Martin Fabian
Martin Fabian är forskargruppsledare och professor i automation.

Visar 221 publikationer
Automatic Conversion of Smart Contracts for Non-Blocking Verification
Robust stutter bisimulation for abstraction and controller synthesis with disturbance
Supervisory Control Synthesis of Timed Automata Using Forcible Events
Discrete-Event Based Patient Flow Simulation of an Emergency Surgery Department
On Active Learning for Supervisor Synthesis
Conflict-free electric vehicle routing problem: an improved compositional algorithm
Online Conflict-Free Scheduling of Fleets of Autonomous Mobile Robots
On Input Generators for Cyber-Physical Systems Falsification
On proving that an unsafe controller is not proven safe
Lupremica - Lua Scripting for Supremica
Formal Development of Safe Automated Driving Using Differential Dynamic Logic
A survey on compositional algorithms for verification and synthesis in supervisory control
PMSM MTPA-Control with Reinforcement Learning and CO2 Burden
Automatically Learning Formal Models from Autonomous Driving Software
On How to Not Prove Faulty Controllers Safe in Differential Dynamic Logic
Modeling and Security Verification of State-Based Smart Contracts
On test case reduction for testing safety properties of manufacturing systems
On Optimization of Automation Systems: Integrating Modular Learning and Optimization
Robust Stutter Bisimulation for Abstraction and Controller Synthesis with Disturbance: Proofs
Sequence Planner: A Framework for Control of Intelligent Automation Systems
Formal verification of deadlock avoidance rules for AGV systems
Testing Cyber-Physical Systems Using a Line-Search Falsification Method
Interactive formal specification for efficient preparation of intelligent automation systems
A Compositional Algorithm for the Conflict-Free Electric Vehicle Routing Problem
Leveraging Conflicting Constraints in Solving Vehicle Routing Problems
Temporal Logic Falsification of Cyber-Physical Systems using Input Pulse Generators
Compositional coordinator synthesis of extended finite automata
Model properties for efficient synthesis of nonblocking modular supervisors
Solving the conflict-free electric vehicle routing problem using SMT solvers
MIDES: A Tool for Supervisor Synthesis via Active Learning
On the Use of Equivalence Classes for Optimal and Suboptimal Bin Packing and Bin Covering
On testing and automatic mending of safety PLC code
An SMT Based Compositional Algorithm to Solve a Conflict-Free Electric Vehicle Routing Problem
Formal Synthesis of Safe Stop Tactical Planners for an Automated Vehicle
Guard extraction for modeling and control of a collaborative assembly station
Automatically Learning Formal Models: An Industrial Case from Autonomous Driving Development
Non-blocking Supervisory Control of Timed Automata using Forcible Events
Multiple Objective Functions for Falsification of Cyber-Physical Systems
Towards data-driven approaches in manufacturing: an architecture to collect sequences of operations
Active Learning of Modular Plant Models
Supervisory Control Theory in System Safety Analysis
Modular Supervisory Synthesis for Unknown Plant Models Using Active Learning
On the use of equivalence classes for optimal and sub-optimal bin covering
Control components for Collaborative and Intelligent Automation Systems
On-the-fly conformance testing of safety PLC code using QuickCheck
On the Safe IOCOS relation for Testing Safety PLC Code
No synthesis needed, we are alright already
Design and Formal Verification of a Safe Stop Supervisor for an Automated Vehicle
Supervisory control of discrete-event systems in an asynchronous setting
Verification of Decision Making Software in an Autonomous Vehicle: An Industrial Case Study
Testing Safety PLCs Using QuickCheck
Synthesis of Supervisors for Unknown Plant Models Using Active Learning
Evaluating Two Semantics for Falsification using an Autonomous Driving Example
Comparative Case Studies of Reactive Synthesis and Supervisory Control
Testing and validation of safety logic in the virtual environment
Towards Automatic Learning of Discrete-Event Models from Simulations
On the Equivalence of Controllability and the Input Output Conformance Testing Relation
Digital Twin for Legacy Systems: Simulation Model Testing and Validation
Modeling and Synthesis of the Lane Change Function of an Autonomous Vehicle
Real-time Visualization of Robot Operation Sequences
Supremica–An Efficient Tool for Large-Scale Discrete Event Systems
Sequence Planner: Supporting Integrated Virtual Preparation and Commissioning
Automated Mode Coverage Analysis for Cyber-Physical Systems using Hybrid Automata
Virtual Engineering Framework forAutomatic Generation of Control Logic including Safety
Application of formal verification to the lane change module of an autonomous vehicle
Compositional synthesis of supervisors in the form of state machines and state maps
