Jan Stake
Jan Stake is a Professor of Terahertz Electronics and the head of the Terahertz and Millimetre Wave Laboratory at the Department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience. He received his MSc in electrical engineering and PhD in microwave electronics from the Chalmers University of Technology in 1994 and 1999, respectively. His research interests include exploring fundamental science with terahertz waves (ca. 0.3-10 THz) and bringing terahertz technology into practical applications. The terahertz region of the electromagnetic spectrum allows us to detect atoms and molecules essential to life, which is why radio telescopes have been a vital tool for decades for learning about our universe and its origin. Terahertz measurements are also used to understand the Earth’s atmosphere and the underlying mechanisms that affect our climate. Previous research in my group on terahertz semiconductor electronics for heterodyne instrumentation contributed to such space missions. In close collaboration with industry, terahertz diode circuits for the 600-GHz receiver for the submillimetre wave instrument (SWI) onboard the Jupiter icy moons explorer (Juice) and second-generation MetOp satellites were developed and fabricated by Stake’s research group. His current research aims to create efficient and integrated THz components for future far-infrared space science instrumentation. Jan Stake teaches semiconductor device physics and microwave engineering. He also runs a journal club at the department’s PhD school, where researchers meet weekly to discuss recent articles in microwave engineering and terahertz science. From 2016 to 2018, Prof. Stake served as Editor-in-Chief for the IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology. From 2019 to 2021, he was chairman of the IEEE THz Science and Technology Best Paper Award committee. He is an elected member of the International Society of Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz) board.

Showing 386 publications
An Interlaboratory Comparison of On-Wafer S-Parameter Measurements up to 1.1 THz
Effects of E-plane Misalignment on THz Diagonal Horn
Impact of E-plane Misalignment on THz Diagonal Horn Antennas
High-precision molecular spectroscopy with a phase-locked quantum- cascade laser
4.7-THz Schottky Diode Harmonic Mixer: Design, Fabrication, and Performance Optimization
A Broadband Conversion Loss Measurement Technique for Terahertz Harmonic Mixers
Terahertz radar observes powder dynamics for pharmaceutical manufacturing
Harnessing Frequency Diversity for Improved Holographic Imaging Systems
Terahertz Beam Splitting Lens for Efficient LO Coupling to a 7-pixel 1.9 THz Heterodyne Array
A Corrugated Planar-Goubau-Line Termination for Terahertz Waves
A Capacitive-Gap Coupled Terahertz Planar-Goubau-Line Power Divider
Capacitively-coupled resonators for terahertz planar-Goubau-line filters
Imaging experiments with a 340-GHz FMCW radar and frequency-diverse holograms
Terahertz radar sensing for real-time monitoring of powder streams
A Submillimeter-Wave FMCW Pulse-Doppler Radar to Characterize the Dynamics of Particle Clouds
Radar-based measurements of the solids flow in a circulating fluidized bed
On-wafer characterisation of resonant-tunnelling diodes up to 1.1 THz
Interlaboratory investigation of on-wafer S-parameter measurements from 110 GHz to 1.1 THz
Enhanced Hall mobility in graphene-on-electronic-grade diamond
Frequency stabilization of 3.5-THz and 4.7-THz quantum-cascade lasers by a phase-locked loop
A calibration-free method to assess the quality of standards for THz on-wafer measurements
A 4.7-THz fundamental Schottky diode mixer
Status on Microwave Dielectric Spectroscopy for Cellular Analysis (Invited Keynote)
Design and Characterisation of a 3.5-THz Fundamental Schottky Mixer
Cross polarization in swept beam THz imaging systems using off-axis parabolic mirrors
THz spectroscopy techniques for water gradient quantification
Investigation of Hydrogel Skin Phantoms Using Terahertz Time-domain Spectroscopy
325 GHz and 650 GHz Dual-polarisation receivers Concept
340 GHz FMCW pulse-Doppler radar to characterize the dynamics of particle clouds
Terahertz Frequency Domain Sensing for Fast Porosity Measurement of Pharmaceutical Tablets
Integrated Schottky Technology for Supra-THz Applications
Terahertz Planar Goubau Line Components on Thin Suspended Silicon Substrate
Graphene FET on diamond for high-frequency electronics
High-resolution Absorption Spectroscopy With A Phase-locked Quantum-cascade Laser
Design and development of 3.5 THz Schottky-based fundamental mixer
Mobility degradation and series resistance in graphene field-effect transistors
Terahertz Rectennas on Flexible Substrates Based on One-Dimensional Metal–Insulator–Graphene Diodes
