Lars Davidson
Lars generella forskningsområde är numerisk beräkning av strömnings- och värmeöverföringstillämpningar. Han arbetar med strömningsprogrammen CALC-BFC och CALC-LES, vilka har utvecklats av hans forskargrupp. Programmet baseras på finitvolymsteknik. Han fokuserar på turbulensmodellering för strömnings- och värmeöverföringstillämpningar. För närvarande arbetar Lars mest med LES (Large Eddy Simulation). De senast åren har hans forskning inriktats mycket mot hybrid LES/RANS: detta är en metod för att göra LES användbart för strömning nära väggar. Sedab 2022 arbetar jag också med ML (Machine Learning) för att förbättra väggfunktioner och turbulensmodeller.

Visar 298 publikationer
Seamless Interface Methods for Grey-Area Mitigation in Scale-Resolving Hybrid RANS-LES
On the mitigation of landing gear noise using a solid fairing and a dense wire mesh
Proceedings - Swedish Mechanics Days 2024
A fluid flow model for the pressure loss through perforated plates
Synthetic turbulence generator for the wall-modeled LES lattice Boltzmann method
Forecasting of Day-Ahead Wind Speed/electric Power by Using a Hybrid Machine Learning Algorithm
Using Machine Learning for formulating new wall functions for Detached Eddy Simulation
Numerical modeling of a wire mesh for aerodynamic noise reduction
Using Machine Learning for Improving a Non-Linear k-eps Model: A First Attempt
Inlet Gap Influence on Low-Frequency Flow Unsteadiness in a Centrifugal Fan
Using Machine Learning for formulating new wall functions for Large Eddy Simulation: A First Attempt
Synthetic turbulence generator for lattice Boltzmann method at the interface between RANS and LES
Higher Order Gradients on Unstructured Meshes using Compact Formulation for Node-Centered Schemes
Near-wall modelling of forests for atmosphere boundary layers using lattice Boltzmann method on GPU
Inlet Gap Effect on Tonal Noise Generated from a Voluteless Centrifugal Fan
Near-wall modeling of forests for atmosphere boundary layers using lattice Boltzmann method on GPU
Inlet Effect on Tonal Noise Generated from a Voluteless Centrifugal Fan
Inlet Gap Effect on Aerodynamics and Tonal Noise Generation of a Voluteless Centrifugal Fan
Non-zonal detached eddy simulation coupled with a steady RANS solver in the wall region
Detached Eddy Simulation coupled with steady RANS in the wall region
Large eddy simulation: A study of clearings in forest and their effect on wind turbines
Tonal Noise of Voluteless Centrifugal Fan Generated by Turbulence Stemming from Upstream Inlet Gap
Low-Noise Propeller Design for Quiet Electric Aircraft
Unsteady Simulation of Tonal Noise from Isolated Centrifugal Fan
Influence of complex terrain on a flow above a forest with clearing
A formulation of PANS capable of mimicking IDDES
Numerical and experimental study of tonal noise sources at the outlet of an isolated centrifugal fan
Improved estimation of subcooled flow boiling heat flux for automotive engine cooling applications
A new approximation to modulation-effect analysis based on empirical mode decomposition
Adjoint-based Broadband Noise Minimization using Stochastic Noise Generation
Airframe Noise Reduction for a Wing-flap Configuration Using DBD Plasma Actuators
Non-Zonal Detached Eddy Simulation coupled with a steady RANS solver in the wall region
A new formulation of fk for the PANS model
Towards Adjoint-based Broadband Noise Minimization using Stochastic Noise Generation
Modelling of DBD plasma actuator for controlling noise from a tandem cylinders configuration
Unsteady simulation of tonal noise from isolated centrifugal fan
Large-eddy simulation study of effects of clearing in forest on wind turbines
Grey-area mitigation using commutation terms at the interfaces in hybrid RANS-LES modeling
Interface methods for grey-area mitigation in turbulence-resolving hybrid RANS-LES
Application of a parallel solver to the LES modelling of turbulent buoyant flows with heat transfer
