Alexander Styhre
Visar 185 publikationer
The sacred and the profane in life science work: The case of assisted reproduction laboratories
The discursive production of “women friendliness” in the context of Swedish video game development
Scholarly reading as professional practice: A reappraisal
Exploration vs. exploitation, and how video game developers are able to combine the two
Open innovation in SMEs: a study of the Swedish bio-pharmaceutical industry
Organisation och organisering. Upplaga 4
Experiencing discrimination – an intersectional analysis
Artistic interventions as détournement and constructed situations
In-forming the digital artifacts: The role end-users in the Swedish video game industry
Financing life science innovation: Venture Capital, Corporate Governance and Commercialization
Paradoxifying Organizational Change: Cynicism and Resistance in the Swedish Armed Forces
The influence of neoliberalism and its absence in management research
Men in context: “Privilege” and reflexivity in academia
Neoliberalism, the free market, and the decline of managerial capitalism
Gender Equality as Institutional Work: The Case of the Church of Sweden
Why do you want to ruin these young women??": Institutional work in the video game industry
Bridges: The science and art of the world’s most inspiring structure
Att prissätta kultur: Kulturbyråkrati och ekonomisk värdering
Enacting hard and soft product offerings in mature industries: Moving towards servitisation in Volvo
Screenness and organizing: Sociomaterial practices in mediated worlds
Sound, silence, music: Organizing audible work settings
Professionals making judgments : the professional skill of valuing and assessing
The practice and the discipline: An introduction to “management”
Constructing the employable immigrant: The uses of validation practices in Sweden
The organization of vision within professions
Management: An advanced introduction
The production of social space: shopping malls as relational and transductive spaces
Self-Reflexivity Scrutinized: (Pro-)feminist men learning that gender matters
Exploring university-industry collaboration in research centres
Organizations and the Bioeconomy: The Management and Commodification of the Life Sciences
International expertise and local know-how in the trading zone
Assembling Health Care Organizations. Practice, Materiality and Institutions
Carry on! Understanding creativity through popular culture
Carry on! Understanding Creativity Through Popular Culture
The overworked site manager: Gendered ideologies in the construction industry
Project management in the culture industry: Balancing structure and creativity
Diskriminering inom Försvarsmakten - en intersektionell analys
The architect‟s gaze: Visual artefacts, perception and knowledge in architect work
Organization theory. A practice-based approach
Institutionalizing technoscience: Post-genomic technologies and the case of systems biology
Alvin Gouldner: The three faces of bureaucracy
Digital media and the waning of the private self: Addendum to Företagsekonomins frågor
Céline and the aesthetics of hyperbole: Style, points, parataxis and other literary devices
In the circuit of credibility: Construction workers and the norms of “a good job”
Media is always social: How social media constitute subject-positions
Knowledge Sharing in Professions: Practitioners, Practice, and Communities of Practice
Practice and intuitive thinking: The situated nature of practical work
Sorting people out – The uses of one-dimensional classificatory schemes in a multi-dimensional world
The concept of transduction and its use in organization studies
Expert or speaking partner?: shifting roles and identities in consulting work
Managing knowledge in platforms: boundary objects and stocks and flows of knowledge
Project Management in the Culture Industry
Irish Butchers Rather than Irish Meat: Trade Union Responses to Agency Work in Sweden
Tacit knowledge in rock construction work: A study and a critique of the use of the term
Postcolonial theory, the bioeconomy, and the economization of biological resources
Knowledge work and practices of seeing: Epistemologies of the eye, gaze, and professional vision
Organizing technologies of vision: Making the invisible visible in media-laden observations
The culture of complaint in construction: Affirmative reflections on its role and function
Garbage-can decision making and the accommodation of uncertainty in new drug development work
Tinkering with material resources: Operating under ambiguous conditions in rock construction work
Thinking the multiple in gender and diversity studies: Examining the concept of intersectionality
Positioning within discourses – the construction of identities in knowledge sharing
Tacit knowledge in rock construction work: A study and a critique of the use of the term
