Bengt Lennartson
Bengt Lennartson är avdelningschef för System- och reglerteknik, och professor i automation sedan 1999. Han är IEEE Fellow för sina bidrag kring hybrida och händelsediskreta system för automation och uthållig produktion. Han är (med)författare till 280+ internationella vetenskapliga publikationer. För närvarande är en stor del av forskningen fokuserad på uthållig produktion, inkluderande energiminimering av robotstationer. Samarbete med industrin inkluderar Volvo, Daimler, Kuka, och TetraPak.

Visar 374 publikationer
How Useful is Learning in Mitigating Mismatch Between Digital Twins and Physical Systems?
Optimization of Timed Petri Nets using CP-SAT
Classroom-ready open-source educational exoskeleton for biomedical and control engineering
Unified and Simplified Bisimulation
Efficient Safety Verification of Discrete Event Systems
Energy reduction of stochastic time-constrained robot stations
State-labeled safety analysis of modular observers for opacity verification
Generating Optimized Trajectories for Robotic Spray Painting
On Optimization of Automation Systems: Integrating Modular Learning and Optimization
Relevant Safety Falsification by Automata Constrained Reinforcement Learning
Reductions and Abstractions for Optimization of Modular Timed Automata
Energy-Optimal Timing of Stochastic Robot Stations in Automotive Production Lines
Using CP/SMT Solvers for Scheduling and Routing of AGVs
Energy Optimization of Large-Scale AGV Systems
Co-simulation of Rigid Interactions Using Differential Algebraic Equations
Incremental Abstraction - An Analytical and Algorithmic Perspective on Petri Net Reduction
Applied energy optimization of multi-robot systems through motion parameter tuning
Goal-Oriented Process Plans in a Multiagent System for Plug & Produce
Online Energy-Optimal Timing of Stochastic Robot Stations
Formal Properties of the Digital Twin-Implications for Learning, Optimization, and Control
Instability Problems in Co-Simulation of Modular Systems
Reinforcement Learning with Temporal Logic Constraints
Efficient Temporal Logic Verification by Incremental Abstraction
Robot spray painting trajectory optimization
Incremental Abstraction for Diagnosability Verification of Modular Systems
Simulation based energy optimization of robot stations by motion parameter tuning
Energy-Optimal Timing of Robot Stations Subject to Gaussian Disturbances
Implementation of a Rapidly Executing Robot Controller
Scheduling and routing of agvs for large-scale flexible manufacturing systems
Robust and energy efficient trajectories for robots in a common workspace setting
Enhancing digital twins through reinforcement learning
Time-optimal control of large-scale systems of systems using compositional optimization
A Column Generation-Based Gossip Algorithm for Home Healthcare Routing and Scheduling Problems
Parallelization of a gossip algorithm for vehicle routing problems
Welcome Message from General and Program Chairs
Compositional Visible Bisimulation Abstraction Applied to Opacity Verification
Visible Bisimulation Equivalence - A Unified Abstraction for Temporal Logic Verification
Robust and Energy Efficient Trajectories in a Stochastic Common Workspace Setting
Multi-criteria Optimization of PD Controllers for Plants including Integral Action
Compositional Optimization of Discrete Event Systems
Productivity/energy optimisation of trajectories and coordination for cyclic multi-robot systems
Reinforcement learning in real-time geometry assurance
An event-driven manufacturing information system architecture for Industry 4.0
Energy and Peak Power Optimization of Time-Bounded Robot Trajectories
Constructive cooperative coevolution for large-scale global optimisation
Decomposition and distributed algorithms for home healthcare routing and scheduling problem
Conflict Between Energy, Stability, and Robustness in Production Schedules
From trapezoid to polynomial: Next-generation energy-efficient robot trajectories
Multi-objective constructive cooperative coevolutionary optimization of robotic press-line tending
Energy and Peak-power Optimization of Time-bounded Robot Trajectories
Computationally efficient energy optimization of multiple robots
A supervisory control algorithm based on property-directed reachability
Conflict between Energy, Stability and Robustness in Production Schedules
Symbolic On-the-Fly Synthesis in Supervisory Control Theory
Modeling and Optimization of Hybrid Systems for the Tweeting Factory
Diagnosability Verification Using Compositional Branching Bisimulation