The PANS and PITM model: a new formulation of f_k
A new approximation to modulation effect analysis based on empirical mode decomposition method
Prediction of wind-turbine fatigue loads in forest regions based on turbulent LES inflow fields
Evaluation of numerical wall functions on the axisymmetric impinging jet using OpenFOAM
Enhancement of Free Vortex Filament Method for Aerodynamic Loads on Rotor Blades
Noise radiated by low-Reynolds number flows past a hemisphere at Ma=0.3
Assessment of Conceptual Noise Reduction Devices for A Main Landing Gear using SNGR Method
Computations and full-scale tests of active flow control applied on a Volvo truck-trailer
Development of Free Vortex Wake Model for Wind Turbine Aerodynamics under Yaw Condition
Zonal PANS: evaluation of different treatments of the RANS-LES interface
Assessment of Flap Side-Edge Fence Noise using SNGR Method
Two-equation hybrid RANS-LES Models: A novel way to treat k and omega at the inlet
Aero-acoustic analysis and assessment of conceptual low-noise airframe configurations
Large-Eddy Simulation Study of Thermally Stratified Canopy Flow
Prediction of Transonic Duct Flow Using a Zonal Hybrid RANS-LES Modeling Approach
Numerical Studies of the Upstream Flow Field around a Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine
CAA analysis of a wing section with flap side-edges based on hybrid RANS-LES computation
Direct comparison of les and experiment of a single-pulse impinging jet
A New Approach to Treat the RANS-LES interface in PANS
Influence of a forest canopy on the neutral atmospheric boudary layer - A LES study
Hybrid RANS-LES Modeling Using a Low-Reynolds-Number k−ω Based Model
The PANS k-epsilon model in a zonal hybrid RANS-LES formulation
Surface integral analogy approaches for predicting noise from 3D high-lift low-noise wings
Landing gear noise reduction technology development for future green regional aircraft
Airframe Noise Reduction Technologies applied to High-Lift Devices of Future Green Regional Aircraft
Development of Free Vortex Wake Method for Aerodynamic Loads on Rotor Blades
Enhancement of Free Vortex Filament Method for Aerodynamic Loads on Rotor Blades
Parallel implicit DNS of temporally-evolving turbulent shear layer instability
Large-Eddy Simulation for Wind Turbine Fatigue Load Calculation in Forest Regions
Vortex Method Application for Aerodynamic Loads on Rotor Blades
Embedded Large-Eddy Simulation Using the Partially Averaged Navier–Stokes Model
A Modified TAB Model for Simulation of Atomization in Rotary Bell Spray Painting
Hybrid RANS/LES Simulations for Aerodynamic and Aeroacoustic Analysis of a Multi-Element Airfoil
On the Numerical Modeling of Impinging Jets Heat Transfer - A Practical Approach
SNGR Method for Assessing Noise Induced by Flap Side-Edges
Lessons learned from hybrid RANS-LES computations of a three-element airfoil flow
Modified TAB Model for Viscous Fluids applied to Breakup in Rotary Bell Spray Painting
Local flow properties in relation to noise generation for low-noise high-lift configurations
On the transient modelling of impinging jets heat transfer. A practical approach
Large Eddy Simulation of Heat Transfer in Boundary Layer and Backstep Flow Using PANS
Hybrid RANS-LES Simulation of Turbulent High-Lift Flow in Relation to Noise Generation
A New Approach of Zonal Hybrid RANS-LES Based on a Two-equation k-eps Mode
Aeroacoustic Assessment of Conceptual Low-Noise High-Lift Wing Configurations
Feasibility of Hybrid RANS-LES Modeling of Shock/Boundary-Layer Interaction in a Duct
Assessment of high-lift concepts for a regional aircraft in the ALONOCO project
Experimental and computational studies of active flow control on a model truck-trailer
Precursor RANS computations for the F15 three-element high-lift configuration
Drag Reduction of Heavy Trucks by Active Flow Control of the Wake behind the Trailer
A Low Reynolds Number Partially-Averaged Navier-Stokes Model for Turbulence
