kose et al
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters. Vol. 27 (17), p. 1799-1801
Journal article

Silicon-integrated short-wavelength hybrid-cavity VCSEL

Emanuel Haglund, Sulakshna Kumari, Petter Westbergh et al
Optics Express. Vol. 23 (26), p. 33634-33640
Journal article

70 Gbps 4-PAM and 56 Gbps 8-PAM Using an 850 nm VCSEL

Krzysztof Szczerba, Petter Westbergh, Magnus Karlsson et al
Journal of Lightwave Technology. Vol. 33 (7), p. 1395-1401
Journal article

Energy Efficiency of VCSELs in the Context of Short-Range Optical Links.

Krzysztof Szczerba, Petter Westbergh, Johan Gustavsson et al
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters. Vol. 27 (16), p. 1749-1752
Journal article

Impact of Damping on High-Speed Large Signal VCSEL Dynamics

Emanuel Haglund, Petter Westbergh, Johan Gustavsson et al
Journal of Lightwave Technology. Vol. 33 (4), p. 795 - 801
Journal article

A 71 Gb/s NRZ Modulated 850 nm VCSEL-based Optical Link

D.M. Kuchta, A.V. Rylyakov, F. Doany et al
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters. Vol. 27 (6), p. 577-580
Journal article

Demonstration of post-growth wavelength control of VCSELs using high-contrast gratings

Erik Haglund, Johan Gustavsson, Jörgen Bengtsson et al
HP Laboratories Technical Report. Vol. 70
Journal article

Impact of Forward Error Correction on Energy Consumption of VCSEL-based Transmitters

Krzysztof Szczerba, Christoffer Fougstedt, Per Larsson-Edefors et al
41st European Conference on Optical Communication, ECOC 2015, Valencia, Spain, 27 September - 1 October 2015. Vol. 2015-November
Paper in proceeding

High Speed VCSELs and VCSEL Arrays for Single and Multicore Fiber Interconnects

Anders Larsson, Petter Westbergh, Johan Gustavsson et al
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. Vol. 9381, p. Art. no. 93810D-
Paper in proceeding

56 Gb/s PAM-4 data transmission over a 1 m long multimode polymer interconnect

N. Bamiedakis, J.L. Wei, J. Chen et al
CLEO: Science and Innovations, CLEO-SI 2015, San Jose; United States; 10-15 May 2015, p. 2267-
Paper in proceeding

Sensitivity improvements in an 850 nm VCSEL transmitter using a one-tap pre-emphasis electronic filter

Tamas Lengyel, Krzysztof Szczerba, Petter Westbergh et al
41st European Conference on Optical Communication, ECOC 2015, Valencia, Spain, 27 September - 1 October 2015. Vol. 2015-November
Paper in proceeding

VCSEL Arrays for Multicore Fiber Interconnects with an Aggregate Capacity of 240 Gbit/s

Petter Westbergh, Johan Gustavsson, Anders Larsson
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters. Vol. 27 (3), p. 296-299
Journal article

50 Gb/s 4-PAM over 200 m of High Bandwidth MMF using a 850 nm VCSEL

Jose Manuel Castro, Rick Pimpinella, Bulent Kose et al
Optical Fiber Communication Conference 2015, Los Angeles, California, United States, 22–26 March 2015
Paper in proceeding

High speed 850 nm VCSEL with 30 GHz modulation bandwidth

Erik Haglund, Petter Westbergh, Johan Gustavsson et al
Proceedings Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) Europe, p. CB-2.4
Paper in proceeding

Silicon-Integrated 850-nm Hybrid-Cavity VCSEL

Emanuel Haglund, Sulakshna Kumari, Petter Westbergh et al
Optics and Photonics in Sweden, 28-29 Oct. 2015
Conference poster

Integration of GaAs-based VCSEL array on SiN platform with HCG reflectors for WDM applications

Sulakshna Kumari, Johan Gustavsson, R. Wang et al
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. Vol. 9372, p. Art. no. 93720U-
Paper in proceeding

High speed and high temperature operation of VCSELs

Petter Westbergh, Johan Gustavsson, Anders Larsson
2015 Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition, OFC 2015, Los Angeles, United States, 22-26 March 2015, p. 7121476-
Paper in proceeding

Bandwidth studies of a 1.4 m long multimode polymer spiral waveguide

Jian Chen, Nikos Bamiedakis, Richard V. Penty et al
Proceedings Semiconductor and Integrated Optoelectronics Conference 2014
Paper in proceeding

Quasi-single mode VCSELs for longer-reach multimode fiber optical interconnects

Erik Haglund, Rashid Safaisini, Åsa Haglund et al
Summers School on Optical Interconnects, 3-6 June 2014, Thessaloniki
Conference poster

Impact of Damping on Large Signal VCSEL Dynamics

Emanuel Haglund, Petter Westbergh, Johan Gustavsson et al
Conference Digest - IEEE International Semiconductor Laser Conference, p. 78-79
Paper in proceeding

High-contrast gratings for WDM VCSEL arrays

Erik Haglund, Johan Gustavsson, Åsa Haglund et al
Optics & Photonics in Sweden, 11-12 Nov. 2014, Göteborg
Conference poster

70 Gbps 4-PAM and 56 Gbps 8-PAM using an 850 nm VCSEL

Krzysztof Szczerba, Petter Westbergh, Magnus Karlsson et al
2014 European Conference on Optical Communication, ECOC 2014; Cannes; France; 21 September 2014 through 25 September 2014, p. Art. no. 6963923-
Paper in proceeding

40 Gb/s data transmission over a 1 m long multimode polymer spiral waveguide

N. Bamiedakis, J. Chen, R. V. Penty et al
European Conference on Optical Communication, ECOC 2014; Cannes; France; 21 September 2014 through 25 September 2014, p. Paper P.4.7-
Paper in proceeding

20 Gbit/s data transmission over 2 km multimode fibre using 850 nm mode filter VCSEL

Rashid Safaisini, Erik Haglund, Petter Westbergh et al
Electronics Letters. Vol. 50 (1), p. 40-42
Journal article

Bandwidth and offset launch investigations on a 1.4 m long multimode polymer spiral waveguide

Jian Chen, Nikos Bamiedakis, Richard V. Penty et al
Proceedings European Conference on Integrated Optics (ECIO) 2014
Paper in proceeding

240 Gbit/s VCSEL array for multicore fiber interconnects

Petter Westbergh, Johan Gustavsson, Anders Larsson
Photonics Conference (IPC), 2014 IEEE, p. 91-92
Paper in proceeding

Faster, more fugal and "greener" VCSELs

D. Bimberg, Anders Larsson, A. Joel
Compound Semiconductor. Vol. 20 (10), p. 34-39
Magazine article

25 Gb/s data transmission over a 1.4 m long multimode polymer spiral waveguide

Nikos Bamiedakis, Richard V. Penty, Ian H. White et al
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe - Technical Digest
Paper in proceeding

Optimum Damping Level for High-Speed Large Signal VCSEL modulation

Emanuel Haglund, Petter Westbergh, Johan Gustavsson et al
Optics and Photonics in Sweden, 11-12 Nov. 2014
Conference poster

64Gb/s transmission over 57m MMF using an NRZ modulated 850nm VCSEL

D.M. Kuchta, A.V. Rylyakov, C.L. Schow et al
Conference on Optical Fiber Communication, Technical Digest Series, p. Art. no. 6886766-
Paper in proceeding

High speed 850nm VCSELs for >40Gb/s transmission

Johan Gustavsson, Anders Larsson, Åsa Haglund et al
2013 Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition and the National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference, OFC/NFOEC 2013, p. OTh4H.4-
Paper in proceeding

ZnO/AlN Clad Waveguides for AlGaN-Based Quantum Cascade Lasers

Martin Stattin, Jörgen Bengtsson, Anders Larsson
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. Vol. 52 (5), p. 054001 -
Journal article

Comparison of Intersymbol Interference Power Penalties for OOK and 4-PAM in Short-Range Optical Links