Energy and peak-power optimization of existing time-optimal robot trajectories
Comparing MILP, CP, and A* for Multiple Stacker Crane Scheduling
Enhancing digital human motion planning of assembly tasks through dynamics and optimal control
Rescheduling Affected Operations - a Purely Predictive Approach
On the conflict between energy, stability and robustness in production schedules
Energy reduction in paint shops through energy-sensitive on-off control
Improved Constructive Cooperative Coevolutionary Differential Evolution for Large-Scale Optimisation
Energy Optimization of Multi-robot Systems
Symbolic Supervisory Control of Timed Discrete Event Systems
From time-optimal schedule to robust event-based control
Optimizing robot trajectories for automatic robot code generation
Optimal anti-aliasing filter based on multi criteria sampled-data ∞ control
Optimization of hybrid Petri nets with shared variables
Modeling and Optimization of Hybrid Systems
Model based feedback control of gas tungsten arc welding - An experimental study
Simulation-based time and jerk optimisation for robotic press tending
Constructive cooperative coevolutionary optimisation for interacting production stations
Resistance based iterative learning control of additive manufacturing with wire
AREUS — Innovative hardware and software for sustainable industrial robotics
An Event-Driven Manufacturing Information System Architecture
Welcome message from general and program chairs
Incremental and Hierarchical Deadlock-Free Control of Discrete Event Systems with Variables
Energy reduction in cyclic flow shop plants through on-off control of robots
Emissivity compensated spectral pyrometry-algorithm and sensitivity analysis
Emissivity compensated spectral pyrometry for varying emissivity metallic measurands
Supervisory Control of Discrete-Event Systems via IC3
Verification of diagnosability based on compositional branching bisimulation
Symbolic Interpretation and Execution of Extended Finite Automata
A Gossip Algorithm for Home Healthcare Scheduling and Routing Problems
On the Computation of Natural Observers for Extended Finite Automata
Supervisory Control for State-Vector Transition Models—A Unified Approach
Unified model for synthesis and optimization of discrete event and hybrid systems
Supervisory control of manufacturing systems using extended finite automata
Verification of diagnosability based on compositional branching bisimulation
Modeling and Optimization of Synchronous Behavior for Packaging Machines
Symbolic Representation and Computation of Timed Discrete-Event Systems
A constructive cooperative coevolutionary algorithm applied to press line optimisation
Patient coordination in emergency departments using an event-based information architecture
Model-free approaches for the energy minimization of robot trajectories
An Integrated CP/OR Method for Optimal Control of Modular Hybrid Systems
Optimal Performance of Modular and Synchronized Mechatronic Systems
Towards Integrated OR/CP Energy Optimization for Robot Cells
Efficient Symbolic Supervisor Synthesis for Extended Finite Automata
Flexible Specification of Operation Behavior Using Multiple Projections
Resistance measurements for control of laser metal wire deposition
An efficient algorithm for press line optimisation
Automation in Green Manufacturing
Patient coordination in emergency departments using visualization of operation behavior
Concurrent Design and Control of Automated Material Handling Systems
Energy Efficient and Collision Free Motion of Industrial Robots using Optimal Control
Developing control logic using aspect-oriented programming and sequence planning
Operation Behavior Modeling using Relation Identification and Visualization Algorithms
A survey on efficient diagnosability tests for automata and bounded Petri nets
Energy Reduction in a Pallet-Constrained Flow Shop through On-Off Control of Idle Machines
Benders/Gossip Methods for Heterogeneous Multi-Vehicle Routing Problems
Interface between SysML and Sequence Planner Language for Formal Verification
Integrated OR/CP Optimization for Discrete Event Systems with Nonlinear Cost
Sustainable and Robust Control of Cyclic Pallet Systems
Event- and time-based design of operation sequences with uncertainties in execution times
Symbolic State-Space Exploration and Guard Generation in Supervisory Control Theory
Sustainable production automation - Energy optimization of robot cells
High-Level Scheduling of Energy Optimal Trajectories
Model order reduction methods applied to a welding model