Fluid mechanics, turbulent flow and turbulence modeling, Lecture Notes in MSc courses
Investigation of large scale shock movement in transonic flow
Simulation of Venous Plexus Blood Flow during Rapid Spinal Bending
Numerical Study of Crosswind Stability of a Simplified Car in Gusty Wind
Modeling Surface Tension in SPH by Interface Reconstruction using Radial Basis Functions
Experimental study of water transport on a generic mirror
Flow and Dipole Source Evaluation of a Generic SUV
On the Download Alleviation for the XV-15 Wing by Active Flow Control Using Large-Eddy Simulation
How to estimate the resolution of an LES of recirculating flow
A dissipative scale-similarity model
Approximation of subgrid-scale stresses based on the Leonard expansion
Large-eddy simulation of mixed convection-radiation heat transfer in a vertical channel
Large Eddy Simulations: how to evaluate resolution
Download Alleviation of a Tilt-rotor Wing by Active Flow Control Strategies
A-LES for Drag Reduction of Truck-Trailers
Detached Eddy Simulations of an Airfoil in Turbulent Inflow
On the Numerical Modeling of Impinging Jet Heat Transfer
A Numerical Investigation of the Flow Past a Generic Mirror and its Impact on Sound Generation
Partially Averaged Navier-Stokes Modelling of Turbulent Channel Flow with and without Forcing
Hybrid LES-RANS: back scatter from a scale-similarity model used as forcing
Large eddy simulation of turbulence flow noise on streamers
Drag Reduction for Trucks by Active Flow Control of the Wake Behind the Trailer
Sound Generation and Radiation of an Open Two-Dimensional Cavity
On the Download Alleviation for the XV-15 Wing by Active Flow Control Using Large-Eddy Simulation
HYBRID LES-RANS: Inlet Boundary Conditions for Flows With Recirculation
POD based reconstruction of subgrid stresses for wall bounded flows using neural networks
A dissipative scale-similarity model
Estimating Resolution Requirements Using Two-Point Correlations and Spectra
The SAS model: A turbulence model with controlled modelled dissipation
Inlet Boundary Conditions for Embedded LES
"Using Isotropic Synthetic Fluctuations as Inlet Boundary Conditions for Unsteady Simulations"
Natural Convection Boundary Layer in a 5:1 Cavity
Flow and dipole source evaluation of a generic SUV
Examination of the shear stress transport assumption with a low-Reynolds number κ - ω model
Wind-driven rivulet over an edge with break-up
HYBRID LES-RANS: Inlet Boundary Conditions for Flows Including Recirculation
Large Eddy Simulation of Transonic Flow with Shock Wave/Turbulent Boundary Layer Interaction
POD based reconstruction of subgrid stresses for wall bounded flows using neural networks
Large-eddy simulation of natural convection boundary layer on a vertical cylinder
Hybrid LES/RANS Using Synthesized Turbulence for Forcing at the Interface
The Sub-Critical Flow pas a Generic Side Mirror and its Impact on Sound Generation and Propagation
LES of Mixed Convection Boundary Layer Between Radiating Parallel Plates
Large-eddy simulation and deduced scaling analysis of Rayleigh-Benard convection up to Ra=10^9
Evaluation of the {SST-SAS} Model: Channel Flow, Asymmetric
Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Swirling Flow Through a Sudden Expansion
Evaluation of the SST-SAS Model: Channel Flow, Asymmetric Diffuser and Axi-symmetric Hill
An acoustic analogy applied to the laminar upstream flow over an open 2D cavity
An Investigation of Outlet Boundary Conditions for Incompressible Near Field Acoustics
Effects of Inflow Conditions and Subgrid Model on LES for Turbulent Jets
Flow Around a Simplified Car, Part 1: Large Eddy Simulation
Flow Around a Simplified Car, Part 2: Understanding the Flow
Numerical predictions of low Reynolds number flows over two tandem circular cylinders
Hybrid LES-RANS: Inlet Boundary Conditions
Computations of Flow Field and Heat Transfer in a Stator Vane Passage Using the V2F Turbulence Model