Krzysztof Szczerba, Petter Westbergh, Erik Agrell et al
Journal of Lightwave Technology. Vol. 31 (22), p. 3525-3534
Journal article

Intersymbol interference penalties for OOK and 4-PAM in short-range optical communications

Krzysztof Szczerba, Magnus Karlsson, Peter Andrekson et al
2013 Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition and the National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference, OFC/NFOEC 2013
Paper in proceeding

22 Gb/s error-free data transmission beyond 1 km of multi-mode fiber using 850 nm VCSELs

Rashid Safaisini, Krzysztof Szczerba, Erik Haglund et al
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. Vol. 8639
Paper in proceeding

Single-mode VCSELs

Anders Larsson, Johan Gustavsson
Springer Series in Optical Sciences. Vol. 166, p. 119-144
Journal article

High-speed 850 nm VCSELs operating error free up to 57 Gbit/s

Petter Westbergh, Emanuel Haglund, Erik Haglund et al
Electronics Letters. Vol. 49 (16), p. 1021-1023
Journal article

HIgh speed oxide confined 850 nm VCSELs operating error-free at 47 Gbit/s at room temperature and 40 Gbit/s at 85C

Petter Westbergh, Rashid Safaisini, Erik Haglund et al
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, p. Art. no. 6800720-
Paper in proceeding

VCSELs and optical interconnects

Anders Larsson
Proceeding Photonics Ireland 2013
Paper in proceeding

850 nm datacom VCSELs for higher-speed and longer-reach transmission

Erik Haglund, Petter Westbergh, Emanuel Haglund et al
European VCSEL Day 2013
Paper in proceeding

High-Speed Oxide Confined 850-nm VCSELs Operating Error-Free at 40 Gb/s up to 85 degrees C

Petter Westbergh, Rashid Safaisini, Erik Haglund et al
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters. Vol. 25 (8), p. 768-771
Journal article

60 Gbits error-free 4-PAM operation with 850 nm VCSEL

Krzysztof Szczerba, Petter Westbergh, Magnus Karlsson et al
Electronics Letters. Vol. 49 (15), p. 953-955
Journal article

High-Speed 850-nm VCSELs Operating Error-Free Beyond 50 Gbit/s

Emanuel Haglund, Petter Westbergh, Erik Haglund et al
Optics and Photonics in Sweden, 22-23 Oct. 2013
Conference poster

35.2 Gbps 8-PAM transmission over 100 m of MMF using an 850 nm VCSEL

Krzysztof Szczerba, Magnus Karlsson, Peter Andrekson et al
Proc. European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC). Vol. 2013 (622 CP), p. 744-746
Paper in proceeding

High-speed, high-temperature VCSELs for optical interconnects

Johan Gustavsson, Anders Larsson, Åsa Haglund et al
2013 IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topical Meeting Series, PSSTMS 2013, p. 7-8
Paper in proceeding

High-speed 850 nm VCSELs with 28 GHz modulation bandwidth for short reach communication

Petter Westbergh, Rashid Safaisini, Erik Haglund et al
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. Vol. 8639
Paper in proceeding

High-Speed 850 nm Quasi-Single Mode VCSELs for Extended Reach Optical Interconnects

Rashid Safaisini, Krzysztof Szczerba, Petter Westbergh et al
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. Vol. 5 (7), p. 686-695
Journal article

Design and Fabrication of AlN/GaN Heterostructures for Intersubband Technology

Tommy Ive, Kristian Berland, Martin Stattin et al
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. Vol. 51 (1), p. Article Number: 01AG07 -
Journal article

Polarization investigation of a tunable high-speed short-wavelength bulk-micromachined MEMS-VCSEL

Hooman A. Davani, Benjamin Kögel, P. Debernardi et al
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. Vol. 8276, p. Art. no. 82760T-
Paper in proceeding

Graphene as transparent electrode for GaN-based VCSELs

Martin Stattin, César Javier Lockhart de la Rosa, Jie Sun et al
International Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors 2012, October 14-19, 2012, Sapporo, Japan, p. ThP-OD-34-
Conference poster

High speed VCSELs for optical interconnects

Anders Larsson, Johan Gustavsson, Åsa Haglund et al
Conference Proceedings - International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials, p. 269-272
Paper in proceeding

Integrated MEMS-Tunable VCSELs Using a Self-Aligned Reflow Process

Benjamin Kögel, P. Debernardi, Petter Westbergh et al
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics. Vol. 48 (2), p. 144-152
Journal article

High-speed lasers for optical interconnects

Erik Haglund, Petter Westbergh, Rashid Safaisini et al
Swedish Optics and Photonics Days 2012
Conference poster

Reducing the spectral width of high speed oxide confined VCSELs using an integrated mode filter

Erik Haglund, Åsa Haglund, Johan Gustavsson et al
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. Vol. 8276, p. Article Number: 82760L-
Paper in proceeding

4-PAM for high-speed short-range optical communications

Krzysztof Szczerba, Petter Westbergh, Johnny Karout et al
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. Vol. 4 (11), p. 885-894
Journal article

Direct Chemical Vapor Deposition of Large-Area Carbon Thin Films on Gallium Nitride for Transparent Electrodes: A First Attempt

Jie Sun, M. T. Cole, S. Awais Ahmad et al
IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing. Vol. 25 (3), p. 494-501
Journal article

25 Gbit/s transmission over 500 m multimode fibre using 850 nm VCSEL with integrated mode filter

Erik Haglund, Åsa Haglund, Petter Westbergh et al
Electronics Letters. Vol. 48 (9), p. 517-518
Journal article

Mode-filtered semiconductor lasers enable longer-reach optical interconnects

Erik Haglund, Åsa Haglund, Petter Westbergh et al
SPIE Newsroom
Magazine article

Engineering the transverse optical guiding in GaN-based VCSELs to avoid detrimental optical loss

Seyed Ehsan Hashemi, Johan Gustavsson, Jörgen Bengtsson et al
International Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors 2012, October 14-19, 2012, Sapporo, Japan, p. ThP-OD-33
Conference poster

Impact of photon lifetime on thermal rollover in 850-nm high-speed VCSELs

P. P. Baveja, Benjamin Kögel, Petter Westbergh et al
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. Vol. 8276
Paper in proceeding

ZnO/AlN Clad Waveguides for AlGaN-Based Quantum Cascade Lasers

Martin Stattin, Jörgen Bengtsson, Anders Larsson
International Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors 2012, October 14-19, 2012, Sapporo, Japan, p. ThP-OD-35-
Conference poster

High-speed tunable and fixed-wavelength VCSELs for short-reach optical links and interconnects

Anders Larsson, Johan Gustavsson, Åsa Haglund et al
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. Vol. 8276, p. Article Number: 82760H-
Paper in proceeding

Integrated MEMS-tunable VCSELs for reconfigurable optical interconnects

Benjamin Kögel, P. Debernardi, Petter Westbergh et al
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. Vol. 8276, p. Article Number: 82760Q-
Paper in proceeding

High-speed 850 nm VCSELs with 28 GHz modulation bandwidth

Petter Westbergh, Rashid Safaisini, Erik Haglund et al
Other conference contribution

High-speed 850 nm VCSELs with 28 GHz modulation bandwidth operating error-free up to 44 Gbit/s

Petter Westbergh, Rashid Safaisini, Erik Haglund et al
Electronics Letters. Vol. 48 (18), p. 1145-U178
Journal article

20 Gbit/s error-free operation of 850 nm oxide-confined VCSELs beyond 1 km of multimode fibre

Rashid Safaisini, Krzysztof Szczerba, Erik Haglund et al
Electronics Letters. Vol. 48 (19), p. 1225-U81
Journal article

Impact of device parameters on thermal performance of high speed oxide confined 850 nm VCSELs

Prashant Baveja, Benjamin Kögel, Petter Westbergh et al
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics. Vol. 48 (1), p. 17-26
Journal article

Experimental comparison of modulation formats in IM/DD links

Krzysztof Szczerba, Johnny Karout, Petter Westbergh et al
Optics Express. Vol. 19 (10), p. 9881-9889
Journal article