Optimization of operation sequences using constraint programming
Methods for Reliable Simulation-Based PLC Code Verification
Symbolic representation and computation of timed discrete event systems
Supervisory Control of Extended Finite Automata Using Transition Projection
Supervisory Control of Extended Finite Automata Using Transition Projection
Symbolic Computation of Nonblocking Control Function for Timed Discrete Event Systems
Multi criteria Hinf optimal PID controllers from an undergraduate perspective
Sequence Planning Using Multiple and Coordinated Sequences of Operations
Optimization of Hybrid Systems with Known Paths
Sensor Graphs for Discrete Event Modeling Applied to Formal Verification of PLCs
Efficient Geometrical Simulation and Virtual Commissioning Performed in Stamping
State-Vector Transition Model Applied to Supervisory Control
A Universal Framework for Lean Design and Control of Automated Material Handling Systems
Scheduling model for systems with complex alternative behaviour
Sustainable and robust Control of Cyclic Pallet Systems
Height control of laser metal-wire deposition based on iterative learning control and 3D scanning
Numerical Sensitivity of Linear Matrix Inequalities Using Shift and Delta Operators
A Symbolic Approach to Large-Scale Discrete Event Systems Modeled as Finite Automata with Variables
A BDD-based Approach for Modeling Plant and Supervisor by Extended Finite Automata
Time-synchronised hardware-in-the-loop simulation - Applied to sheet-metal press line optimisation
Human operator and robot resource modeling for planning purposes in assembly systems
Planning in assembly systems – A common modeling for products and resources
From Task Allocation Towards Resource Allocation when Optimising Assembly Systems
Numerical sensitivity of Linear Matrix Inequalities for shorter sampling periods
Modeling and Optimization of Energy Consumption in Cooperative Multi-Robot Systems
System Modeling Specification in SysML and Sequence Planner Language - Comparison Study
Abstractions for nonblocking supervisory control of Extended Finite Automata
From task allocation towards resource allocation when optimising assembly systems
BDD-based supervisory control on extended finite automata
Analysis and evaluation of a general camera model
Sheet-metal press line parameter tuning using a combined DIRECT and Nelder-Mead algorithm
Automated Generation of Discrete Event System Simulation Models for Flexible Automation
Symbolic Computation of Reduced Guards in Supervisory Control
Green and lean control of cyclic pallet systems
Vendor independent control database for virtual preparation and formal verification
A faster collision detection method applied on a sheet metal press line
Generation of restart states for manufacturing cell controllers
Reduced-order synthesis of operation sequences
Planning transport sequences for flexible manufacturing systems
Energy optimization of trajectories for high level scheduling
Towards Sequence Planning Based on Configurable Product and Manufacturing System Platforms
Sequence Planning for Integrated Product, Process and Automation Design
Relations Identification and Visualization for Sequence Planning and Automation Design
Optimal Design of a Decoupled Multiple-Loop Pallet System for Cyclic Flexible Manufacturing Plants
Embedding detailed robot energy optimization into high-level scheduling
Increased stability in laser metal wire deposition through feedback from optical measurements
Coordination of Operations by Relation Extraction for Manufacturing Cell Controllers
Restarting manufacturing systems; restart states and restartability
Supervisor Computation and Representation: A Case Study
Automatic Generation of Controllers for Collision-Free Flexible Manufacturing Systems
Simulation based optimization of a sheet-metal press line
Non-conservative robust control: Optimized and constrained sensitivity functions
Synthesis of Restart States for Manufacturing Cell Controllers
Operation-Oriented Specification for Integrated Control Logic Development
Evaluation and tuning of robust PID controllers
Formal verification of PLC controlled systems using sensor graphs
Aspect-Oriented Programming for Manufacturing Automation Control Systems
Specification of a Batch Plant using Process Algebra and Petri Nets
Optimal number of pallets for reconfigurable cyclic manufacturing plants
Generation of restart states for manufacturing systems with discarded workpieces
A framework for automatic generation of interlocking functions for flexible manufacturing.