Monitoring the Porosity of Pharmaceutical Tablets Using THz Frequency Domain Spectroscopy
High-speed hBN/graphene/hBN room-temperature terahertz nano-receivers
Phase Locking of 3.5-THz and 4.7-THz Quantum-Cascade Lasers Using a Schottky Diode Harmonic Mixer
Thermoelectric graphene photodetectors with sub-nanosecond response times at terahertz frequencies
Development of Supra-THz Schottky Diode Harmonic Mixers
On-Chip Characterization of High-Loss Liquids Between 750 and 1100 GHz
Integrated 10-GHz Graphene FET Amplifier
Evaluation and Study of Mobility in GFETs by geometrical magnetoresistance
Design of a quasioptical test bench for VNA extenders
Thermoelectric graphene photodetectors with sub-nanosecond response times at terahertz frequencies
Reliability study of THz Schottky mixers and HBV frequency multipliers for space applications
Distinction of the thermoelectric effect in graphene FET THz detectors
Effects of self-heating on fT and fmax performance of graphene field-effect transistors
THz Frequency Quantification of Water Gradients in Drying Paper
Describing broadband terahertz response of graphene FET detectors by a classical model
Does carrier velocity saturation help to enhance fmax in graphene field-effect transistors?
A linear-array of 300-GHz antenna integrated GFET detectors on a flexible substrate
Direct nanoscopic observation of plasma waves in the channel of a graphene field-effect transistor
High-speed, low-noise thermoelectric graphene detectors at terahertz frequencies
4.7 THz GaAs Schottky diode receiver components
Graphene Field-Effect Transistors for Millimeter Wave Amplifiers
Wide Bandwidth Terahertz Mixers Based On Graphene FETs
High frequency noise characterisation of graphene field-effect transistors at different temperatures
Effects of self-heating on high-frequency performance of graphene field-effect transistors
Graphene field-effect transistors with high extrinsic fT and fmax
Wide-field off-axis telescope for the Mesospheric Airglow/Aerosol Tomography Spectroscopy satellite
Reliability assessment of GaAs and InP THz mixers and frequency multipliers fabricated on 3" wafers
Unveiling the plasma wave in the channel of graphene field-effect transistor
Discrete GaAs Schottky beamlead mixer diodes for space-borne receiver applications
Effect of idler terminations on the conversion loss for THz Schottky diode harmonic mixers
A 183-GHz Schottky diode receiver with 4 dB noise figure
Drain current saturation in graphene field-effect transistors at high fields
Graphene field-effect transistors for high frequency applications
Low noise 874 GHz receivers for the international submillimetre airborne radiometer (ISMAR)
2D RF Electronics: from devices to circuits - challenges and applications
Transmission Loss in Coplanar Waveguide and Planar Goubau Line between 0.75 THz and 1.1 THz
Low-frequency Noise Characterization of Graphene FET THz Detectors
An Integrated 200-GHz Graphene FET Based Receiver
Homodyne detection in graphene FET power detectors
THz generation with diode frequency multipliers
220-GHz imaging radar with 1 Hz frame rate using an array of homodyne transceivers
Schottky and HBV technology for submillimetre wave instruments in Space
Membrane Integrated Asymmetric Dual E-plane Probe Ortho Mode Transducer at 424 GHz
Development of 3–5 THz harmonic mixer
A flexible graphene terahertz detector
What nano-technology can do to create efficient and integrated components for THz heterodyne arrays
Graphene terahertz electronics
Status and Prospects of High-Power Heterostructure Barrier Varactor Frequency Multipliers
Broadband Flexible Graphene RF Power Detectors
A Broadband THz Waveguide-to-suspended Stripline Loop-probe Transition
A 400-GHz Graphene FET Detector
Charge carrier velocity in graphene field-effect transistors
A heterodyne graphene FET detector at 400 GHz
Effect of oxide traps on channel transport characteristics in graphene field effect transistors
Graphene terahertz electronics
Delay analysis for evaluation of carrier velocity in graphene field-effect transistors
A 185-215-GHz Subharmonic Resistive Graphene FET Integrated Mixer on Silicon
Thermal noise-limited sensitivity of FET-based terahertz detectors
Design and Characterization of 1.8-3.2 THz Schottky-based Harmonic Mixers
Comparison of full 3D and unit cell models for waveguide-embedded frequency multiplier arrays
Characterization of Al2O3 gate dielectric for graphene electronics on flexible substrates
An Accurate Empirical Model Based on Volterra Series for FET Power Detectors
Graphene field - effect transistors on LiNbO3 ferroelectric substrates
Optimization of THz graphene FET detector integrated with a bowtie antenna
A 200 GHz CVD Graphene FET Based Resistive Subharmonic Mixer
Heterogeneous Integration of Terahertz Diode Circuits
Compact 340 GHz homodyne transceiver modules for FMWC imaging radar arrays.