30 Gbps 4-PAM transmission over 200m of MMF using an 850 nm VCSEL

Krzysztof Szczerba, Petter Westbergh, Johnny Karout et al
Optics Express. Vol. 19 (26), p. B203-B208
Journal article

Assessment of VCSEL thermal rollover mechanisms from measurements and empirical modeling

P. P. Baveja, Benjamin Kögel, Petter Westbergh et al
Optics Express. Vol. 19 (16), p. 15490-15505
Journal article

Widely Electro Thermal Tunable Bulk-Micromachined MEMS-VCSEL Operating Around 850nm

Hooman A. Davani, Christian Grasse, Benjamin Kögel et al
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Pacific Rim, CLEOPR 2011; Sydney; Australia; 28 August 2011 through 1 September 2011, p. 32-34
Paper in proceeding

Comprehensive analysis of electrically-pumped GaSb-based VCSELs

S. Arafin, A. Bachmann, K. Vizbaras et al
Optics Express. Vol. 19 (18), p. 17267-17282
Journal article

High speed VCSELs for short reach communication

Anders Larsson, Petter Westbergh, Johan Gustavsson et al
Semiconductor Science and Technology. Vol. 26 (1), p. 014017-1-5-
Journal article

Realization of spectrally engineered semiconductor Fabry-Perot lasers with narrow geometrical tolerances

Göran Adolfsson, Jörgen Bengtsson, Åsa Haglund et al
Journal of Applied Physics. Vol. 109 (9), p. 093112-
Journal article

Singlemode tunable VCSELs with integrated MEMS technology

Benjamin Kögel, P. Debernardi, Petter Westbergh et al
European Conference on Laser and Electro-Optics (CLEO/Europe)
Paper in proceeding

Demonstration of 8-level subcarrier modulation sensitivity improvement in an IM/DD system

Krzysztof Szczerba, Johnny Karout, Erik Agrell et al
European Conference and Exposition on Optical Communications, ECOC
Paper in proceeding

Waveguides for nitride based quantum cascade lasers

Martin Stattin, Kristian Berland, Per Hyldgaard et al
Physica Status Solidi (C) Current Topics in Solid State Physics. Vol. 8 (7-8), p. 2357-2359
Journal article

Method for measuring reflectance of semiconductor disk laser gain element under optical pump excitation

Carl Borgentun, Jörgen Bengtsson, Anders Larsson
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), Baltimore, USA, 1-6/5 2011
Conference poster

Growth of dilute nitrides and 1.3 μm edge emitting lasers on GaAs by MBE

Shu Min Wang, Göran Adolfsson, Huan Zhao Ternehäll et al
Physica Status Solidi (B): Basic Research. Vol. 248 (5), p. 1207-1211
Journal article

High speed VCSELs for short reach communication

Petter Westbergh, Erik Haglund, Johan Gustavsson et al
European Semiconductor Laser Worshop 2011
Other conference contribution

30 Gbps 4-PAM transmission over 200m of MMF using an 850 nm VCSEL

Krzysztof Szczerba, Petter Westbergh, Johan Gustavsson et al
European Conference and Exposition on Optical Communications, ECOC, p. 1-3
Paper in proceeding

Advances in VCSELs for communication and sensing

Anders Larsson
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics. Vol. 17 (6), p. 1552-1567
Journal article

32 Gb/s multilevel modulation of an 850 nm VCSEL for next-generation datacommunication standards

J.D. Ingham, R. V. Penty, I. H. White et al
2011 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2011; Baltimore, MD; 1 May 2011 through 6 May 2011
Paper in proceeding

Full characterization of a high-power semiconductor disk laser beam with simultaneous capture of optimally sized focus and farfield

Carl Borgentun, Jörgen Bengtsson, Anders Larsson
Applied Optics. Vol. 50 (12), p. 1640-1649
Journal article

Integrated MEMS-tunable VCSELs with high modulation bandwidth

Benjamin Kögel, Petter Westbergh, Åsa Haglund et al
Electronics Letters. Vol. 47 (13), p. 764-756
Journal article

Higher speed VCSELs by photon lifetime reduction

Petter Westbergh, Johan Gustavsson, Benjamin Kögel et al
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. Vol. 7952
Other conference contribution

Orthogonal multipulse modulation for next-generation datacommunication links

Jonathan D. Ingham, Richard V. Penty, I. H. White et al
37th European Conference on Optical Communication and Exhibition, ECOC 2011, Geneva, 18 September 2011 through 22 September 2011
Paper in proceeding

Method for measuring reflectance of semiconductor disk laser gain element under optical pump excitation

Carl Borgentun, Jörgen Bengtsson, Anders Larsson
Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, QELS 2011; Baltimore, MD; United States; 1 May 2011 through 6 May 2011
Paper in proceeding

Design and Fabrication of AlN/GaN Heterostructures for Intersubband Technology

Thorvald Andersson, Kristian Berland, Rashid Farivar et al
ISPlasma 2011, March 6-9, 2011 Nagoya, Japan
Conference poster

Tuneable VCSEL aiming for the application in interconnects and short haul systems

Christian Gierl, Karolina Zogal, Sandro Jatta et al
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. Vol. 7959
Other conference contribution

Direct measurement of the spectral reflectance of OP-SDL gain elements under optical pumping

Carl Borgentun, Jörgen Bengtsson, Anders Larsson
Optics Express. Vol. 19 (18), p. 16890-16897
Journal article

Widely Tunable High-Power Semiconductor Disk Laser With Nonresonant AR-Assisted Gain Element on Diamond Heat Spreader

Carl Borgentun, Chris Hessenius, Jörgen Bengtsson et al
IEEE Photonics Journal. Vol. 3 (5), p. 946-953
Journal article

Impact of Photon Lifetime on High-Speed VCSEL Performance

Petter Westbergh, Johan Gustavsson, Benjamin Kögel et al
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics. Vol. 17 (6), p. 1603-1613
Journal article

High speed VCSELs for short reach communication

Anders Larsson
Proc. International Nano-Optoelectronics Workshop 2011, p. 82-83
Other conference contribution

Low Spectral Width High-Speed VCSELs

Erik Haglund, Åsa Haglund, Petter Westbergh et al
International Nano-Optoelectronic Workshop (iNOW)
Conference poster

Large-Area Single-Mode GaSb-based VCSELs using an Inverted Surface Relief

S. Arafin, A. Bachmann, K. Vizbaras et al
23rd Annual Meeting of the IEEE Photonics Society, PHOTINICS 2010, p. 61-62
Paper in proceeding

Integrated Tunable VCSELs With Simple MEMS Technology

Benjamin Kögel, Amin Abbaszadehbanaeiyan, Petter Westbergh et al
Semiconductor Laser Conference (ISLC), 2010 22nd IEEE International
Paper in proceeding

Advances in VCSELs for Communication and Sensing

Anders Larsson, Johan Gustavsson, Åsa Haglund et al
22nd IEEE International Semiconductor Laser Conference Digest, p. 4-5
Paper in proceeding

Active Region Design for High-Speed 850-nm VCSELs

S. B. Healy, E. P. O'Reilly, Johan Gustavsson et al
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics. Vol. 46 (4), p. 506-512
Journal article

37 Gbps transmission over 200 m of MMF using single cycle subcarrier modulation and a VCSEL with 20 GHz modulation bandwidth

Krzysztof Szczerba, Bengt-Erik Olsson, Petter Westbergh et al
2010 36th European Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communication (ECOC). Vol. 1-2, p. 1-3
Paper in proceeding

Full characterization of a semiconductor laser beam by simultaneous capture of the near- and far-field

Carl Borgentun, Jörgen Bengtsson, Anders Larsson
Conference Digest - IEEE International Semiconductor Laser Conference, p. 127-128
Conference poster

Temperature stability of intersubband transitions in AlN/GaN quantum wells

Kristian Berland, Martin Stattin, Rashid Farivar et al
Applied Physics Letters. Vol. 97 (4), p. 043507-
Journal article