Modelling the Entrance Region in a Plane Asymmetric Diffuser by Elliptic Relaxation
LES Prediction of Flow and Acoustic Field of a Coaxial Jet
Large-Eddy Simulation of Subsonic Turbulent Jets and Their Radiated Sound
Acoustic Source Terms for the Linearized Euler Equations in Conservative Form
Influence of floor motions in wind tunnels on the aerodynamics of road vehicles
Hybrid LES-RANS: Computation of the Flow Around a Three-Dimensional Hill
Assessment of Realizability Constraints in V2F Turbulence Models
Semi-implicit Preconditioning for Wall-bounded Flow
Zonal k-l Based Large Eddy Simulation
Jet Noise Modeling Using Synthetic Anisotropic Turbulence
Exploring the Flow Around a Simplified Bus with Large Eddy Simulation and Topological Tools
Hybrid RANS-LES: an Approach to make LES Applicable at High Reynolds Number
Hybrid LES/RANS Using Synthesized Turbulence for Forcing at the Interface
Modeling of Synthetic Anisotropic Turbulence and its Sound Emission
Large-Eddy Simulation of the Flow Around Simplified Car Model
Large Eddy Simulation of the Flow Around an Ahmed Body
Role of Initial Conditions in Establishing Asymptotic Flow Behavior
A Study of Mach 0.75 Jets and Their Radiated Sound Using Large-Eddy Simulation
Low-Reynolds Number Turbulence Models:An Approach for Reducing Mesh Sensitivity
Aero Acoustic Investigation of an Open Cavity at Low Mach Number
Jet Noise Prediction Using Stochastic Turbulence Modeling
Large-Eddy Simulation of a Mach 0.75 Jet
Numerical Study of the Flow Around a Bus-Shaped Body
An acoustic analogy applied to incompressible flow fields
LESFOIL: Large Eddy Simulation of Flow Around a High Lift Airfoil
Zonal k-l based Large Eddy Simulations
Large Eddy Simulation Applied to a High-Reynolds Flow Around an Airfoil Close to Stall
Modifications of the v2-f Model for Computing the Flow in a 3D Wall Jet
DNS in a Plane vertical Channel With and Without Buoyancy
Numerical Study of Heat and Fluid Flow in a Plate-Fin Heat Exchanger With Vortex Generators
Hybrid RANS-LES with Additional Conditions at the Matching Region
Validations of CFD against detailed velocity and pressure measurements in water turbine runner flow
Prediction of turbulent heat transfer in stationary and rotating U-ducts with rib roughened walls
Large-Eddy Simulations of Turbulent Heat Transfer in Stationary and Rotating Square Duct
An Improved k-omega Turbulence Model Applied to Recirculating Flows
A test case for large-eddy simulation in vehicle aerodynamics
Large-Eddy Simulation of the Flow Around a Bluff Body
A mixed one-equation subgrid model for large-eddy simulation
Development of Large-Eddy Simulation for Vehicle Aerodynamics
Acoustic Source Terms for the Linear Euler Equations on Conservative Form
On a Subgrid-Scale Heat Flux Model for Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Thermal Flow
Large-Eddy Simulation of the Flow Around a Three-Dimensional Bluff Body
Effect of Inclined Vortex Generators on Heat Transfer Enhancement in a Three-Dimensional Channel
A Hybrid LES/RANS Model Based on a One-Equation SGS Model and a Two-Equation k-omega Model
Large Eddy Simulation for Turbulent Buoyant Flow in a Confined Cavity
Large ´-Eddy Simulation of the Flow Around A Simplified Bus
Comparative Study of LES for Turbulent Buoyant Flow in Terms of SGS Model and Grid Resolution
Large Eddy Simulation of the Flow Around an Airfoil
Parallel multiblock CFD computations applied to industrial cases
Large-Eddy Simulation of the Flow Around a Ground Vehicle Body
A New Two-Equation Eddy Viscosity Transport Model for Turbulent Flow Computation
Large-Eddy Simulations of Turbulent Flow in a Rotating Square Duct
Numerical Investigation of Turbulent Buoyant Flow in a Cavity Using Large Eddy Simulation
Model Experiments with low Reynolds Number Effects in a Ventilated Room
Large Eddy Simulation of Flow Past a Square Cylinder: Comparison of Different Subgrid Scale Models
On the Wall Boundary Condition for Computing Heat Transfer With k-omega Models.