Ultra Low Noise 600/1200 GHz and 874 GHz GaAs Schottky Receivers for SWI and ISMAR
Non-destructive density measurements of pharmaceutical products by THz imaging
Graphene field - effect transistors on ferroelectric substrates
A Tunable 240–290 GHz Waveguide Enclosed 2-D Grid HBV Frequency Tripler
THz smooth-walled spline horn antennas: Design, manufacturing and measurements
Status and Progress of Schottky Technology Development for SWI and ISMAR
Effect of ferroelectric substrate on carrier mobility in graphene field-effect transistors
1.9-3.2 THz Schottky Based Harmonic Mixer Design and Characterization
A 874 GHz Mixer Block Integrated Spline Horn and Lens Antenna for the ISMAR Instrument
Label-free millimeter-wave sensor for investigations of biological model membrane systems
Graphene electronics and integrated III-V diode circuits for terahertz applications
Phase Locking of a 2.5 THz Quantum Cascade Laser to a Microwave Reference using THz Schottky Mixer
Terahertz detection with graphene field-effect transistors
A 474 GHz HBV Frequency Quintupler Integrated on a 20 µm Thick Silicon Substrate
Optical designs for a multi-beam 340 and 625/640 GHz Spaceborne climate research instrument
SWI 1200/600 GHz highly integrated receiver front-ends
Characterization of the 530-625 GHz receiver unit for the Jupiter mission JUICE/SWI
Heterogeneous integration of terahertz electronics
Applying THz Technology in Life Science
Millimetre-wave dielectric spectroscopy for cell analysis
Graphene in Millimeter Wave Devices
20 μm gate width CVD graphene FETs for 0.6 THz detection
Extraction of carrier transport properties in graphene from microwave measurements
Thermal Characterization of THz Schottky Diodes Using Transient Current Measurements
Molecular Spectroscopy With a Compact 557-GHz Heterodyne Receiver
Reliability Assessment of Mixers, Multipliers and Low Noise Amplifiers for Space Applications
Optical Tolerance Analysis of the Multi-Beam Limb Viewing Instrument STEAMR
Heterostructure integrated HBV-based frequency quintupler for 500 GHz
A Waveguide Embedded 250 GHz Frequency-Tripler 2D Array
Low noise GaAs Schottky TMIC and InP HEMT MMIC based Receivers for the ISMAR and SWI Instruments
Antenna-integrated 0.6 THz FET direct detectors based on CVD graphene
A 340 GHz High Gaussicity Smooth Spline Horn Antenna for the STEAMR Instrument
Microwave noise characterization of graphene field effect transistors
A waveguide embedded 250 GHz quasi-optical frequency-tripler array
Silicon Integrated HBV Frequency Multipliers
Open-volume microfluidic device for manipulation and monitoring of single-cells and tissues
Single Flange 2-port Design For THz Integrated Circuit S-parameter Characterization
Integrated terahertz electronics for imaging and sensing applications
The rise of graphene in microwave and THz applications
300 GHz to 1.2 THz GaAs Schottky membrane TMIC’s for next generation space missions
Sensitivity Analysis of TRL Calibration in Waveguide Integrated Membrane Circuits
Wafer bondig for integrated III-V frequency multipliers on silicon
Graphene-Si Schottky IR Detector
Optical Tolerance Analysis for the STEAMR Instrument
Thermal Analysis of III-V HBV Diode Structures on InP, GaAs, Silicon and Diamond Substrates
Submicrometer MgB2 hot electron bolometer mixers
Analytical Extraction of a Schottky Diode Model from Broadband S-parameters
Integrated diode technology for THz applications
Microwave characterization of Ti/Au-graphene contacts
Integrated 200–240-GHz FMCW Radar Transceiver Module
Graphene RF electronics for the IoT
Towards Graphene Electrodes for High Performance Acoustic Resonators
Molecular spectroscopy with a compact 557 GHz heterodyne receiver
Study of IF bandwidth of MgB2 phonon-cooled hot-electron bolometer mixers
Silicon Integrated InGaAs/InAlAs/AlAs HBV Frequency Tripler
The rise of graphene in microwave and THz applications
A 30-GHz Integrated Subharmonic Mixer based on a Multichannel Graphene FET