Waveguides for Nitride Based Quantum Cascade Lasers

Martin Stattin, Kristian Berland, Per Hyldgaard et al
International Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors (IWN2010), Tampa, Florida, U.S.A., September 19 – 24, 2010
Conference poster

Spectral engineering of semiconductor Fabry–Perot laser cavities in the weakly and strongly perturbed regimes

Göran Adolfsson, Jörgen Bengtsson, Anders Larsson
Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics. Vol. 27 (1), p. 118-127
Journal article

Optically pumped high-power semiconductor disk laser with gain element engineered for wide tunability

Carl Borgentun, Jörgen Bengtsson, Anders Larsson et al
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. Vol. 7720 (1), p. 772014-8
Other conference contribution

Widely tunable high-speed bulk-micromachined short-wavelength MEMS-VCSEL

Hooman A. Davani, Christian Grasse, Benjamin Kögel et al
Semiconductor Laser Conference (ISLC), 2010 22nd IEEE International, p. 9-10
Paper in proceeding

High-speed 850-nm VCSELs for 40 Gb/s transmission

Johan Gustavsson, Petter Westbergh, Krzysztof Szczerba et al
Other conference contribution

Speed enhancement of VCSELs by photon lifetime reduction

Petter Westbergh, Johan Gustavsson, Benjamin Kögel et al
Electronics Letters. Vol. 46 (13), p. 938-940
Journal article

Optimization of a Broadband Gain Element for a Widely Tunable High-power Semiconductor Disk Laser

Carl Borgentun, Jörgen Bengtsson, Anders Larsson et al
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters. Vol. 22 (13), p. 978-980
Journal article

850 nm VCSEL Operating Error-Free at 40 Gbit/s

Petter Westbergh, Johan Gustavsson, Benjamin Kögel et al
Semiconductor Laser Conference (ISLC), 2010 22nd IEEE International, p. 154 - 155
Paper in proceeding

Mg-doped Al0.85Ga0.15N layers grown by hot-wall MOCVD with low resistivity at room temperature

Anelia Kakanakova-Georgieva, Daniel Nilsson, Martin Stattin et al
Physica Status Solidi - Rapid Research Letetrs. Vol. 4 (11), p. 311-313
Journal article

High speed low current density 850 nm VCSELs

Anders Larsson, Petter Westbergh, Johan Gustavsson et al
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. Vol. 7615, p. 761505-1-11-
Paper in proceeding

1.3 µm Dilute Nitride Edge Emitting Lasers on GaAs

Shu Min Wang, Huan Zhao Ternehäll, Göran Adolfsson et al
E-MRS Spring Meeting 2010, Strasbourg, France, June 7-10, 2010 (invited)
Paper in proceeding

40 Gbit/s error-free operation of oxide-confined 850 nm VCSEL

Petter Westbergh, Johan Gustavsson, Benjamin Kögel et al
Electronics Letters. Vol. 46 (14), p. 1014-1015
Journal article

High speed large aperture 850 nm VCSELs

Petter Westbergh, Johan Gustavsson, Åsa Haglund et al
International Nano-Optoelectronics Workshop (iNOW)
Conference poster

A 1.31 μm GaInNAs Triple Quantum Well Laser with 13 GHz Small Signal Modulation Bandwidth

Huan Zhao Ternehäll, Åsa Haglund, Petter Westbergh et al
Electronics Letters. Vol. 45, p. 356-357
Journal article

Metamorphic InGaAs Materials and Telecom Lasers

Shu Min Wang, Yuxin Song, Ivar Tangring et al
International Conference on Materials and Advanced Technology (ICMAT) 2009, Singapore, June 28 - July 3, 2009. (invited paper)
Paper in proceeding

A study of the doping influence on strain relaxation of graded composition InGaAs layers grown by molecular beam epitaxy

Ivar Tångring, Yuxin Song, Zonghe Lai et al
Journal of Crystal Growth. Vol. 311, p. 1684-
Journal article

Metamorphic InGaAs telecom lasers on GaAs

Ivar Tångring, Yuxin Song, D.H. Wu et al
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. Vol. Proc. SPIE 7230, p. 723003-
Paper in proceeding

Short-wavelength tunable VCSELs

Benjamin Kögel, Petter Westbergh, Johan Gustavsson et al
European Semiconductor Laser Workshop (ESLW)
Other conference contribution

Direct observation of lateral carrier diffusion in ridge waveguide InGaNAs lasers

Göran Adolfsson, Shu Min Wang, Mahdad Sadeghi et al
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters. Vol. 21 (134), p. 134-136
Journal article

Doping influence on structural property of linearly graded composition InGaAs buffer layer grown by MBE

Yuxin Song, Shu Min Wang, Ivar Tångring et al
15th European Molecular Beam Epitaxy Workshop, p. TuP11-
Other conference contribution

High speed VCSELs for broadband interconnects

Anders Larsson, Johan Gustavsson, Åsa Haglund et al
Proc. ChinaNANO 2009, Beijing, China, September 2009, p. 51-
Paper in proceeding

Dilute Nitrides and 1.3 μm GaInNAs Quantum Well Lasers on GaAs

Shu Min Wang, Huan Zhao Ternehäll, Göran Adolfsson et al
Microelectronics Journal. Vol. 40, p. 386-391
Journal article

Focus on advanced semiconductor heterostructures for optoelectronics

M. C. Amann, F. Capasso, Anders Larsson et al
New Journal of Physics. Vol. 11, p. 125012 artno-
Journal article

Independent determination of In and N concentrations in GaInNAs alloys

W Lu, Jun Lim, S. Bull et al
Semiconductor Science and Technology. Vol. 24 (10), p. 105016-
Journal article

10 Gb/s uncooled dilute nitride optical transmitters operating at 1300 nm

Mihail Dumitrescu, M. Wolf, K Schultz et al
2009 Conference on Optical Fiber Communication, OFC 2009; San Diego, CA; United States; 22 March 2009 through 26 March 2009
Paper in proceeding

Widely tuneable micromachined VCSELs – new results

Peter Meissner, Benjamin Kögel, Katarina Zogal et al
10th Chitose International Forum on Photonics Science and Technology
Other conference contribution

32 Gb/s transmission experiments using high speed 850 nm VCSELs

Petter Westbergh, Johan Gustavsson, Åsa Haglund et al
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), p. 1-2
Paper in proceeding

Impedance characteristics and parasitic speed limitations of high speed 850 nm VCSELs

Yiyu Ou, Johan Gustavsson, Petter Westbergh et al
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters. Vol. 21, p. 1840-
Journal article

High speed VCSELs for broadband access and interconnects

Anders Larsson
Proc. International Symposium on Challenge to New Frontier in Photonics Technology, Tokyo, Japan, March 2009
Paper in proceeding

13 GHz Bandwidth of 1.31 μm GaInNAs Triple Quantum Well Lasers

Huan Zhao Ternehäll, Åsa Haglund, Shu Min Wang et al
The 15th European MBE Workshop, Zakopane, Poland
Paper in proceeding

32 Gbit/s multimode fibre transmission using high-speed, low current density 850 nm VCSEL

Petter Westbergh, Johan Gustavsson, Åsa Haglund et al
Electronics Letters. Vol. 45 (7), p. 366 - 368
Journal article

High speed, low current density 850 nm VCSELs

Petter Westbergh, Johan Gustavsson, Åsa Haglund et al
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics. Vol. 15 (3), p. 694-703
Journal article

VCSELs for broadband access and interconnects

Anders Larsson, Petter Westbergh, Johan Gustavsson et al
Proc. 2009 International Nano-Optoelectronics Workshop, Stockholm-Berlin, August 2009, p. 87-88
Paper in proceeding

A high-speed laser for future data-communication links

Petter Westbergh, Johan Gustavsson, Åsa Haglund et al
SPIE Newsroom
Magazine article

1.3 µm GaInNAs Edge Emitting Lasers Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy

Shu Min Wang, Göran Adolfsson, Huan Zhao Ternehäll et al
Journal of Crystal Growth. Vol. 311, p. 1863-1867
Journal article

