Krister Holmberg
Jag har genom åren forskat inom områdena tensiders kemi, reaktioner i mikroemulsioner och andra mikroheterogena media, inkapsling av aktiva substanser, nanomaterial och bioteknologisk ytkemi. Tonvikten har legat på att förstå ytaktiva ämnens roll i olika formuleringar samt på utveckling och karakterisering av nya ytaktiva ämnen. Mycket av forskningen har drivits tillsammans med företag. Jag har varit involverad i projekt inom en rad olika fält såsom specialkemi, läkemedel, kosmetik, tvättmedel, färger, massa och papper, mineralflotation och oljeutvinning.
Jag är ledamot av tre akademier: IVA, KVA och KVVS.

Visar 191 publikationer
Development of amino acid-based surfactants: from synthesis to applications
Toxicity and environmental aspects of surfactants
Effect of polymer addition on the phase behavior of oil-water-surfactant systems of Winsor III type
Ester-based surfactants: Are they stable enough?
Cationic surfactants: A review
pH-Controlled assembly of polyelectrolyte layers on silica nanoparticles in concentrated suspension
An analytical approach to elucidate the architecture of polyethyleneimines
The use of surfactants in the cleaning of works of art
Cleavable Surfactants: A Comparison between Ester, Amide, and Carbonate as the Weak Bond
Selective flotation of calcium minerals using double-headed collectors
Interactions between Lipases and Amphiphiles at Interfaces
Nanocellulose-based Materials for the Reinforcement of Modern Canvas-supported Paintings
A reverse degradation vs. temperature relationship for a carbonate-containing gemini surfactant
Review of the book The Scientist and the Forger: Probing a Turbulent Art World by Jehane Ragai
Evaluation of the Adhesion and Performance of Natural Consolidants for Cotton Canvas Conservation
Parameters influencing hydrophobization of paper by surface sizing
Combined Nanocellulose/Nanosilica Approach for Multiscale Consolidation of Painting Canvases
On the potential of using nanocellulose for consolidation of painting canvases
Interactions between surfactants and hydrolytic enzymes
Self-assembly of ultralong aligned dipeptide single crystals
Surface Treatment by Hydrophobic Particles: Influence of Starch and Ionic Strength
Adsorption of Amino Acids and Glutamic Acid-Based Surfactants on Imogolite Clays
Surface chemistry and interface science
Accelerated ageing of cotton canvas as a model for further consolidation practices
Emulsion-based synthesis of porous silica
Towards a mechanism for surface hydrophobization of paper
Bacteria-triggered degradation of nanofilm shells for release of antimicrobial agents
Weak interactions - Editorial overview
Flotation selectivity of novel alkyl dicarboxylate reagents for calcite-fluorite separation
Editorial overview (Special Topic: Weak Self Assembly)
Formation and relaxation kinetics of starch-particle complexes
Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles with Controllable Morphology Prepared from Oil-in-Water Emulsions
Cationic gemini surfactants with cleavable spacer: Chemical hydrolysis, biodegradation, and toxicity
Use of microcapsules as controlled release devices for coatings
The effect on Solution Properties of Replacing a Hydrogen Atom with a Methyl Group in a Surfactant
Amino acid-based surfactants - Do they deserve more attention?
Flotation selectivity of novel alkyl dicarboxylate reagents for apatite-calcite separation
Using Nature´s concepts to synthesize materials - an example of biomimetic chemistry
Bacterial protease triggered release of biocides from microspheres with an oily core
Biodegradable nanofilms on microcapsules for controlled release of drugs to infected chronic wounds
Polypeptide Multilayer Self-Assembly Studied by Ellipsometry
Molecular recognition in mineral flotation: Selectivity in apatite-calcite system
Design and development of novel mineral-specific collectors for flotation
Enzymes Immobilized in Mesoporous Silica: a Physical-Chemical Perspective
Epoxy Resin Monomers with Reduced Skin Sensitizing Potency
Hydrotropes - Structure and Function
Encapsulation of actives for sustained release
Friedel-Crafts acylation of 2-methylindole with acetic anhydride using mesoporous HZSM-5
A method to measure pH inside mesoporous particles using protein-bound SNARF1 fluorescent probe
Solubilization of hydrophobic dyes in surfactant solutions
Solubilization of two organic dyes by anionic, cationic and nonionic surfactants
Micellization of true amphoteric surfactants
An anomalous behavior of trypsin immobilized in alginate network
Degradation of Two Persistent Surfactants by UV-Enhanced Ozonation
The Importance of Proper Anchoring of an Amphiphilic Dispersant for Colloidal Stability
New method for studying the adsorption of enzymes into mesoporous particles with QCM‐D
Solubilization of two organic dyes by cationic ester-containing gemini surfactants
Physical chemical characteristics of dicarboxylic amino acid-based surfactants
Reactive dye removal from wastewater using a chitosan nanodispersion
Combustion of Emulsion Fuels Based on Fischer-Tropsch Diesel.
