Paul Gatenholm
Mer information finns på den engelska webbsidan.

Visar 248 publikationer
Injectable In Situ Crosslinking Hydrogel for Autologous Fat Grafting
Biomaterial and biocompatibility evaluation of tunicate nanocellulose for tissue engineering
Design and biofabrication of a leaf-inspired vascularized cell-delivery device
BioArchitecture: New Futures of Sustainable Living
Functional and morphological studies of in vivo vascularization of 3D-bioprinted human fat grafts
Long-term in vivo integrity and safety of 3D-bioprinted cartilaginous constructs
3D Printed Conductive Nanocellulose Scaffolds for the Differentiation of Human Neuroblastoma Cells
Injectable conductive hydrogel restores conduction through ablated myocardium
3D Bioprinting of soft tissues using nanocellulose-based cell instructive bioinks
Biofabrication of bacterial nanocellulose scaffolds with complex vascular structure
Materials from trees assembled by 3D printing – Wood tissue beyond nature limits
Hybrid hydrogels from xylan/HEMA and SBA-15 as scaffolds for fibroblast attachment and growth
Skin Grafting on 3D Bioprinted Cartilage Constructs In Vivo
Tailor-made conductive inks from cellulose nanofibrils for 3D printing of neural guidelines
Simulations of 3D bioprinting: predicting bioprintability of nanofibrillar inks
3D printing wood - a biomimetic approach
Synthesis of tunable hydrogels based on O-acetyl-galactoglucomannans from spruce
Biomimetic Inks Based on Cellulose Nanofibrils and Cross-Linkable Xylans for 3D Printing
Alginate Sulfate–Nanocellulose Bioinks for Cartilage Bioprinting Applications
Chondrocytes and stem cells in 3D-bioprinted structures create human cartilage in vivo
3D Bioprinted Skin Tissue Models Using RGD Peptide Conjugated Nanocellulose Bioinks
Regular Motifs in Xylan Modulate Molecular Flexibility and Interactions with Cellulose Surfaces
Cartilage-like Tissue Generation By 3D-Bioprinting of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells
In Vivo Chondrogenesis in 3D Bioprinted Human Cell-laden Hydrogel Constructs
Cartilage Tissue Engineering by the 3D Bioprinting of iPS Cells in a Nanocellulose/Alginate Bioink
In Vitro Chondrogenesis in 3D Bioprinted Human Cell-laden Hydrogel Constructs
Evaluation of 3D Bioprinted Human Skin Analogs Comprised of Distinct Bioinks
3D Bioprinting of a Human Skin Tissue Model
In Vivo Chondrogenesis In 3D Bioprinted Human Cell-laden Hydrogel Constructs
Enhanced growth of neural networks on conductive cellulose-derived nanofibrous scaffolds
Preface (Bacterial NanoCellulose: A Sophisticated Multifunctional Material)
"Development of Nanocellulose Bioinks for 3D Bioprinting of Soft Tissue"
13C NMR assignments of regenerated cellulose from solid-state 2D NMR spectroscopy
Bacterial nanocellulose: A sophisticated multifunctional material
Solidification of 3D printed nanofibril hydrogels into functional 3D cellulose structures
Novel Nanocellulose Alginate Bioink for 3D Bioprinting of Soft Tissue
Sustainable carbon nanofibers/nanotubes composites from cellulose as electrodes for supercapacitors
Capacitive effects of nitrogen doping on cellulose-derived carbon nanofibers
Novel bilayer bacterial nanocellulose scaffold supports neocartilage formation in vitro and in vivo
Biocompatible Nanocellulose Hydrogels for 3D Bioprinting of Tissue Constructs
Enhanced growth of neural networks on cellulose-derived carbon nanofibrous scaffolds
Neuronal Networks on Nanocellulose Scaffolds
In situ forming spruce xylan-based hydrogel for cell immobilization
In situ injectable hydrogels based on spruce xylans for drug and cell delivery
Hemicelluloses from Norway spruce: Isolation, characterization, and materials properties
Towards mechanical integrity of tissue-engineered ear cartilage
Bacteria fabricate 3D scaffolds for organ regeneration
Role of (1,3)(1,4)-beta-Glucan in Cell Walls: Interaction with Cellulose
Functional cellulose-derived materials for energy storage
Ammonium chloride promoted synthesis of carbon nanofibers from electrospun cellulose acetate