Generation of STEP AP214 models from discrete event systems for process planning and control
Extraction and Representation of a Supervisor Using Guards in Extended Finite Automata
General Time Synchronisation Method for PLC Programs
Camera Modelling and Calibration - with Applications
Solving Two Supervisory Control Benchmark Problems Using Supremica
Control design for automation of robotized laser metal-wire deposition
PLC-based Implementation of Process Observation and Fault Detection for Discrete Event Systems
Specification of Production Systems Using PPN and Sequential Operation Charts
Robust tuning of PI and PID controllers
Efficient Supervisory Synthesis of Large Systems
Hierarchical Control Applying Supervisor Synthesis and relation Extraction
Sensor activation graphs - A high level modeling formalism for discrete event systems
Automatic Generation of Distributed Control Functions for Multi-Product Manufacturing Cells
Evaluation and simple tuning of PID controllers with high-frequency robustness
Efficient Reachability Analysis on Modular Discrete-Event Systems using Binary Decision Diagrams
Restarting Flexible Manufacturing Systems; Synthesis of Restart States
Semantics of sensor activation graphs
Coordinated operations by relation extraction for manufacturing cell controllers
Synthesis of Hierarchical and Distributed Control Functions for Multi-Product Manufacturing Cells
Hierachical control of flexible manufacturing systems applying information reuse
Specification of a Batch Plant using Process Algebra and Petri Nets
Implementation of full synchronous composition using IEC 61499 function blocks
Simplified modeling of manufacturing systems: an introduction to sensor activation graphs
Control architecture for flexible production systems
Efficient Analysis of Large Discrete-Event Systems with Binary Decision Diagrams
On the execution of sequential function charts
Feedforward feedback controller design for uncertain systems
Efficient Analysis of Large Discrete-Event Systems with Binary Decision Diagrams
Efficient supervisory synthesis of large systems
Early Termination by Local String in Incremental Language Containment Tests
Feedforward feedback controller design for uncertain systems
Unified, periodic and sampled data Hinf control using the delta operator
Low Order Sampled Data Hinfty Control using the Delta Operator and LMIs
Feedforward Feedback Controller Design for Uncertain Systems
Low Order Sampled-Data H_inf Control
Stability Analysis of Hybrid Systems -A Gearbox Application
Low Order Multicriteria Hinf Design via Bilinear Matrix Inequalities
CHAMP - a Generic Architecture for Flexible Production
H-infinity Loop Shaping for Mixed Continuous/Discrete-time Time-varying and Periodic Systems
Physics and Control of Resistive Wall Modes
Convenient, almost optimal and robust tuning of PI and PID Controllers
Modelling and PLC-based Implementation of Modular Supervisory Control
Hybrid system stability and robustness verification using linear matrix inequalities
Global Controller Optimization Using Horowitz Bounds
Modeling and Controller Synthesis for Resource Booking Problems using BDDs
Control Analysis for Non-Axisymmetric Reistive Wall Mode Stabilization in the DIII-D Tokamak
Modeling and Controller Synthesis for Resource Booking Problems using BDDs.
On the Choice of Sampling Period and Robust Pole Placement
Modeling and Specification of Discrete Event Systems using Combined Process Algebra and Petri Nets
Generic Resource Booking Models in Flexible Cells
H-inf control of uncertain systems using Horowitz bounds
Active feedback stabilization of high-beta modes in tokamaks
On the Execution of Discrete Event Systems as Sequential Function Charts
Active control of MHD modes in magnetic confinement systems
Robust and optimal tuning of PI and PID Controllers
Multi criteria controller design for uncertain MIMO systes using nonconvex global optimization
Active Feedback Stabilization of High-Beta Modes in Advanced Tokamaks
Robust PI and PID Controllers including Smith Predictor Structure
Efficient Application of Symbolic Tools for Resource Booking Problems
Stabilization of Hybrid Systems using a Min-Projection Strategy
Two applications for hybrid H-infinity control: Generalised sampled-data and Loop-shaping
Combined Process Algebra and Petri Nets for Specification of Resource Booking Problems
Sampled-Data H-infinity-Control for Time-Varying Hybrid Systems
Sampled-data H-inifinty control for hybrid systems
Robust and optimal tuning of PI and PID Controllers
On optimizing PID controllers for uncertain plants using Horowitz bounds
Prioritised Synchronous Composition of Inhibitor Arc Petri Nets
H-inf control of unstable uncertain plants using Horowitz bounds
Stability of Hybrid Systems using LMIs -- A Gear-box Application
Stability and robustness of hybrid systems using discrete-time Lyapunov techniques
From PI to H-inf control in a unified framework
Active feedback stabilization of high-beta modes in advanced Tokamaks
Continuous-, discrete- and sampled-data H_inf control - A unified framework
Stability of limit cycles in hybrid systems using discrete-time Lyapunov techniques
Perspectives and Results on the Stability and Stabilizability of Hybrid Systems
Optimal PID Controllers including Rolloff and Smith Predictor Structure
Frequency analysis for mixed continuous-time and discrete-time periodic systems
Hierarchical Supervisory Control for Batch Processes
Mixed continuous-/discrete-time output feedback H∞ control, a unified approach