Growth and Characterization of GaInNAs by Molecular Beam Epitaxy Using a Nitrogen Irradiation Method

Huan Zhao Ternehäll, Shu Min Wang, Qing Xiang Zhao et al
Journal of Crystal Growth. Vol. 311 (7), p. 1723-1727
Journal article

Reliability assessment and degradation analysis of 1.3 µm GaInNAs lasers

W Lu, S. Bull, Jun Lim et al
Journal of Applied Physics. Vol. 106 (9), p. 093110-
Journal article

Optimized active region design for high speed 850 nm VCSELs

Johan Gustavsson, Sorcha Healy, Petter Westbergh et al
CLEO/Europe - EQEC 2009 - European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and the European Quantum Electronics Conference; Munich; Germany; 14 June 2009 through 19 June 2009, p. Art. no. 5192928-
Paper in proceeding

Influence of Doping on Structural Properties of Graded InGaAs Layers Grown by MBE

Ivar Tångring, Yuxin Song, Shu Min Wang et al
15th International Conference on Molecular Beam Epitaxy
Paper in proceeding

Thermal performance investigation of DQW GaInNAs laser diodes

J.J. Lim, R. MacKenzie, S. Sujecki et al
Optical and Quantum Electronics. Vol. 40 (5-6), p. 385-390
Journal article

Dilute Nitrides and 1.3 µm GaInNAs/GaAs Quantum Well Lasers on GaAs (invited paper)

Shu Min Wang, Huan Zhao Ternehäll, Göran Adolfsson et al
Workshop on Recent Advances in Low Dimensional Structures and Devices (WRA-LDSD)
Paper in proceeding

Static and dynamic performance optimization of a 1.3 µm GaInNAs ridge waveguide laser

J.J. Lim, R. MacKenzie, S. Sujecki et al
2008 International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices, NUSOD'08; Nottingham; United Kingdom; 1 September 2008 through 4 September 2008, p. 121-122
Paper in proceeding

High Performance 1.3 μm GaInNAs Quantum Well Lasers on GaAs

Shu Min Wang, Göran Adolfsson, Huan Zhao Ternehäll et al
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. Vol. 6909, p. 690905-
Paper in proceeding

1.3 µm GaInNAs Edge Emitting Lasers on GaAs Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy (invited paper)

Shu Min Wang, Göran Adolfsson, Huan Zhao Ternehäll et al
15th International Conference on Molecular Beam Epitaxy
Paper in proceeding

Very Low Threshold Current Density 1.29 µm GaInNAs Triple Quantum Well Lasers Grown by MBE

Huan Zhao Ternehäll, Göran Adolfsson, Shu Min Wang et al
Electronics Letter. Vol. 44, p. 416-417
Journal article

Growth and Characterization of GaInNAs Quantum Wells Using Nitrogen Irradiation in Molecular Beam Epitaxy

Huan Zhao Ternehäll, Shu Min Wang, Mahdad Sadeghi et al
15th International Conference on Molecular Beam Epitaxy
Paper in proceeding

High Speed 1.3 μm VCSELs for FTTH and RoF

Petter Westbergh, Emma Söderberg, Johan Gustavsson et al
GigaHertz Symposium 2008
Other conference contribution

Direct observation of lateral carrier diffusion in ridge waveguide 1.3 um GaInNAs-GaAs lasers using scanning near-field optical microscopy

Göran Adolfsson, Shu Min Wang, Mahdad Sadeghi et al
21st IEEE International Semiconductor Laser Conference, ISLC 2008; Sorrento; Italy; 14 September 2008 through 18 September 2008, p. 55-56
Paper in proceeding

Single mode 1.3 μm InGaAs VCSELs for access network applications

Petter Westbergh, Emma Söderberg, Johan Gustavsson et al
Proceedings of the SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. Vol. 6997, p. 69970Y-1-8-
Paper in proceeding

Molecular beam epitaxy growth of A 1.58 μm InGaAs quantum well laser on GaAs

Ivar Tångring, Shu Min Wang, Anders Larsson et al
Conference Proceedings - International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials
Paper in proceeding

Comparison of Optical and Structural Quality of GaIn(N)As Analog and Digital Quantum Wells Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy

Huan Zhao Ternehäll, Shu Min Wang, Qing Xiang Zhao et al
Semiconductor Science and Technology. Vol. 23 (12), p. Art nr. 125002-
Journal article

Diffraction loss in long-wavelength buried tunnel junction VCSELs analyzed with a hybrid coupled-cavity transfer-matrix model

Jörgen Bengtsson, Johan Gustavsson, Åsa Haglund et al
Optics Express. Vol. 16 (25), p. 20789-20802
Journal article

Photoluminescence microscopy investigation of lattice relaxation and defect formation processes in pseudomorphically strained InGaAsN multiple quantum wells

W Lu, S. Chao, A.V. Adrianov et al
Physica Status Solidi C. Vol. 5 (2), p. 467-472
Journal article

MBE Growth of a 1.58 µm InGaAs Quantum Well Lasers on GaAs

Ivar Tångring, Shu Min Wang, Anders Larsson
Indium Phosphide and Related Material Conference 2008
Paper in proceeding

Static and dynamic performance optimisation of a 1.3 mu m GaInNAs ridge waveguide laser

Jun Lim, R. MacKenzie, S. Sujecki et al
Optical and Quantum Electronics. Vol. 40 (14-15), p. 1181-1186
Journal article

Un-Cooled 10 Gb/s dilute-nitride optical transmitters for the 1300 nm wavelength range

M. Dumitrescu, M. Wolf, K Schultz et al
2008 International Semiconductor Conference, CAS 2008; Sinaia; Romania; 13 October 2008 through 15 October 2008. Vol. 1, p. 61-70
Paper in proceeding

Large aperture 850 nm VCSEL operating at 28 Gbit/s

Petter Westbergh, Johan Gustavsson, Åsa Haglund et al
Semiconductor Laser Conference, 2008. ISLC 2008. IEEE 21st International, p. 7-8
Paper in proceeding

Evolution of Valence-Band Alignment with Nitrogen Content in GaNAs/GaAs Single Quantum Wells

J Shao, W Lu, Mahdad Sadeghi et al
Applied Physics Letters. Vol. 93 (3), p. Art. Nr. 031904-
Journal article

Experimental Analysis of GaAs Based 1.3-1.6m Laser Materials

J. W. Ferguson, Peter Smowton, A.A. George et al
QEP-18 Conference
Paper in proceeding

Very Low Threshold Current Density 1.292 µm GaInNAs Triple Quantum Well Lasers

Huan Zhao Ternehäll, Göran Adolfsson, Shu Min Wang et al
Electronics Letters. Vol. 44 (7), p. 475-477
Journal article

Large aperture 850 nm VCSELs operating at bit rates up to 25 Gbit/s

Petter Westbergh, Johan Gustavsson, Åsa Haglund et al
Electronics Letters. Vol. 44 (15), p. 907-908
Journal article

Thermally dependent gain of 1.3 µm dilute nitride double quantum well lasers

R. MacKenzie, S. Bull, J.J. Lim et al
Physica Status Solidi C. Vol. 5 (2), p. 490-494
Journal article

Noise, distortion and dynamic range of single mode 1.3 µm InGaAs vertical cavity surface emitting lasers for radio-over-fibre links

Petter Westbergh, Emma Söderberg, Johan Gustavsson et al
IET Optoelectronics. Vol. 2 (2), p. 88-95
Journal article

Effects of Lateral Diffusion on the Temperature Sensitivity of the Threshold Current for 1.3 um Double Quantum-Well GaInNAs/GaAs Lasers

Göran Adolfsson, Shu Min Wang, Mahdad Sadeghi et al
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics. Vol. 44 (7), p. 607-616
Journal article

1.58 µm InGaAs quantum well laser on GaAs

Ivar Tångring, Shu Min Wang, Anders Larsson et al
Applied Physics Letters. Vol. 91, p. 221101-
Journal article

