Jonas Ringsberg
Professor Jonas Ringsberg är professor i ämnet marina strukturer och är avdelningschef för avdelningen Marin teknik på Chalmers tekniska högskola. Han undervisar i kurser och handleder examensarbeten på det internationella mastersprogrammet Mobility Engineering på Chalmers inom profilspåret Marin teknik. Studenterna som examineras från detta spår blir Naval Architects. Jonas Ringsbergs forskning bedrivs inom flera områden med marin konstruktionsteknik och materialvetenskap i fokus, t ex strukturintegritetsanalys, konstitutiv modellering av material och deras beteenden, ismekanik, Arktiska sjötransporter och installationer, hållbar konstruktion, vindassisterad framdrivning på fartyg, marin förnyelsebar energi (våg- och vindkraft), autonom sjöfart, energimodellering av fartygssystem och prestandaprediktering, samt beräkningsmetoder för fluid-struktur-interaktion. Professor Jonas Ringsberg är medlem i RINA (F-RINA), SNAME (SNAME-Fellow) och i ASME. Han har varit medlem i flera ISSC-kommittéer sedan 2006 och har varit ordförande för några av dem: 2006-2012 Fatigue & Fracture (III.2), 2012-2018 Quasi-Static Response (II.1) och 2018-2025 Ultimate Strength (III.1). Sedan den 1 januari 2024 är Jonas Ringsberg redaktör för tidskriften Ocean Engineering.

Visar 280 publikationer
An FMI-based co-simulation framework for simulations of wave energy converter systems
Size optimization of a tripod-shaped support structure for weight-efficient offshore wind turbines
Structural integrity analysis of marine dynamic cables: water trees and fatigue
Structural integrity analysis of marine dynamic cables
Unsteady RANS and IDDES studies on a telescopic crescent-shaped wingsail
A Dynamics-Constrained Rapid Path-Planning Method for Shipping in Arctic Waters
On the lightweight design of laminated insulating glass units in cruise ships
The impact of wind farms on winter navigation
The effects of sea-state on optimal generator parameters for a wave energy converter
Manoeuvring modelling and control design of autonomous vessels on inland waterways
Rapid aerodynamic method for predicting the performance of interacting wing sails
System identification of a physics-informed ship model for better predictions in wind conditions
Physics-guided metamodel for vertical bending-induced fatigue damage monitoring in container vessels
Towards autonomous inland shipping: a manoeuvring model in confined waterways
Fluid-structure interaction analysis of crescent-shaped wingsails
Propulsive performance of a rigid wingsail with crescent-shaped profiles
Predicting failure of dynamic subsea cables by electrical insulation breakdown due to water treeing
FSI simulations and analyses of a non-resonant buoyant wave energy converter
A comparison of ship manoeuvrability models to approximate ship navigation trajectories
Development and performance analysis of a crescent-type sail for WASP applications
Fatigue of mooring lines in wave energy parks
Structure analysis of lightweight sail structures for wind-assisted ship propulsion
Retrofitting WASP to a RoPax vessel - design, performance and uncertainties
The Ext-3DJPS algorithm for ship path planning in the Arctic
Development of a ship performance model for power estimation of inland waterway vessels
Evaluation of an electro-mechanical model of vented water tree inception in polyethylene insulation
Wind-assisted, electric, and pure wind propulsion - the path towards zero-emission RoRo ships
Data-driven ship fatigue assessment based on pitch and heave motions
Crack propagation in dynamic power cables
Thickness optimization of insulating glass unit in cruise ships
Hull structural response prediction using distortion base modes
ISSC Technical Committee III.1 - Ultimate Strength
Analysis of uncertainties in the prediction of fuel savings from WASP installations
Propulsive performance of a novel crescent-shaped wind sail analyzed with unsteady RANS
Effects of dynamic axial stiffness of elastic moorings for a wave energy converter
Unsteady RANS and IDDES study on a telescopic crescent-shaped windsail
System identification of Vessel Manoeuvring Models
Fatigue damage analysis of dynamic power cables by laboratory testing and FE analysis
Mechanical reliability analysis of flexible power cables for marine energy
A voyage planning tool for ships sailing between Europe and Asia via the Arctic
A 3D ultimate limit state surface for intact and collision-damaged ship hulls
Assessment of VIV fatigue of subsea template jumper by using a time domain model
Fatigue damage analysis of dynamic power cables by laboratory testing and FE analysis
A 3D ultimate limit state surface for intact and collision-damaged ship hulls
Prediction of roll motion using fully nonlinear potential flow and Ikeda’s method
Mechanical reliability of flexible power cables for marine energy
Analysis of roll damping model scale data
Assessment of VIV fatigue of subsea template jumper by using a time domain model
Performance prediction and design of wind-assisted propulsion systems
An Arctic ship performance model for sea routes in ice-infested waters
A comparison of ship maneuverability models to approximate ship navigation trajectories