Management control in bureaucratic and post-bureaucratic organizations: A Lacanian perspective
Narrating knowledge: Storytelling and knowledge sharing in a medium-sized construction company
Caught in the strange loop: peer-to-peer positioning in a consulting firm
Institution, prerogative, and predicament: On reading in the age of "faddishness"
The cinematic mode of organizing: Media and the problem of attention in organization theory
Handbook of research on knowledge-intensive organization
Visual representations and knowledge-intensive work: the case of architect work
Creativity and Its Discontents: Professional Ideology and Creativity in Architect Work
Critical managment studies at work: Negotiating the tension between theory and practice
The social embedding of management control in knowledge intensive firms
Types of interaction among academic and industry partners in boundary spanning research efforts
The concept of interessement: The story of a power-split technology for hybrid electric vehicles
When the good times are over: Professionals meet new technology
Managing knowledge in the construction industry: The cases of construction work and architecture
Overcoming the glass barriers: Reflection and action in the “Women to the top” programme
The role of social capital in knowledge sharing: The case of a specialist rock construction company
Bring in the arts and get the creativity for free: A study of the Artists in Residence project
Making the refugee multiple: The effects of classification work
Critical management studies and the agélaste ethos
Organisera och leda för lärande i bygg- och anläggningsprojekt
Science-based innovation innovation: From modest witnessing to pipeline thinking
Heedful interrelating, knowledge sharing, and new drug development
Coaching as second-order observations: Learning from site managers in the construction industry
Making the refugee multiple: The effects of classification work
Transduction and entrepreneurship: A biophilosophical image of the entrepreneur
Myth and charisma as symbolic capital: The case of architecture work, in Kostera, M., ed.,
The play of innovation: New drug development and Roger Caillois’s theory of play
Individual learning in construction projects: professions and their approaches
Projektledarskap i bygg- och anläggningsprojekt: Förbättrat ledarskap genom coaching?
Learning approaches for housing, service and infrastructure project organizations
Intersectionality as a perspective on diversity management practices
rchitectural work as practice: Materialized semiosis
Media and organization: Exploring the worldview of speech, writing and code
Coaching the site manager: Effects on learning and managerial practice
Management writing and repetition: Affirming the heteroglossia of language
Peer learning in construction work: Virtuality and time in workplace learning
Organizational learning in non-writing communities: the case of construction workers
Bergson, the virtual and the virtual organization,
Lärande i byggprojekt pågår - men alla får inte feedback
The bureaucratization of the project manager function: The case of construction industry,
Phronesis and creativity: Knowledge work in video game development
Knowledge management in the making: Using Balanced Scorecard and e-mail systems
Organization creativity and the empiricist image novelty
The struggle over meaning: Rethinking the car in the automotive industry:
Revisiting site manager work: stuck in the middle?
Science-based innovation as systematic risk-taking: The case of new drug development
Managed by the Other: Cultural anxieties in two Anglo-Americanized Swedish firms
Going green from the inside: Insider action research in Volvo Car Corporation
The gendered machine: Concept car development at Volvo Car Corporation
Sharing experiences between construction project organisations
Action research as experimentation
The unintended consequences of management by objectives: the volume growth target at Volvo Cars.
The tri-polar relationship as an engine for learning in management research
A gendered carnival? Project work at Volvo cars
Science-based innovation: The blind spot of knowledge management theory
Ideology and the subjectification of the entrepreneurial self
Organisationer och organisering
The practice of knowledge sharing in R&D: the challenge of articulating learning
Lära av projekt väg till framgång
Learning capabilities in organizational networks: case studies of six construction projects
Thinking Driven by Doubt and Passion: Kierkegaard and Reflexivity in Organisation Studies
Core Rigidities in Construction Projects
Knowledge Transfer within Construction Projects
Learning Capability in Construction Projects: from the Learning Organization to the Learning Project
Lärande i byggprojekt - det bortglömde framgångsreceptet
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