Analog modulation properties of single mode 1.3 µm InGaAs VCSELs

Petter Westbergh, Emma Söderberg, Johan Gustavsson et al
European Semiconductor Laser Workshop, Berlin, Germany, Sept. 2007
Other conference contribution

Mode and polarization control in VCSELs using shallow surface structures

Johan Gustavsson, Åsa Haglund, Emma Söderberg et al
IET Optoelectronics. Vol. 1 (5), p. 197-205
Journal article

High temperature dynamics, high speed modulation, and transmission experiments using 1.3 µm InGaAs single mode VCSELs

Emma Söderberg, Johan Gustavsson, Peter Modh et al
IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology. Vol. 25, p. 2791-
Journal article

Measurement of the group index and linewidth enhancement factor in 1.3 µm dilute nitride double quantum well lasers

R. MacKenzie, Jun Lim, S. Bull et al
Semiconductor and Integrated Optoelectronics Conference, Cardiff, Wales, UK, April 2007
Paper in proceeding

Measurement of optical gain, effective group index and linewidth enhancement factor in 1.3 µm dilute nitride double quantum well lasers

R. MacKenzie, J.J. Lim, S. Bull et al
IET Optoelectronics. Vol. 1, p. 284-
Journal article

Engineering the optical properties of VCSELs using surface structures

Anders Larsson
Proc. International Symposium on VCSELs and Integrated Photonics, Dec. 2007, Tokyo, Japan
Journal article

Metamorphic InGaAs quanum wells for light emission at 1.3 – 1.6 µm

Shu Min Wang, Ivar Tangring, Qinfen Gu et al
Thin Solid Films. Vol. 515 (10), p. 4348-4351
Journal article

Thermally dependent gain of 1.3 µm dilute nitride double quantum well lasers

R. MacKenzie, Jun Lim, S. Bull et al
EMRS Conference, Strasbourg, France, 2007
Paper in proceeding

Manipulation of strain relaxation in metamorphic heterostructures

Ivar Tångring, Zonghe Lai, Shu Min Wang et al
Applied Physics Letters. Vol. 90, p. 071904-
Journal article

Simulation of DQW GaInNAs laser diodes

J.J. Lim, R. MacKenzie, S. Sujecki et al
IET Optoelectronics. Vol. 1, p. 259-
Journal article

Metamorphic growth of 1.25 – 1.29 µm InGaAs quantum well lasers by molecular beam epitaxy

Ivar Tångring, Shu Min Wang, Zonghe Lai et al
Journal of Crystal Growth. Vol. 301 (SPEC. ISS.), p. 971-974
Journal article

Molecular beam epitaxial growth of highly strained long wavelength multiple quantum-well InGaAs/GaAs lasers with low threshold current density

Göran Adolfsson, Yongqiang Wei, Shu Min Wang et al
14th European Molecular Beam Epitaxy Workshop, Sierra Nevada, Spain
Conference poster

Comparison of lattice relaxation processes in pseudomorphically strained InGaAsN/GaAs and InGaAs/GaAs multiple quantum wells

S. Chao, W Lu, S. Bull et al
Semiconductor and Integrated Optoelectronics Conference, Cardiff, Wales, UK, April 2007
Paper in proceeding

On the Temperature Dependence of the Threshold Current for GaInNAs/GaAs Quantum-Well Lasers

Göran Adolfsson, Shu Min Wang, Mahdad Sadeghi et al
European Semiconductor Laser Workshop, Berlin, Germany.
Other conference contribution

Thermal performance investigation of DQW GaInNAs laser diodes

Jun Lim, R. MacKenzie, S. Sujecki et al
NUSOD Conference, Newark, New Jersey, USA, Sept. 2007
Paper in proceeding

Improvement of structural and optical quality of metamorphic InGaAs/InAlGaAs quantum wells by Be-doping

Ivar Tångring, Mahdad Sadeghi, Shu Min Wang et al
14th European Molecular Beam Epitaxy Workshop, Sierra Nevada, Spain, 2007.
Conference poster

Structural analysis of dilute nitride zincblend InGaNAs cluster by a semi-empirical quantum chemistry study

T.T. Han, Ying Fu, Shu Min Wang et al
Journal of Applied Physics. Vol. 101, p. 123707-
Journal article

State-of-the-art GaInNAs quantum wells and 1.3 µm lasers grown by molecular beam epitaxy

Shu Min Wang, Yongqiang Wei, Qing Xiang Zhao et al
the 14th European Molecular Beam Epitaxy Workshop, Sierra Nevada, Spain, 2007 (keynote invited talk)
Paper in proceeding

High power single mode VCSELs for emerging applications

Anders Larsson
Proc. Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Forum on Laser and Nanotechnology, June 2007, Kista, Sweden
Paper in proceeding

High performance, long wavelength InGaAs/GaAs multiple quantum-well lasers grown by molecular beam epitaxy

Göran Adolfsson, Shu Min Wang, Mahdad Sadeghi et al
Electronic Letters. Vol. 43 (8), p. 454-456
Journal article

GaAs based 1.3 µm quantum well lasers grown by molecular beam epitaxy

Shu Min Wang, Yongqiang Wei, Ivar Tangring et al
MBE China 2007, Nanchang, China, October 2007 (invited)
Paper in proceeding

Optical properties of GaInNAs/GaAs quantum well structures

Qing Xiang Zhao, Magnus Willander, Shu Min Wang et al
Thin Solid Films. Vol. 515, p. 4423-
Journal article

Electrical, optical and thermal simulation of DQW GaInNAs laser diodes

Jun Lim, R. MacKenzie, S. Sujecki et al
Semiconductor and Integrated Optoelectronics Conference, Cardiff, Wales, UK, April 2007
Paper in proceeding

Transmission experiments using 1.3 µm single mode InGaAs VCSELs

Emma Söderberg, Johan Gustavsson, Peter Modh et al
CLEO-Europe, Munich, Germany, June 2007
Paper in proceeding

Thermal imaging and estimation of thermal performance of 1.3 µm InGaAsN/GaAs double quantum well laser diodes

R. MacKenzie, S. Bull, Jun Lim et al
European Semiconductor Laser Workshop, Berlin, Germany, Sept. 2007
Paper in proceeding

Spatio-temporal turn-on dynamics of grating relief VCSELs

Christian Fuchs, Tobias Gensty, Wolfgang Elsässer et al
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics. Vol. 43 (11-12), p. 1227-1234
Journal article

High performance 1.3 µm dilute nitride edge emitting lasers

Mihail Dumitrescu, Anders Larsson, Yongqiang Wei et al
Proc. IEEE Annual International Semiconductor Conference, October 2007, Romania
Journal article

Suppression of higher order transverse modes and oxide modes in 1.3 µm InGaAs VCSELs by an inverted surface relief

Emma Söderberg, Peter Modh, Johan Gustavsson et al
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters. Vol. 19, p. 327-
Journal article

High speed, high temperature operation of 1.28 um singlemode InGaAs VCSELs

Emma Söderberg, Peter Modh, Johan Gustavsson et al
Electronnics Letters. Vol. 42 (17), p. 978-
Journal article

Energy band structure and spectral gain characteristics of dilute-nitride zinc blende InGaNAs quantum wells embedded in GaAs and GaNAs barriers

Ying Fu, Yongqiang Wei, X. D. Wang et al
Journal of Applied Physics. Vol. 100 (7)
Journal article

Single Mode 1.28 um InGaAs VCSELs using an Inverted Surface Relief

Emma Söderberg, Peter Modh, Johan Gustavsson et al
Internation Semiconductor Laser Conference 2006
Paper in proceeding

10 Gb/s modulation of 1.3 µm GaInNAs lasers up to 110 degr.C

Johan Gustavsson, Yongqiang Wei, Mahdad Sadeghi et al
IEE Electronics Letters. Vol. 42 (16), p. 925-926
Journal article

VCSELs for microwave fiber optic links

Anders Larsson, Johan Gustavsson, Peter Modh et al
International Microwave Symposium
Paper in proceeding

High power single mode VCSELs for emerging applications

Anders Larsson, Johan Gustavsson, Åsa Haglund et al
International Symposium on Semiconductor Nanostructures
Paper in proceeding