Mechanical evaluation of regenerated cellulose and hemicellulose blend films from ionic liquid
Electrospun nanofibrous cellulose scaffolds with controlled microarchitecture
Isolation, purification, and modification of corncob arabinoxylan for new materials
Nanofibrillated cellulose reinforced acetylated arabinoxylan films
Xylans from tequila agave bagasse: Isolation and characterization
One-pot synthesis of carbon nanotubes from renewable resource: cellulose acetate
3D Bioprinting of lignocellulosic materials with controlled micro architecture
Carbon nanotubes/nanofibers composites from cellulose for supercapacitors
Nanoparticles based on linear xylans and their assembly onto cellulose surfaces
Corncob arabinoxylan for new materials
Comparison of Biomechanical Properties of Native Menisci and Bacterial Cellulose Implant
Carbon Nanotubes/Nanofibers Composites from Cellulose as Electrodes for Sustainable Energy Devices
3D Bioprinting of Cellulose Structures from an Ionic Liquid
Assembly of Debranched Xylan from Solution and on Nanocellulosic Surfaces
Lipases efficiently stearate and cutinases acetylate the surface of arabinoxylan films
Fast and highly efficient acetylation of xylans in ionic liquid systems
Spruce glucomannan: Preparation, structural characteristics and basic film forming ability
Nanosized fibers' effect on adult human articular chondrocytes behavior.
Moisture induced plasticity of amorphous cellulose films from ionic liquid
Carbon Nanofibers Synthesized from Electrospun Cellulose for Advanced Materials Applications
Universal method for protein bioconjugation with nanocellulose scaffolds for increased cell adhesion
Electrospinning of Enzymatically Treated Cellulose
A general route to xyloglucan-peptide conjugates for the activation of cellulose surfaces
Bioprinting of 3D patient-specific auricular scaffolds
Evaluation of macroporous bacterial nano-cellulose scaffolds for ear cartilage tissue engineering
Keynote: EAREG - Ear tissue regeneration using human cells and novel nano-cellulose scaffolds
Enzymatic Transformation of Hemicelluloses to Bioplastics
Small calibre biosynthetic bacterial cellulose blood vessels: 13-months patency in a sheep model.
Electrospinning of cellulose nanofibers from ionic liquids: The effect of different cosolvents
Arabinose content of arabinoxylans contributes to flexibility of acetylated arabinoxylan films
Ni/C/SiO2 nanostructured composites synthesized by carbonization of carboxymethyl cellulose
Prevascularized, co-culture model for breast cancer drug development
Mechanical analysis of bacterial nanocellulose for biomedical applications
Enzymatic Surface Modification of Hemicellulose Films to Control Adhesion and Wettability
Ammonium Chloride Promoted Synthesis of Carbon Nanofibers from Electrospun Cellulose
BNC in combination with alginate as a cell compatible material for cartilage replacement
Superhydrophobic behaviour of plasma modified electrospun cellulose nanofiber-coated microfibers
Non-linear microscopy of smooth muscle cells in artificial extracellular matrices made of cellulose
Hemicelluloses Modifications: From Biopolymers to Bioplastics
Flexible oxygen barrier films from spruce xylan
Methacrylate hydrogels reinforced with bacterial cellulose
Arabinoxylan/nanofibrillated cellulose composite films
Cobalt (II) Chloride Promoted Formation of Honeycomb Patterned Cellulose Acetate Films
Enzymatic treatment of cellulose for electrospinning of nanofibers
Enzymatic treatment of cellulose for electrospinning
Designing electrospun fibers for tissue engineering
Bacterial cellulose-based materials and medical devices: current state and perspectives
Investigation of Cancer Cell Behavior on Nanofibrous Scaffolds
Strain Sensitivity of Carbon Nanotubes Modified Cellulose
Biomimetic Calcium Phosphate Crystal Mineralization on Electrospun Cellulose-Based Scaffolds
Bacterial Nanocellulose-Reinforced Arabinoxylan Films MELL TE, 1964, V19, P247
Green Production of Materials from Plant Hemicelluloses