Terahertz GaAs Schottky diode mixer and multiplier MIC’s based on e-beam technology
Electro-Thermal Model for Multi-Anode Schottky Diode Multipliers
A 600 GHz Orthomode Transducer based on a Waveguide Integrated Wire Grid Polarizer
Influence of waveguide width errors on TRL and LRL calibrations
Vertically illuminated TW-UTC photodiodes for terahertz generation
High Efficiency and Broad-Band Operation of Monolithically Integrated W-Band HBV Frequency Tripler
Fast room temperature THz microbolometers
Low noise MgB2 terahertz hot-electron bolometer mixers
Development of a 557 GHz GaAs monolithic membrane-diode mixer
Geometry Optimization of THz Sub-harmonic Schottky Mixer Diodes
MgB2 Hot Electron Bolometers for THz radio astronomy
A Broadband, Low Noise, Integrated 340 GHz Schottky Diode Receiver
Monolithic HBV-Based 282-GHz Tripler With 31-mW Output Power
Resistive Graphene FET Subharmonic Mixers: Noise and Linearity Assessment
A 175 GHz HBV Frequency Quintupler With 60 mW Output Power
Towards Practical Graphene Field Effect Transistors for Microwaves
A System for THz Imaging of Low-Contrast Targets Using the Born Approximation
Noise Figure Characterization of a Subharmonic Graphene FET Mixer
A Large Signal Graphene FET Model
Integrated III-V Heterostructure Barrier Varactor frequency tripler on a silicon substrate
10 dB small-signal graphene FET amplifier
Integrated terahertz electronics for imaging and sensing
A subharmonic graphene FET mixer
A Low VSWR 340 GHz 2SB Schottky Receiver for Earth Observation Applications
A Low VSWR 340 GHz 2SB Schottky Receiver for Earth Observation Applications
Graphene Millimeter Wave Electronics
InGaAs/InAlAs/AlAs Heterostructure Barrier Varactors on Silicon Substrate
Impact of Eddy Currents and Crowding Effects on High Frequency Losses in Planar Schottky Diodes
Steady-State and Transient Thermal Analysis of High-Power Planar Schottky Diodes
A THz imaging system for biomedical applications
A single-channel THz imaging system for biomedical applications
Development of a Compact 557 GHz Heterodyne Receiver
Development of planar schottky diodes
HBV MMIC frequency tripler and quintupler for high power THz applications
Progress in clinical diagnostics and treatment with electromagnetic fields
Wideband THz detectors based on YBCO thin films at 77K and at room temperature
Submillimeter Wave S-Parameter Characterization of Integrated Membrane Circuits
Development of planar THz Schottky diodes
Development of a waveguide integrated sub-millimetre wave spatially power combined HBV multiplier
A room temperature bolometer for terahertz coherent and incoherent detection
Investigation of MgB2 HEB mixer gain bandwidth
Terahertz Direct Detection in YBa2Cu3O7 Microbolometers
A Low VSWR 2SB Schottky Receiver
A 340 GHz CW non-linear imaging system
A broadband heterostructure barrier varactor tripler source
340 GHz GaAs monolithic membrane supported Schottky diode circuits
Characterization of GaAs membrane circuits for THz heterodyne receiver applications
Development of integrated submillimeter wave diodes for sources and detectors
Transfer of InP-based HBV epitaxy onto borosilicate glass substrate by anodic bonding
THz-Technology based on Schottky Diodes and HBVs
Characterization of uni-traveling carrier photodiodes for high-linearity and high-SNR applications
Investigation of harmonic generation in a suspended graphene
Development of a HBV tripler for 0.6 THz
VNA-Calibration and S-Parameter Characterization of Submillimeter Wave Integrated Membrane Circuits
Vertically illuminated TW-UTC photodiodes for terahertz generation
Development of a 0.6 THz HBV frequency tripler
A 340 GHz 2SB Schottky Receiver for the STEAMR Limb Sounder
A Compact 340 GHz Heterodyne Imaging System
Assessment of Various Epitaxial Lift-off Methods for Heterostructure Barrier Varactor
A monolithic 280 GHz HBV frequency tripler
Vertically illuminated TW-UTC photodiodes for terahertz generation
An experimental 210 GHz radar system for 3D stand-off detection