From Dilute Nitrides to Alloy Nitrides: Nitrogen Incorporation in GaNAs and GaInNAs

Shu Min Wang, Qing Xiang Zhao, Yongqiang Wei et al
Paper in proceeding

The FAST ACCESS project: Low cost 1.3 µm sources for FAST ACCESS technologies

Eric Larkins, Jun Lim, Tom Foxon et al
Workshop on GaInNAs: Materials, devices, and technology
Paper in proceeding

Nitrogen Incorporation in GaNAs Layers Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy

Qing Xiang Zhao, Shu Min Wang, Mahdad Sadeghi et al
Applied Physics Letters. Vol. 89 (3), p. 031907-
Journal article

Design and evaluation of fundamental mode and polarization stabilized VCSELs with a sub-wavelength surface grating

Åsa Haglund, Johan Gustavsson, Jörgen Bengtsson et al
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics. Vol. 42 (3), p. 231-240
Journal article

Linear Cascade VCSEL Arrays With High Differential Efficiency and Low Differential Resistance

Peter Modh, Sheila Galt, Johan Gustavsson et al
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters. Vol. 18 (1), p. 100-102
Journal article

Temperature Dependent of Gain and Recombination in Single and Double Quantum Well InGaAsN Structures Grown by MBE

Peter Smowton, J Thomson, A George et al
Workshop on GaInNAs: Materials, Devices, and Technology
Paper in proceeding

2. High performance 1.28 mm GaInNAs Double Quantum Well lasers

Yongqiang Wei, Mahdad Sadeghi, Shu Min Wang et al
ELECTRONICS LETTERS. Vol. 41 (24), p. 1328-
Magazine article

12. Long-Wavelength InGaAs/GaAs Quantum-Well Lasers Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy

Yongqiang Wei, Shu Min Wang, Xiaodong Wang et al
Magazine article

High-power fundamental-mode and polarization stabilized VCSELs using a sub-wavelength surface grating

Åsa Haglund, Johan Gustavsson, Josip Vukusic et al
Electronics Letters. Vol. 41 (14), p. 37-38
Journal article

Efficient and individually controllable mechanisms for mode and polarization selection in VCSELs, based on a common, localized, sub-wavelength surface grating

Johan Gustavsson, Åsa Haglund, Josip Vukusic et al
Optics Express. Vol. 13 (17), p. 6626-6634
Journal article

Fluorescence lidar imaging of fungal growth on high-voltage outdoor composite insulators

M Bengtsson, R Grönlund, M Sjöholm et al
Optics and Lasers in Engineering. Vol. 43 (6), p. 624-632
Journal article

High-power single-mode and polarization stabilized VCSELs using a sub-wavelength surface grating

Åsa Haglund, Johan Gustavsson, Josip Vukusic et al
Conference on Lasers and Electrooptics (CLEO) Europe, Munich
Paper in proceeding

Single-frequency operation of a high-power, long-wavelength semiconductor disk laser

Hans Lindberg, Martin Strassner, Anders Larsson
Optics Letters. Vol. 30 (17), p. 2260-2262
Journal article

Dynamic mode stability analysis of single-mode VCSELs using a shallow surface relief

Åsa Haglund, Johan Gustavsson, Peter Modh et al
Conference on Lasers and Electrooptics (CLEO) Europe
Paper in proceeding

A High Power, Single Frequency, 1550 nm, Semiconductor Disk Laser

Hans Lindberg, Martin Strassner, Anders Larsson
Conference on Lasers and Electrooptics (CLEO) Europe, Munich
Paper in proceeding

Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers: High-Speed Performance and Analysis

Johan Gustavsson, Jörgen Bengtsson, Anders Larsson
Optoelectronic Devices - Advanced Simulation and Analysis
Book chapter

Strong 1.3-1.6 µm Light Emission from Metamorphic InGaAs Quantum Wells on GaAs

Shu Min Wang, Ivar Tångring, Qinfen Gu et al
3rd International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies
Paper in proceeding

Effects of nitrogen incorporation on the properties of GaInNAs quantum well structures

Qing Xiang Zhao, Shu Min Wang, Mahdad Sadeghi et al
Journal of Applied Physics. Vol. 97 (7), p. 073714-
Journal article

1.3 µm InGaAs vertical cavity surface emitting lasers

Mattias Hammar, Rickard Marcks von Würtemberg, Petrus Sundgren et al
Proceeding of the 18th IEEE/LEOS Annual Meeting 2005, p. 396-397
Paper in proceeding

Effects of growth temperature and post-growth thermal annealing on carrier localization and deep level emission in GaNAs/GaAs quantum well structures

Qing Xiang Zhao, Shu Min Wang, Wei Yongqiang et al
Applied Physics Letters. Vol. 86 (12), p. 121910-3
Journal article

Mode locking a 1550 nm semiconductor disk laser by using a GaInNAs saturable absorber

Hans Lindberg, Martin Strassner, Mahdad Sadeghi et al
Optics Letters. Vol. 30 (20), p. 2793-2795
Journal article

Direct Comparison of Threshold and Gain Characteristics of 1300 nm GaInNAs lasers with GaNAs and GaAs Barriers

Yongqiang Wei, Ying Fu, Xiaodong Wang et al
CLEO-/EUROPE-EQEC 2005, Muchen, Germany
Paper in proceeding

Experimental Study of the Combined Mode and Polarization Control in VCSELs with a Sub-Wavelength Surface Grating

Åsa Haglund, Johan Gustavsson, Piotr Jedrasik et al
Annual Lasers and Electro Optics Society Meeting, Sydney
Paper in proceeding

Radiative recombination of localized excitons and mobility edge excitons in GaInNAs/GaAs quantum wells with strong carrier localization

Qing Xiang Zhao, Magnus Willander, Shu Min Wang et al
Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics. Vol. 341 (1-4), p. 297-302
Journal article

High Frequency Modulation and Bandwidth Limitations of GaInNAs Double Quantum Well Lasers

Yongqiang Wei, Anders Larsson, Johan Gustavsson et al
14th European Semiconductor Laser Workshop,Glasgow, UK
Paper in proceeding

Dynamic mode stability analysis of surface relief VCSELs under strong RF modulation

Åsa Haglund, Johan Gustavsson, Peter Modh et al
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters. Vol. 17 (8), p. 1602-1604
Journal article

Thermal management of optically pumped long-wavelength InP-based semiconductor disk lasers

Hans Lindberg, Martin Strassner, Eckart Gerster et al
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics. Vol. 11 (5), p. 1126-1134
Journal article

Sub-Wavelength Surface Grating Application for High-Power Fundamental-Mode and Polarization Stabilization of the VCSELs

Åsa Haglund, Piotr Jedrasik, Johan Gustavsson et al
IEEE ETFA 2005, pp.
Paper in proceeding

Optical properties of GaInNAs/GaAs quantum well structures

Zhao Qingxiang, Willander Magnus, Shu Min Wang et al
3rd International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies, Singapore
Paper in proceeding

High quality GaNAs qunatum wells with room temperature light emission up to 1.44 µm

Shu Min Wang, Qinfen Gu, Yongqiang Wei et al
Applied Physics Letters. Vol. 87, p. 141913-
Journal article

Linear Cascade VCSEL Arrays With High Differential Efficiency

Peter Modh, Anders Larsson
Conference on Lasers and Electrooptics (CLEO) Europe, Munich
Conference poster

VCSELs for radio-over-fiber applications

Anders Larsson
Proceeding from Nefertiti Workshop on Photonics in Wireless Communication: Cost-effective Solutions and Future Technologies
Other conference contribution

Improved spectral properties of an optically pumped semiconductor disk laser using a thin diamond heat spreader as an intracavity filter

Hans Lindberg, Martin Strassner, Anders Larsson
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters. Vol. 17 (7), p. 1363-1365
Journal article

Red shift of the light emission from highly strained InGaAs/GaAs quantum wells by dipole delta-doping