Objective functions for falsification of signal temporal logic properties in cyber-physical systems
Error handling within highly automated automotive industry: Current practice and research needs
Formulating Constraint Satisfaction Problems for the Inspection of Configuration Rules
A framework for compositional nonblocking verification of extended finite-state machines
Welcome message from general and program chairs
On restart of automated manufacturing systems using restart states
Modeling and automatic calculation of restart states for an industrial windscreen mounting station
Formal Methods for the Inspection of Vehicle Configuration Rules
Supervisory control of manufacturing systems using extended finite automata
An algorithm for compositional nonblocking verification of extended finite-state machines
An Empirical Study of Control Logic Specifications for Programmable Logic Controllers
Supervisory Control for State-Vector Transition Models—A Unified Approach
Unified model for synthesis and optimization of discrete event and hybrid systems
Robust manual control of a manufacturing system using supervisory control theory
Certainly Unsupervisable States
Calculating restart states using reset transitions
A Framework for Compositional Synthesis of Modular Nonblocking Supervisors
Calculating Restart States for Systems Modeled by Operations Using Supervisory Control Theory
Derivation of placement transitions for offline calculation of restart states
Compositional Nonblocking Verification for Extended Finite-State Automata Using Partial Unfolding
Deadlock avoidance for multi product manufacturing systems modeled as sequences of operations
An Algorithm for Weak Synthesis Observation Equivalence for Compositional Supervisor Synthesis
Towards Industrial Formal Specification of Programmable Safety Systems
Transition Removal for Compositional Supervisor Synthesis
State-Vector Transition Model Applied to Supervisory Control
Human operator and robot resource modeling for planning purposes in assembly systems
Planning in assembly systems – A common modeling for products and resources
From Task Allocation Towards Resource Allocation when Optimising Assembly Systems
From task allocation towards resource allocation when optimising assembly systems
On the Use of Observation Equivalence
Nondeterminism Avoidance in Compositional Synthesis of Discrete Event Systems
Compositional Synthesis of Discrete Event Systems Using Synthesis Abstraction
Planning transport sequences for flexible manufacturing systems
Generation of restart states for manufacturing cell controllers
Sequence Planning for Integrated Product, Process and Automation Design
A formal specification language for PLC-based control logic
Formal Specification and Verification of Industrial Control Logic Components
Practice of Industrial Control Logic Programming using Library Components
Modular specification of forbidden states for supervisory control
Coordination of Operations by Relation Extraction for Manufacturing Cell Controllers
Restarting manufacturing systems; restart states and restartability
Supervisor Computation and Representation: A Case Study
Synthesis of Restart States for Manufacturing Cell Controllers
Generation of restart states for manufacturing systems with discarded workpieces
A framework for automatic generation of interlocking functions for flexible manufacturing.
Reusable Components for Industrial Logic Control Programming
Formal Specification and Verification of Components for Industrial Logic Control Programming
Supervisory Control Applied to Automata Extended with Variables - Revised
Solving Two Supervisory Control Benchmark Problems Using Supremica
Velocity balancing in flexible manufacturing systems
Reliable Control of Complex Manufacturing Cells
Modeling of Discrete Event Systems using Finite Automata With Variables
Supervisory control applied to automata extended with variables
Compositional Synthesis of Maximally Permissive Supervisors Using Supervision Equivalence
Minimization of Expected Cycle Time in Manufacturing Cells with Uncontrollable Behavior
Modeling of Discrete Event Systems using Finite Automata With Variables
Hierarchical Control Applying Supervisor Synthesis and relation Extraction
Automatic Generation of Distributed Control Functions for Multi-Product Manufacturing Cells
Efficient Supervisory Synthesis of Large Systems
Scheduling Algorithms for Optimal Robot Cell Coordination - a Comparison
Restarting Flexible Manufacturing Systems; Synthesis of Restart States
Synthesis of Hierarchical and Distributed Control Functions for Multi-Product Manufacturing Cells
Coordinated operations by relation extraction for manufacturing cell controllers
Scheduling of Discrete Event Systems Using Mixed Integer Linear Programming
Hierachical control of flexible manufacturing systems applying information reuse
Control architecture for flexible production systems