Hull structural response prediction using distortion base modes
ISSC 2022 Committee III.1 – Ultimate Strength Benchmark Data
Load-carrying characteristics of foam core and joint geometry in sandwich structures
Concept design and performance evaluation of a fossil-free operated cargo ship with unlimited range
A comparison of two definitions of ship domain for analysing near ship–ship collisions
Concept design and performance evaluation of a fossil free operated cargo ship with unlimited range
Decarbonizing maritime transport: A Ro-Pax case study
A comparison of two definitions of ship domain for analysing near ship–ship collisions
Design, operation and analysis of wind-assisted cargo ships
Ship resistance when operating in floating ice floes: a derivation of empirical equations
A 4 DOF simulation model developed for fuel consumption prediction of ships at sea
Weight optimization of an enclosed stressed skin derrick designed for Arctic regions
Analysis of interaction effects between WECs in four types of wave farms
ShipCLEAN – An integrated model for transport efficiency, economics and CO2 emissions in shipping
A revisit of the definition of the ship domain based on AIS analysis
Making effective WEC design choices based on simulation and analysis
Analysis of interaction effects between WECs in four types of wave farms
Influence of different wave load schematisation on global ship structural response
Models for design and fatigue analysis of dynamic power cables for wave energy converters
A methodology for design and fatigue analysis of power cables for wave energy converters
A voyage planning tool for Arctic transit of cargo ships
Comparison of mooring solutions and array systems for point absorbing wave energy devices
ISSC Technical Committee II.1 - Quasi-Static Response
Towards holistic performance-based conceptual design of Arctic cargo ships
Reduction in ultimate strength capacity of corroded ships involved in collision accidents
A 4 DOF simulation model developed for fuel consumption prediction of ships at sea
Influence of different wave load schematization on global ship structural response
Effective use of composite marine structures: reducing weight and acquisition cost
Cost and weight of composite ship structures - a parametric study based on DNV rules
Analysis of impact loads on a self-elevating unit during jacking operation
A nonlinear viscoelastic iceberg material model and its numerical validation
Shock analysis of a stern ramp using dynamic design analysis method
Wind-assisted propulsion for shipping: status and perspectives
A generic energy systems model for efficient ship design and operation
Performance assessment of the crashworthiness of corroded ship hulls
Estimation of damping from wave induced vibrations in ships
Structural fire integrity testing of lightweight multiple core sandwich structures
Structural response analysis of slamming impact on free fall lifeboats
Characterization of non-crimp fabric laminates: loss of accuracy due to strain measuring techniques
Structural analysis of node cut-outs in a semi-submersible offshore platform
Steel or composite car deck structure – a comparison analysis of weight, strength and cost
Systems modelling for energy-efficient shipping
ISSC Committee II.1 - Quasi-Static Response
Holistic ship energy systems modelling for efficient ship design and operation
State-of-the-art within ship weather routing
An elastic–plastic ice material model for ship-iceberg collision simulations
Quasi-static assessment of response to slamming impact on free fall lifeboats
Analysis of impact loads on a self-elevating unit during jacking operation
Parametric study of the mechanical characteristics of power cables under dynamic motions
Linear and nonlinear FE analyses of a container vessel in harsh sea state
Crack growth analysis in ship structures using spectral methods
ISSC Committee III.2 - Fatigue and fracture
Development of a model for global response of ship hull during ramming of heavy ice features
Modelling approaches for reliability estimations of fibre-reinforced plastic laminates
Uncertainty in stress concentration factor computation for ship fatigue design
Fatigue failure analysis of fillet welded joints used in offshore structures
Analysis of crack retardation effects and crack path in ship structure members on different routes
Quantitative risk analysis – Ship security analysis for effective risk control options
Analysis of fatigue crack initiation and propagation in ship structures
A comparison of two wave models and their influence on fatigue damage in ship structures
Ship security analysis – the effect of ship speed and effective lockout
Study on the possibility of increasing the maximum allowable stresses in fibre-reinforced plastics
Assessment of the crashworthiness of a selection of innovative ship structures
Linear and nonlinear FE analyses of a container vessel in harsh sea state
Time-domain fatigue assessment of ship side-shell structures
Effects of matrix cracking on the estimation of operational limits of FRP laminates
What is the potential of using ship fatigue routing in terms of fatigue life extension?
