Olle Häggström
Olle Häggström är professor i matematisk statistik. Merparten av hans forskningsmeriter ligger inom sannolikhetsteorin, men på senare år har han i ökande grad riktat sin uppmärksamhet mot futurologi, existentiell risk, AI-säkerhet och angränsande områden.

Visar 164 publikationer
Artificial General Intelligence and the Common Sense Argument
What Are the Chances of That? How to Think About Uncertainty
Chess as a testing grounds for the oracle approach to AI safety
An AGI Modifying Its Utility Function in Violation of the Strong Orthogonality Thesis
Guest editorial: Existential risk to humanity
Long-term trajectories of human civilization
Challenges to the Omohundro-Bostrom framework for AI motivations
Water transport on infinite graphs
Thinking in advance about the last algorithm we ever need to invent
The Need for Nuance in the Null Hypothesis Significance Testing Debate
Fermi's paradox, Extraterrestrial Life and the Future of Humanity: a Bayesian Analysis
Reply to "Volcanic effects on climate"
Mathematics awareness month: The future of prediction
Equilibrium climate sensitivity in light of observations over the warming hiatus
Symbolic Reasoning with Bounded Cognitive Resources
Further results on consensus formation in the Deffuant model
Lord's Paradox in a Continuous Setting and a Regression Artifact in Numerical Cognition Research
Vad händer när datorerna blir smartare än vi?
Emerging technologies and the future of humanity
Rigorous computer analysis of the Chow-Robbins game
Statistisk signifikans och Armageddon
Book Review: Paradoxes in Probability Theory
Ekonomiska följder av en intelligensexplosion
Why the empirical sciences need statistics so desperately
Two Badly Behaved Percolation Processes on a Nonunimodular Graph
A Pairwise Averaging Procedure with Application to Consensus Formation in the Deffuant Model
Bevare oss för det brittiska utvärderingseländet
Transparent Neural Networks: Integrating Concept Formation and Reasoning
Percolation in invariant Poisson graphs with i.i.d. degrees
Book review: The Calculus of Selfishness
Begränsat perspektiv på vetenskapens begränsningar
Global uppvärmning och statistisk signifikans
Percolation beyond Zd: The contributions of Oded Schramm
Klimatvetenskap, klimatdebatt, klimathuliganism
Book review: Nonsense on Stilts
Selected Works of Oded Schramm, Vol 1 and 2
Forskare trakasseras av klimatskeptiker
Stärk matematiken och naturvetenskapen i nya gymnasiet
Religion hanteras bäst under lektionerna i historia
Rektorskandidaten som är vetenskapsfientlig
Varför vill Södertörns högskola ha en vetenskapsfientlig rektor?
Book Review: The Cult of Statistical Significance
Myt att kristendomen byggt Sverige
How objective is objective Bayesianism - and how Bayesian?
On the Speed of Biased Random Walk in Translation Invariant Percolation
Försvaret av vetenskapen - ett tvåfrontskrig
Gör den 26 september till allmän helgdag
Some Two-dimensional Finite Energy Percolation Processes
Conditional percolation on one-dimensional lattices
Nationalekonomin - läran om incitament
Om istider, klimatförändringar och pterkopplingar
Biased random walk in a one-dimensional percolation model
Brister i sannolikhetsargument för och emot Guds existens
Att forska är ett äventyr - men se upp för alla fallgropar
Instability of matchings in decentralized markets with various preference structures
A note on conditioning and stochastic domination for order statistics
Computability of Percolation Thresholds
The Pleasures and Pains of Studying the Two-type Richardson model
Om att skapa ett Institute for Advanced Study i Göteborg.
Att skilja vetenskap från pseudovetenskap: exemplet Stockholmsinitiativet
Det är svårt att sia - särskilt om framtiden
The Two-type Richardson Model with Unbounded Initial Configurations
Discussion of `Modern statistics for spatial point processes' by Møller and Waagepetersen
On Variance Conditions for Markov Chain CLTs
Intelligent design and the NFL theorems
Att tänka långsiktigt - om marshmallows, räntor och koldioxidutsläpp
Problem solving is often a matter of cooking up an appropriate Markov chain
Objective truth versus human understanding in mathematics and in chess
Localized techniques for broadcasting in wireless sensor networks.
Proof of a Conjecture of N. Konno for the 1D Contact Process
Matematiken som Antidarwinistiskt Tillhygge
Uniqueness and Non-uniqueness in Percolation Theory
Gud och Darwin möts i bioteologin
Some Conditional Correlation Inequalities for Percolation and Related Processes
The Volume Fraction of a Non-overlapping Germ-grain Model
Duger det att stå utanför och se in?
A Law of Large Numbers for Weighted Majority
Refinements of Stochastic Domination
Nonmonotonic Coexistence Regions for the Two-type Richardson Model on Graphs
Nonmonotonic Coexistence Regions for the Two-type Richardson Model on Graphs
Proof of a Conjecture of N. Konno for the 1D Contact Process
On the Central Limit Theorem for Geometrically Ergodic Markov Chains
Mittag-Leffler en matematikens entreprenör
Irrigating ad hoc networks in constant time
The Volume Fraction of a Non-overlapping Germ-grain Model
Det kan löna sig att räkna rätt
A Stochastic Model for Competing Growth on R^d
Gibbs Properties of the Fuzzy Potts Model on Trees and in Mean Field
Some conditional correlation inequalities for percolation and related processes
Coexistence in a Two-type Continuum Growth Model
A law of large numbers for weighted majority
Connectivity Properties of Bluetooth Wireless Networks
Gibbs properties of the Fuzzy Potts model on trees and in mean field
A stochastic model for competing growth on R^d
Zero-temperature dynamics for the ferromagnetic Ising model on random graphs
A monotonicty result for hard-core and Widom-Rowlinson models on certain d-dimensional lattices
Which properties of random sequence are dynamically sensitive?
Uniqueness of the infinite entangled component in three-dimensional bond percolation
On the effect of adding ε-Bernoulli percolation to everywhere prercolating subgraphs of Ζd
Propp-Wilson algorithms and finitary codings for high noise Markov random fields
The random geometry of equilibrium phases
Absence of mutual unbounded growth for almost all parameter values in the two-type Richardson model
The Ising model on diluted graphs and strong amenability
Nearest-neighbor walks with low predictability profile and percolation in 2 + (epsilon) dimensions
On exact simulation of Markov random fields using coupling from the past
First passage percolation and a model for competing spatial growth
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Visar 4 forskningsprojekt
Topics in the theory of xrisk and longtermism
Stochastics for big data and big systems - bridging local and global
Perkolationsteori och spatial interaktion