Efficient Analysis of Large Discrete-Event Systems with Binary Decision Diagrams
On the execution of sequential function charts
Efficient Analysis of Large Discrete-Event Systems with Binary Decision Diagrams
Automatic Implementation And Verification Of Coordinating PLC-Code For Robot Cells
Verification of a Novel Approach in Control of Flexible Manufacturing Cells
Efficient supervisory synthesis of large systems
Early Termination by Local String in Incremental Language Containment Tests
Supervision of Multiple Industrial Robots - Optimal and Collision Free Work Cycles
Design of Control Programs for Efficient Handling of Errors in Flexible Manufacturing Cells
Controllability Revisited: A Generalization for the Modular Approach
Maximally permissive mutually and globally nonblocking supervisors for discrete event systems
Automatic Multi Robot Coordination
Supremica - A Tool for Verification and Synthesis of Discrete Event Supervisors
Automatic Generation of PLC programs for Control of Flexible Manufacturing Cells
CHAMP - a Generic Architecture for Flexible Production
Exploiting Modularity for Synthesis and Verification of Supervisors
Modelling and PLC-based Implementation of Modular Supervisory Control
On the Execution of Discrete Event Systems as Sequential Function Charts
Generic Resource Booking Models in Flexible Cells
Implementation of control and scheduling for production systems
Efficient Application of Symbolic Tools for Resource Booking Problems
Prioritised Synchronous Composition of Inhibitor Arc Petri Nets
Desco - a Tool for Education and Control of Discrete Event Systems
Mutually Nonblocking Supervisory Control of Discrete Event Systems
Coordination of batches in flexible production
Implementing supervisory control for chemical batch processes
Deadlock Detection and Controller Synthesis for Production Systems Using Partial Order Techniques
Synchronised Execution of Discrete Event Models Using Sequential Function Charts
PLC-based Implementation of Supervisory Control for Discrete Event Systems
A Generic System Architecure for Flexible Production
Modeling, Specification and Controller Synthesis for Discrete Event Systems
Modeling Primitives and Specification Structures for Supervisory Control
Specification Structures for Supervisory Control
Modeling Primitives for Supervisory Control
Chalmers Architecture and Methodology for Flexible Production - Champ
Database Design for Machining Cell Resource Models
A Class of Non-Deterministic Specifications for Supervisory Control
Integrating Process Planning and Control for Flexible Production Systems
Operator control activities in flexible manufacturing systems
Controlling and Coordinating Recipes in Batch Applications
Concurrently competing production sequences - A case for nondeterministic supervisory control
On nondeterministic supervisory control
Automated Generation of Plant-Specific Recipes in Batch Control
Controlling and Coordinating Recipes in Batch Applications
Control System Support for Manual Interaction in Flexible Manufacturing Systems
Generic Resource Models and a Message-Passing Structure in an FMS Controller
Controlling and Coordinating Recipes in Batch Applications
A Class of Nondeterministic Marked Specification for Supervisory Control
Operator Control Activities in Manufacturing Systems - A Case Study of a Machining Cell
Applying Supervisory Control to Discrete Event Systems Modeled by Object Oriented Principles
Dynamic Products in Control of an FMS Cell
Petri Net Constructs for High Level Operation Lists
A Class of Nondeterministic Specifications for Supervisory Control
Towards a Truly Flexible Manufacturing System
A Machining Cell Level Language for Product Specification
Database Design for Machining Cell Level Product Specification
Guidelines for a generic message-based structure to obtain flexible cell control
Petri Nets and Control Synthesis; An Object Oriented Approach
Towards a True Flexible Manufacturing System
Object Oriented Supervisory Control with a Class of Nondeterministic Specifications
Distributed Objects for Real-Time Control Systems
Control of Manufacturing Systems - An Object Oriented Approach
Object Oriented Structuring of Real Time Control Systems
Control of Manufacturing Systems - An Object Oriented Approach
Object-Oriented Structuring of Real-Time Systems
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Visar 13 forskningsprojekt
Automatiskt bedömning av autonoma fordons korrekthet (Auto-CAV)
Systematisk testning av cyberfysiska system (SyTeC)
Engineering Tool Chain for Efficient and Iterative Development of Smart Factories (ENTOC)
Modellbaserad Testning av Mekatroniska System (TESTRON)
FFI Informationssystemarkitektur 2 - Smarta händelsestyrda tjänster
Effektivt underhåll för hållbara transportlösningar (EMATS)
RObot based Autonomous Refuse handling (ROAR)
Virtuell beredning och idrifttagning av produktionssystem inklusive PLC-logik