Deadlock Detection and Controller Synthesis for Production Systems Using Partial Order Techniques
Synchronised Execution of Discrete Event Models Using Sequential Function Charts
Weight selection for H_inf control using genetic algorithms
Modeling, Specification and Controller Synthesis for Discrete Event Systems
Robust Design of PID Controllers including Auto-tuning Rules
Convergence to Limit Cycles in Hybrid Systems: An Example
A Generic System Architecure for Flexible Production
Modeling Primitives for Supervisory Control
Hierarchical Supervisory Control for Batch Processes
Optimal PID Controllers for unstable and resonant plants
Modeling Primitives and Specification Structures for Supervisory Control
Specification Structures for Supervisory Control
Chalmers Architecture and Methodology for Flexible Production - Champ
Database Design for Machining Cell Resource Models
H-infinity Control of Multirate Sampled-Data Systems: A Riccati Equation Solution
A Class of Non-Deterministic Specifications for Supervisory Control
Passband and High Frequency robustness for PID Control
LMI for Stability and Robustness of Hybrid Systems
Exponential Stability Analysis of Nonlinear Systems using LMIs
An LMI Approach for Stability Analysis of Nonlinear Systems
State-Space Solution to the Multirate H-infinity Control Problem: A Lifting Approach
Stability and Robustness of Nonlinear and Hybrid Systems Using LMIs
Controller Design of Hybrid Systems
Performance and robust frequency response for multirate sampled-data systems
Operator control activities in flexible manufacturing systems
Integrating Process Planning and Control for Flexible Production Systems
Concurrently competing production sequences - A case for nondeterministic supervisory control
On the Choice of Criteria and Weighting Functions for an H-infinity-design problem
Controlling and Coordinating Recipes in Batch Applications
Stability and robustness for hybrid systems
Hybrid Systems in Process Control
Time-optimal control and disturbance compensation for a class of hybrid systems
On nondeterministic supervisory control
Modelling, analysis, and synthesis of hybrid systems
Frequency Analysis for Continuous-Time Systems Under Multi-rate Sampled Data Control
Sensitivity Functions for Sampled-Data Control
Generic Resource Models and a Message-Passing Structure in an FMS Controller
Control System Support for Manual Interaction in Flexible Manufacturing Systems
Controlling and Coordinating Recipes in Batch Applications
Controlling and Coordinating Recipes in Batch Applications
A Class of Nondeterministic Marked Specification for Supervisory Control
Hybrid Modelling Focused on Hybrid Petri Nets
Time-optimal control for a class of hybrid systems
Frequency analysis for sampled data control
Dynamic Products in Control of an FMS Cell
Hybrid Modelling Focused on Hybrid Petri Nets
A Machining Cell Level Language for Product Specification
Database Design for Machining Cell Level Product Specification
Plant and Product Models for Batch Processes
Towards a Truly Flexible Manufacturing System
Petri Net Constructs for High Level Operation Lists
Hybrid Modelling Focused on Hybrid Petri Nets
A Class of Nondeterministic Specifications for Supervisory Control
Operator Control Activities in Manufacturing Systems - A Case Study of a Machining Cell
Applying Supervisory Control to Discrete Event Systems Modeled by Object Oriented Principles
Frequency Analysis for Single and Multirate Sampled-Data Control
Guidelines for a generic message-based structure to obtain flexible cell control
Petri Nets and Control Synthesis; An Object Oriented Approach
Mixed Continuous-Time and Multirate Sampled-Data H-infinity Control
Time-optimal control for a class of hybrid systems
Towards a True Flexible Manufacturing System
Hybrida system - modeller för analys och syntes (Hybrid systems - models for analysis and synthesis)
Object Oriented Supervisory Control with a Class of Nondeterministic Specifications
Hybrid Systems in Process Control
Distributed Objects for Real-Time Control Systems
Object Oriented Structuring of Real Time Control Systems
Control of Manufacturing Systems - An Object Oriented Approach
Identification of Continuous Time-Delayed Models
Control of Manufacturing Systems - An Object Oriented Approach
Object-Oriented Structuring of Real-Time Systems
On the Choice of Controller and Sampling Period for Linear Stochastic Control
Sampled-data Control for Time-delayed Plants
Combining Infrequent and Indirect Measurements by Estimation and Control
Multirate Sampled-data Control of Two-time-scale Systems
Intersample Behaviour as Measured by Continuous-time Quadratic Criteria
Investigation of the Intersample Variance in Sampled-data Control
Periodic Solutions of Riccati Equations Applied to Multirate Sampling
On the choice of controller and sampling period for linear stochastic control
On the design of stochastic control systems with multirate sampling
An investigation of the intersample variance for linear stochastic control.
Low order non-linear models for distributed parameter processes in industrial production
What happens in the moments between samplings?
Algorithms for time continuous quadratic performance functions in sampled-data control systems
On linear optimal control with infrequent output sampling
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Visar 3 forskningsprojekt
Systematisk testning av cyberfysiska system (SyTeC)
Automation and Robotics for EUropean Sustainable manufacturing (AREUS)