Theoretical development and validation of a fatigue model for ship routing
Probabilistic risk assessment for integrating survivability and safety measures on naval ships
A parametric study of joint design in a HSLC composite vessel
Fatigue variation in ships due to the variability of environmental loads
Research, design, and operations
Development and analysis of composite car deck structures
A method for assessment of the survival time of a ship damaged by collision
Optimization of composite maritime structures-effects of uncertainties on design criteria and limits
Analysis of free vibration characteristics and mode shapes of a semi-submersible platform
A method for assessment of the survival time of a ship damaged by collision
Optimization of composite maritime structures - effects of uncertainties on design criteria limits
Development of a fatigue model useful in ship routing design
Optimization of corrugated shell plating for marine structures
Direct calculation of fatigue damage of ship structure details
Fatigue damage assessment of container ships concerning wave-induced torsion
Development of a fatigue model useful in ship routing design
The effect of whipping/springing on fatigue damage and extreme response of ship structures
Characteristics of material, ship side structure response and ship survivability in ship collisions
Experimental and numerical investigation of bulb impact with a ship side-shell structure
ISSC Committee III.2 - Fatigue and Fracture
Numerical analysis of nonlinear dynamic structural behaviour of ice-loaded side-shell structures
Comparison between a fatigue model for voyage planning and measurements of a container vessel
A return period based plastic design approach for ice loaded side-shell/bow structures
Holistic assessment of ship survivability and risk after damage
Assessment of uncertainties in life prediction of fatigue crack propagation in welded rails
Meeting a growing need for ship collision safety
Sheet metal fatigue near nuts welded to thin sheet structures
Numerical and experimental investigation of dynamics of vehicle/ship-deck interactions
Sheet metal fatigue near nuts welded to thin sheet structures in car bodies
Dynamics of vehicle-deck interactions
Shear mode growth of short surface-breaking RCF cracks
Influence of railway wheel flat impact on crack growth in rails
Contact Mechanics and Wear of Rail/Wheel Systems
Fatigue crack growth in a welded rail under the influence of residual stresses
Fatigue crack growth in welded rails
Two-material rail for RCF and noise control
On propagation of short rolling contact fatigue cracks
Shear mode growth of short surface-breaking RCF cracks
Researchers on the track of wheel-rail interaction
Prevention of RCF damage in curved track through development of the INFRA-STAR two-material rail
Modelling the behaviour of short crack propagation in rails
Modelling of rolling contact fatigue of rails
Shakedown limits in three-dimensional wheel-rail rolling-sliding contacts
Life prediction of rolling contact fatigue crack initiation
A method for prediction of fatigue crack initiation in railway rails
Finite element analyses of rolling contact fatigue crack initiation in railheads
Prediction of fatigue crack initiation for rolling contact fatigue
Rolling Contact Fatigue of Railway Rails with Emphasis on Crack Initiation
Cyclic ratchetting and failure of a pearlitic rail steel
On mechanical interaction between steel and coating in stressed and strained exposed locations
On mechanical interaction between steel and coating in welded structures
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Visar 64 forskningsprojekt
MarTrans - Norwegian R&D centre for Maritime Energy Transition (FME MarTrans)
Förbättrad design av delade mooring-system för flytande havsbaserade vindkraftverk (ESOMOOR)
Potential Impacts of Wind Farms on Shipping in the Bay of Bothnia
DeWaTra - Decarbonising Waterborne Transportation (DeWaTra)
POWERSHIP - Safe ship collision and grounding hull design for SMR-powered ships
Enhanced Perception Ashore (EPA)
Predicting lifetime of dynamic cables for floating marine energy harvesting platforms
Vindkraftparkers inverkan på sjöfarten
Battery environmental conditions for safe operation in electric ships
Operational strategy and economic impacts of wind-powered ships
Fossil-free ships: energy demand, production, storage and consumption
Battery fire safety ventilation for fully electrical vessel
AUTOBarge - European training and research network on Autonomous Barges for Smart Inland Shipping
KOFS - Composites for a sustainable shipping
WINDSTRUC - vindassisterad framdrift för stora fartyg
Styrning av vågkraftverk utifrån vågmätningar, för optimal energiupptagning (WAVEMEASURE)
SHARC - utvärdering av riskerna för fartygs struktur och stabilitet vid kollision och grundstötning
Främjande av Chalmers forskning inom förnybar energi offshore
Utveckling av Chalmers forskning inom offshore förnybar energi
Utveckling av helt autonoma marina fartyg - ett steg mot ett autonomt Marine ElectriCity
WASP - Vindassisterad propulsion på fartyg
Elektrifiering av marin urbana transportsystem – Förstudie laddning
Strategiskt forskningsprojekt på Chalmers inom hydro- och aerodynamik
Energieffektiv maritim transport genom autonoma observationer av hav och is - EMTOI
Propeller-integrated motor drive for electric medium size boats
Förbättrad propellerprestanda för isgående fartyg
SEDNA - Safe maritime operations under extreme conditions: the Arctic case
ELASTMOOR - Elastiska förankringssystem för vågenergiomvandlare
Vindassisterad framdrivning av handelsfartyg
Samhällsekonomiska besparingar genom riskanalys för fartygskollisioner med transportinfrastruktur
Enhanced safety of ice-strengthened ship hulls in the Baltic Sea (pre-study ICEULTIMATE)
FoU av dynamiska lågspänningskablage mellan boj och flytande hubb i ett marint energisystem
Marine Traffic Model – tool for effective decision-making
Energieffektivare sjötransporter genom energisystemanalys av fartyg
Stokastiska modeller för vind- och våglaster
Experimentell provning av maximal bärförmåga hos en balkstruktur tillverkad av sandwichmaterial