Combustion of emulsion fuels based on Fischer-Tropsch diesel
Interfacial mechanism of lipolysis as self-regulated process
Fuel emulsions and microemulsions based on Fischer-Tropsch diesel
Role of an amide bond for self-assembly of surfactants
Cationic Ester-Containing Gemini Surfactants: Physical-Chemical Properties
Fischer-Tropsch diesel emulsions stabilised by microfibrillated cellulose and nonionic surfactants
Lipase reaction at interfaces as self-limiting processes
NMR for studying structure and dynamics in colloidal systems
Admicellar polymerization of methyl methacrylate on aluminum pigments
The Sonogashira reaction catalyzed by palladium leached from ordered mesoporous carbon
Use of Self-Assembled Surfactants for Nanomaterials Synthesis
Water-in-diesel microemulsions studied by NMR diffusometry
Comparison of PEI-PEG and PLL-PEG Copolymer Coatings on the Prevention of Protein Fouling
Dissolution and gellation of cellulose in TBAF/DMSO solutions: The role of fluoride ions and water
Water-Based Latex Dispersions. 5: NMR Relaxation Studies of Deuterium Labeled Nonylphenol Ethoxylate
Counterion Specificity of Surfactants Based on Dicarboxylic Amino Scids
The Influence of Surfactants on Lipase Fat Digestion in a Model Gastro Intestinal System
COLL 9-Betaine ester surfactants
Mesoporous materials as host for an entrapped enzyme
Surfactant Inhibition of Aluminium Pigments for Waterborne Printing Inks
Use of ordered mesoporous materials as tools for organic and bioorganic synthesis
Adsorption of polar lipids at the oil-water interface
Towards a biosensor immunoassay of protein-bound isopeptides in human plasma
Competition with lipases and monoglycerides at interfaces
Lipases at interfaces: Unique interfacial properties as globular proteins
Surfactants containing hydrolyzable bonds
Adsorption of novel alkylaminoamide sugar surfactants at tailor-made surfaces
Use of different types of mesoporous materials as tools for organic synthesis
Composition for controlling lipase catalyzed reactions
Cationic ester-containing gemini surfactants: Chemical hydrolysis and biodegradation
Organic reactions in microemulsions
Incorporation of platinum nanoparticles in ordered mesoporous carbon
Liquid crystalline phases and other microheterogeneous systems as media for organic synthesis
Surface modification for aluminum pigment inhibition
Use of cleavable surfactants for alkyl ketene dimer (AKD) dispersions
Nonionic ortho ester surfactants as cleavable emulsifiers
Dispersion mechanism in aqueous alumina suspensions at high solids content
Water-in-diesel emulsions and related systems
Use of lignin as a calcium carbonate scaling inhibitor
Alternative catalysts and carbon support materials for PEMFC
Lipase catalyzed reactions at different surfaces
Use of a mesoporous material for organic synthesis
Synthesis, Stability and Biodegradability Studies of a Surface Active Amide
Self-assembled gemini surfactant film-mediated dispersion stability
Surfactant-templated mesostructured materials from inorganic silica
Lipopolysaccharide removal by a peptide-functionalized surface
Mixed Micellar Systems of Cleavable Surfactants
Organic reactions in emulsions and microemulsions
The binary phase behavior of short-chain PDMS-b-PEO diblock copolymers in aqueous solution
Oxidation of self-organized nonionic surfactants
Phase transfer agents as catalysts for a nucleophilic substitution reaction in microemulsions
A nucleophilic substitution performed in different types of self-assembly structures
Use of surfactant self-assembly for nanomaterial synthesis
NMR studies on hydrolysis kinetics and micellar growth in solutions of surface active betaine esters
Impact of polymer surface affinity of novel antifouling agents
Surfactants-templated nanomaterials synthesis
Functional groups in fractionated asphaltenes and the adsorption of amphiphilic molecules
Kinetics of the self-assembly of gemini surfactants
Surfactants and Polymers in Aqueous Solution, 2nd ed.
Mesoporous alumina made from a bicontinuous liquid crystalline phase
Synthesis of Pt Nanoparticles in Microemulsions and their Deposition on g -Al2O3
Kinetics of the formation of nano-sized platinum particles in water-in-oil microemulsions
Kinetic Study of the Formation of Nano Sized Platinum Particles in Microemulsion
Kinetics of Nanoparticle Formation in Microemulsion
Kinetic Study of the Formation of Nano Sized Platinum Particles by Reaction in Microemulsion
Kinetic Study of the Formation of Nano Sized Platinum Particles in Microemulsion
Use of Surfactants Self-assembly to Prepare Tailor-made Catalytic Materials
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Visar 3 forskningsprojekt
Bio-epoxy: Epoxihartser med låg biologisk påverkan