Fu Ying, Shu Min Wang, Wang Xiaodong et al
Journal of Applied Physics. Vol. 98, p. 043501-
Journal article

Very low threshold current density of 1.3 µm GaInNAs Single Quantum Well Lasers Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy

Shu Min Wang, Yongqiang Wei, Xiaodong Wang et al
Journal of Crystal Growth. Vol. 278, p. 734-
Journal article

6. Direct Comparison of Threshold and Gain Characteristics of 1300 nm GaInNAs lasers with GaNAs and GaAs Barriers

Yongqiang Wei, Ying Fu, Xiaodong Wang et al
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS. Vol. 87 (8), p. 081102-
Magazine article

High-power optically pumped 1550-nm VECSEL with a bonded silicon heat spreader

Hans Lindberg, M Strassner, Jörgen Bengtsson et al
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters. Vol. 16 (5), p. 1233-1235
Journal article

Dynamic behavior of fundamental-mode stabilized VCSELs using a shallow surface relief

Johan Gustavsson, Åsa Haglund, Jörgen Bengtsson et al
IEEE Journal Quantum Electronics. Vol. 40 (6), p. 607-619
Journal article

High-quality 1.3 um GalnNAs single quantum well lasers grown by MBE

Shu Min Wang, S.M Wang, Yongqiang Wei et al
Electronics Letter. Vol. 40, p. 1338-
Journal article

Spatially dependent noise model for vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers

Johan Gustavsson, Jörgen Bengtsson, Anders Larsson
IEEE Journal Quantum Electronics. Vol. 40 (9), p. 1163-1176
Journal article

Wavelenght extension of highly-strained InGaAs/GaAs quantum well laser diodes by dipole delta-doping

Xiao Dong Wang, Shu Min Wang, Yongqiang Wei et al
IPRM04, Kagoshime, Japan, May 31 - June 4, 2004
Paper in proceeding

Optically pumped VECSEL operating at 1550 nm"

Hans Lindberg, M Strassner, Jörgen Bengtsson et al
SPIE Proceedings. Vol. 5364, p. p 25-33
Paper in proceeding

Very low threshold current density of 1.3 um GaInNAs single quantum well lasers grown by molecular beam epitaxy

Shu Min Wang, Yongqiang Wei, Xia Dong Wang et al
13th International Conference on Molecular Beam Epitaxy, Edinburgh, UK, August 22-27, 2004
Paper in proceeding

Long wavelenght InGaAs/GaAs quantum well lasers grown by molecular beam epitaxy

Yongqiang Wei, Shu Min Wang, Xia Dong Wang et al
13th International Conference on Molecular Beam Epitaxy, Edinburgh, UK, August 22-27, 2004
Paper in proceeding

RF transmission over multimode fibers using VCSELs-comparing standard and high bandwidth multimode fibers

Christina Carlsson, Anders Larsson, Arne Alping
Journal of Lightwave Technology. Vol. 22 (7), p. 1694-1700
Journal article

0.8W optically pumped vertical external cavity surface emitting laser operating CW at 1550 nm

Hans Lindberg, M Strassner, E Gerster et al
Electronics Letters. Vol. 40, p. 601-602
Journal article

1.3-1.55 um light emission from InGaAs/GaAs quantum wells on GaAs using dipole delta-doping

Shu Min Wang, Qing Xiang Zhao, Xia Dong Wang et al
IPRM04, Kagoshima, Japan, May 31 - June 4, 2004
Paper in proceeding

InP-based optically pumped VECSEL operating CW at 1550 nm

Hans Lindberg, M Strassner, Jörgen Bengtsson et al
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters. Vol. 16 (2), p. 362-364
Journal article

Modal dynamics and noise of vertical cavity surface emitting lasers

Johan Gustavsson, Jörgen Bengtsson, Anders Larsson
International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices (NUSOD)
Paper in proceeding

Broadband direct modulation of VCSELs and applications in fiber optic RF links

Anders Larsson, Christina Carlsson, Johan Gustavsson et al
Proc IEEE International Conference on Microwave Photonics, p. 251-254
Paper in proceeding

Single fundamental mode output power exceeding 6 mW from VCSELs with a shallow surface relief

Åsa Haglund, Johan Gustavsson, Josip Vukusic et al
IEEE Photonic Technology Lettters. Vol. 16 (2), p. 368,370-
Journal article

Simulating noise characteristics of vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers

Johan Gustavsson, Jörgen Bengtsson, Anders Larsson
European Semiconductor Laser Workshop
Paper in proceeding

Direct high-frequency modulation of VCSELs and applications to fibre optic RF and microwave links

Anders Larsson, Christina Carlsson, Johan Gustavsson et al
New Journal of Physics. Vol. 6, p. 176-
Journal article

1.3 to 1.5 um light emission from InGaAs/GaAs quantum wells

Shu Min Wang, Qing Xiang Zhao, Yongqiang Wei et al
Applied Physics Letter. Vol. 85, p. 875-
Journal article

Influence of initial GaAs and AlAs cap layers on InAs quantum dots grown by molecular beam epitaxy

Fariba Ferdos, Shu Min Wang, Yongqiang Wei et al
Journal of Crystal Growth. Vol. 251 (1-4), p. 145-9
Journal article

Optical electromagnetic wave generator

Spartak Gevorgian, Nils Calander, Mats Karlsson et al

Influence of thin GaAs and AlAs cap layers on the structural properties of InAs quantum dots grown by molecular beam epitaxy

Fariba Ferdos, Shu Min Wang, Yongqiang Wei et al
International Conference on Molecular Beam Epitaxy, 2002, p. 285-6
Paper in proceeding

Influence of a thin GaAs cap layer on structural and optical properties of InAs quantum dots

Fariba Ferdos, Shu Min Wang, Yongqiang Wei et al
Applied Physics Letters. Vol. 81 (7), p. 1195-7
Journal article

Optimisation of MBE growth conditions for InAs quantum dots on (001) GaAs for 1.3 μm luminescence

Fariba Ferdos, Mahdad Sadeghi, Qing Xiang Zhao et al
Journal of Crystal Growth. Vol. 227-228, p. 1140-5
Journal article

Optical electromagnetic wave generator

Spartak Gevorgian, Nils Calander, Mats Karlsson et al
Patent application

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Showing 10 research projects



Anders Larsson Photonics
Lars Svensson Embedded Electronics Systems and Computer Graphics
Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF)

14 publications exist

Ultrasnabba kavitetsförstärkta mikrolasrar

Anders Larsson Photonics
Swedish Research Council (VR)


Integrerade optiska sändare för våglängdsmultiplexering i datacenternätverk

Anders Larsson Photonics
Victor Torres Company Photonics
Magnus Karlsson Photonics
Peter Andrekson Photonics
Swedish Research Council (VR)

14 publications exist

Circuit (PIX) Pilot Line For Life Science Applications (PIX4LIFE)

Anders Larsson Photonics
European Commission (EC)

2 publications exist

Energy-efficient optical fibre communication

Christoffer Fougstedt Computer Engineering (Chalmers)
Kevin Cushon Computer Engineering (Chalmers)
Anders Larsson Photonics
Magnus Karlsson Photonics
Per Larsson-Edefors Computer Engineering (Chalmers)
Peter Andrekson Photonics
Lars Lundberg Photonics
Alexandre Graell i Amat Communication Systems
Erik Agrell Communication Systems
Alireza Sheikh Communication Systems
Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation

27 publications exist

Multi-Tbps Optical Interconnects (MuTOI)

Anders Larsson Photonics
Peter Andrekson Photonics
Herbert Zirath Microwave Electronics
Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF)

9 publications exist

High Contrast Grating VCSELs for WDM Computer Interconnects

Anders Larsson Photonics
Hewlett-Packard Company


Ultraviolet light emitting diodes for solid state lightning

Anders Larsson Photonics
Tommy Ive Photonics
Swedish Energy Agency


Super-high efficiency VCSELs

Anders Larsson Photonics
Swedish Research Council (VR)

There might be more projects where Anders Larsson participates, but you have to be logged in as a Chalmers employee to see them.