Nanofibrous Carbon Materials with Controlled Properties Synthesized from Electrospun Cellulose
Observations on bacterial cellulose tube formation for application as vascular graft
Spruce glucomannan; preparation, purification, characterization and derivatization
Marine-Inspired Water-Structured Biomaterials
Bacterial Nanocellulose as a Renewable Material for Biomedical Applications
Microporous bacterial cellulose as a potential scaffold for bone regeneration
Electromagnetically Controlled Biological Assembly of Aligned Bacterial Cellulose Nanofibers
Controlling the Architecture of Nanofiber-Coated Microfibers Using Electrospinning
Release of antithrombotic drugs from alginate gel beads
Behavior of human chondrocytes in engineered porous bacterial cellulose scaffolds
CARS and SHG microscopy of artificial bioengineered tissues
Visualization of the Cellulose Biosynthesis and Cell Integration into Cellulose Scaffolds
Bioreactors for Tissue Engineering of Cartilage
Bacterial cellulose, a potential vascular graft and tissue angineering scaffold
On the interactions between cellulose and xylan, a biomimetic simulation of the hardwood cell wall
A novel nanocomposite film prepared from crosslinked cellulose whiskers
CARS and SHG microscopy for the characterization of bacterial cellulose
Direct control of biological assembly using electrokinetic forces
Mechanical characterization of bacterial cellulose tubes for vascular tissue engineering
Electrospinning of nanofibers for biomedical applications
Effect of arabinose substitution on the material properties of arabinoxylan films
Highly hydrophobic surfaces prepared by atmospheric pressure dielectric barrier discharges
Bloodcompatibility studies of bacterial cellulose, a new biosynthetic vascular graft material
The effect of barley husk arabinoxylan adsorption on the properties of cellulose fibres
Biodegradable polymeric micro-nanofibers by electrospinning of polyester/polyether block copolymers
CELL 131-Assembly of cellulose and other polysaccharide building blocks into hierarchical materials
CELL 11-Cells like cellulose scaffolds
Fractionation and Characterization of Xylan Rich Extracts from Birch
Engineering microporosity in bacterial cellulose scaffolds
Electrospinning of Highly Porous Scaffolds for Cartilage Regeneration
Material properties of films from enzymatically tailored arabinoxylans
The effect of xylan adsorption on pulp and paper properties
Investigation into nanocellulosics versus acacia reinforced acrylic films
Effect of water content in potato amylopectin starch on microwave foaming process
Biomimetic engineering of cellulose-based materials
Bacterial cellulose as a potential meniscus implant
Oxygen barrier films based on xylans isolated from biomass
In vivo biocompatibility of bacterial cellulose
Surface modification of cellulosic fibers using dielectric-barrier discharge
Reassembly of xylans as a tool for modification of lignocellulosic fibers from surface to bulk
Gas phase surface fluorination of arabinoxylan films
Preparation and properties of cellulose/xylan nanocomposites
Cellulose fiber reinforced cellulose esters: biocomposite for the future
Mechanical properties of bacterial cellulose and interactions with smooth muscle cells
Surface-engineered bacterial cellulose as template for crystallization of calcium phosphate
Mechanism of dielectric-barrier discharge initiated wet strength development
The Effect of Crosslinking on the Properties of Polyethylene/Wood Flour Composites
The Effect of Starch Composition on Structure of Foams Prepared by Microwave Treatment
Imrovement of Wetting and Absorption of Lignocellulosic Fibers by Means of Gas Phase Ozonation
Bacterial Cellulose as a Potential Scaffold for Tissue Engineering of Cartilage
ACS symposium series 864. Hemicelluloses: sience and technology
Effect of cellulose substrate on assembly of xylans
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Visar 3 forskningsprojekt
NANO-ARCH: Nanocellulose in architecture – esthetic applications through robotic 3D printing
Onskin - 3D Biomaterial från skogen