A 210 GHz radar system for 3D stand-off detection
VNA-calibration and S-parameter characterization of submillimeter wave integrated membrane circuits
Clinical Diagnostics and Treatment with Electromagnetic Fields
Parameter Extraction and Geometry Optimisation of Planar Schottky Diodes
Analysis of the High Frequency Spreading Resistance for Surface Channel Planar Schottky Diodes
Investigation of passivation methods for HBV diodes
International Symposium on Terahertz Science and Technology between Japan and Sweden
High power W-band monolithically integrated tripler
Modeling of GaAs Schottky diodes for terahertz application
Characterisation of Exfoliated Graphene
Compact 340 GHz Receiver Front-Ends
High power compact multiplier sources and imaging applications
Development of a Compact 340 GHz Receiver Front-End
Microwave S-parameter Characterization of an Antenna-Coupled Catadioptric Lens
Compact frequency sources using high-order multipliers
Schottky receivers and graphene for future THz electronics
Millimeter Wave Characterization of a Catadioptric Lens for Imaging Applications
Towards a THz Sideband Separating Subharmonic Schottky Mixer
Heterostructure Barrier Varactor Quintuplers for Terahertz Applications
Design of Antenna Integrated Photomixers and Catadioptric Lenses for Emerging THz Applications
A 170 GHz 45 degree Hybrid for Submillimeter Wave Sideband Separating Subharmonic Mixers
High Power Heterostructure Barrier Varactor Quintupler Sources for G-Band Operation
Catadioptric Dielectric Lens for Imaging Applications
Towards a THz Sideband Separating Subharmonic Schottky Mixer
A novel catadioptric dielectric lens for microwave and terahertz applications
Optimization of the UTC-PD Epitaxy for Photomixing at 340 GHz
High Power Photonic MW/THz Generation Using UTC-PD
UTC-PD Integration for Submillimetre-wave Generation
Terahertz technology and applications
High power heterostructure barrier varactor quintupler sources for G-band operation
Investigations towards thermal and non-thermal effects of THz radiation on biological systems
A 0.2-W Heterostructure Barrier Varactor Frequency Tripler at 113 GHz
Hydrodynamic Simulations of Unitraveling-Carrier Photodiodes
Development and Design of a 340 GHz Photomixer Source
Development of high power HBV multipliers for millimeter wave applications
Terahertz generation by multiplication
0.24 W F-Band Heterostructure Barrier Varactor Frequency Tripler
Optimum barrier thickness study for the InGaAs/InAlAs/AlAs heterostructure barrier varactor diodes
High Efficiency HBV Multipliers
International Symposium on Space Terahertz Technology
Comparison of VDI and UMS GaAs Schottky diodes for subharmonic mixers in the lower THz band
A High-Power Frequency Tripler for 100 GHz
High efficiency W-band HBV Tripler and Device Reliability Studies
µFab: The Swedish Micro- and Nanofabrication Network
HBV tripler with 21% efficiency at 102 GHz
Development of Uni-Travelling-Carrier Photodiodes
THz Generation by Multiplication
Optimisation and Design of a Suspended Subharmonic 340 GHz Schottky Diode Mixer
Fabrication and Characterization of InGaAlAs/InP based Uni-Traveling-Carrier Photodiodes
Terahertz sources and detectors for security applications
Design of High Power Heterostructure Barrier Varactor based Multipliers for the W-band
Optimum Barrier Thickness Study for the Heterostructure Barrier Varactror Diode
Novel devices for (sub)millimeter-wave space applications
Novel devices for (sub)millimeter-wave space applications
Design, Fabrication and characterisation of High Power HBV Diodes
The design and realisation of a high-power HBV multiplier source for THz-applications
A 110 GHz GaAs Schottky Diode Mixer on Quartz with planar LO feed
11% efficiency 100 GHz InP-based heterostructure barrier varactor quintupler
Thermal constraints for heterostructure barrier varactors
High power HBV multipliers for F- and G- band applications
A 100-GHz HBV frequency quintupler using microstrip elements
Heterostructure barrier varactor frequency triplers and quintuplers for THz electronics
A low cost fixed tuned F-band HBV frequency tripler
Planar HBV triplers and quintuplers for millimetre wavelengths
Design and analysis of 500 GHz heterostructure barrier varactor quintuplers
Optimization of broadband transition from waveguide to microstrip
A new waveguide integrated microstrip HBV frequency tripler
Development of Ultrafast Photodiodes for Microwave Photonics
High Efficiency HBV Multipliers for Millimetre Wave Generation
Heterostructure barrier Varactor Frequency Multipliers: Materials, Devices and Circuits
A New Pillar Geometry for Heterostructure Barrier Varactor Diodes
Design of Material Structures for Heterostructure Barrier Varactors
Heterostructure-Barrier-Varactor Design
Heterostructure Barrier Varactor Multipliers
MOVPE strain layers - growth and application
Novel Heterostructure Barrier Varactor Multipliers for Millimeter-Wave power generation
A Distributed Heterostructure Barrier Varactor Frequency Tripler
High Efficiency HBV Multipliers for Millimetre Wave Generation
Heterostructure Barrier Varactors on Copper Substrate for Frequency Multipliers
Progress in Heterostructure Barrier Varactor Frequency Multipliers
Frequency Multiplier Measurements on Heterostructure Barrier Varactors on a Copper Substrate
Computer Controlled Measurements on Millimetre and Submillimetre Wave Varactor Multipliers
A 141-GHz Integrated Quasi-Optical Slot Antenna Tripler
Varactor Multipliers for generation of Submillimetre Waves
Improved Diode Geometry for Planar Heterostructure Barrier Varactors
Heterostructure Barrier Varactors on Copper Substrate
A 141-GHz Quasi-Optical HBV Diode Frequency Tripler
Planar Heterostructure Barrier Varactor Diodes for Millimetre Wave Applications
Effects of Self-Heating on Planar Heterostructure Barrier Varactor Diodes
Capacitance Analysis for AlGaAs/GaAs and InAlAs/InGaAs Heterostructure Barrier Varactor Diodes
Design of 100-900 GHz AlGaAs/GaAs Planar Heterostructure Barrier Varactor Frequency Triplers
A Broadband Frequency Tripler for SIS Receivers
Heterostructure Barrier Varactor Multipliers
Analysis of Carrier Transport in a Heterostructure Barrier Varactor Diode Tripler
A Planar 3x80 GHz Heterostructure Barrier Varactor Frequency Multiplier
Analysis of Symmetric Varactor Frequency Multipliers
Modeling of the Heterostructure Barrier Varactor Diode
Modeling of the Heterostructure Barrier Varactor
AlGaAs/GaAs and InAlAs/InGaAs Heterostructure Barrier Varactors
High-frequency capacitance of bipolar resonant tunneling diodes
Heterostructure barrier varactors at submillimetre waves
Heterostructure Barrier Varactor Diodes for Frequency Multiplier Applications
Fabrication and Characterisation of Heterostructure Barrier Varactor Diodes
Investigation of an InAs based Heterostructure Barrier Varactor
An On-Wafer Method for C-V Characterisation of Heterostructure Diodes
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Showing 22 research projects
Far-infrared semiconductor electronics (FIRE)
New Terahertz receivers at for Earth remote sensing
Supraterahertzelektronik för framtida FIR instrument
Graphene Core Project 3 (Graphene Flagship)
THz metrology for modern wireless systems
Effektkombinering av THz oscillatorer
THz Schottky diode mixers for high resolution FIR spectroscopy
THz sensors aiding smart production of precision medicines
Graphene Core Project 1. Graphene-based disruptive technologies (Graphene Flagship)
RF energy harvesting for M2M communication
Carbon Based High Speed 3D GaN Electronics System
Graphene-Based Revolutions in ICT And Beyond (Graphene Flagship)
Coherent cytoskeleton dynamics captured with cutting Edge X-ray methods
Integrated graphene/ferroelectric films for microwave/THz devices
The Swedish Graphene Initiative
HBV components for space initial definition
THz optical components and systems
Terahertz heterodyne receiver components for future European space missions (TeraComp)