On CFD and Transient Flow in Vehicle Aerodynamics
Large Eddy Simulation of the Flow Around an Aerospatiale A-aerofoil
Room Airflows with Low Reynolds Number Effects
Low-Reynolds Number Effects in Ventilated Rooms: A Numerical Study
Flow around a three-dimensional bluff body
On Transient Modeling of the Flow Around Vehicles Using the Reynolds Equation
A Dynamic One-Equation Model for Simulation of Flow Around a Square Cylinder
Comparison of Two One-Equation Subgrid Models in Recirculating Flows
Computation of Turbulent Buoyant Flows in Enclosures with LRN k-omega Models
A numerical investigation of tip clearance flow in Kaplan water turbines
Numerical Simulation of Flow past a Square Cylinder
CALC-PVM: A Parallel SIMPLEC Multiblock Solver for Turbulent Flow in Complex Domains
Comparison of Subgrid-Scale Models in LES for Turbulent Convection Flow With Heat Transfer
Towards the Determination of Regional Purging Flow Rate
On the Assessment of ventilation Performance with the Aid of Numerical Simulations
High-Lift Airfoil Flow Simulations Using a Two-Layer Reynolds Stress Transport Model
Numerical Investigation of Turbulent Plumes in Both Ambient and Stratified Surroundings
A Numerical Study of Turbulent Forced Convection in a Square Duct Using Different Turbulence Models
Turbulent Transonic Airfoil Flow Simulation Using a Pressure Based Algorithm
A Pressure Based Euler Scheme for Transonic Internal and External Flow Simulation
Reynolds Stress Transport Modeling of Transonic Flow Around the RAE2822 Airfoil
Transonic Flow Computations Using a Modified SIMPLE Code Based on a Collocated Grid Arrangement
Analysis of Two Fast-Chemistry Combustion Models and Turbulence Modeling in Variable Density Flow
Navier-Stokes Computation of Airfoil in Stall Using Algebraic Reynolds-Stress Model
Second-Order Correction of the k-eps Model to Account for Non-Isotropic Effects due to Buoyancy
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Visar 35 forskningsprojekt
ARC: Aerodynamic Parameter estimation for Subscale Aircraft
Design av de aerodynamiska egenskaperna för ett elektriskt flygplan
eFläktar, grundförutsättning för eMobilitet II
Flow in turbines during new operating procedures
Site-specifika analysmetoder för att förutsäga och öka livstiden för vindturbiner
Reducering av oljud från propellrar för framtida eldrivna flygplan
eFläktar, grundförutsättning för eMobilitet I
Strategiskt forskningsprojekt på Chalmers inom hydro- och aerodynamik
psyko-akustik-analys av strömningsinducerat vindbrus i fordon
Artificiell intelligence och strömningskontroll: en automatisering av anpassad fordonsaerodynamik
Inverkan av gläntor i skog: CFD_beräkningar och LIDAR-mätningar
Precisionskylning för CO2-minskning
Minskning av ljud från centrifugalfläktar
Vindkraft i skog - påverkan av skogsgläntor
Drag Reduction in Turbulent Boundary Layer via Flow Control (DRAGY)
Vätgasinblandning i flammor under gasturbinförhållanden
Hybrid LES/RANS för förbättrad prediktering av värmeöverföring i förbränningsmotorer
Prediktering av extern flödesakustiks påverkan på hyttbuller
Aerodynamik för Robusta och Optimerade Strukturer
Metoder för ökad noggrannhet i instationär aerodynamik (MIAU)
En lastad ledskenas värmeöverföring 2
Self-adjusting gravity table using imaging analysis for quality control (SAGT)
BatMan - förberedelse för förbättrad återanvändning av batterisystem
Aerodynamics and Heat Transfer Validation of LPT-OGVs, Turbopower phase 2
Grön Flygteknisk Motdemonstration
Energieffektiva transmissioner
Optimal Transport av Värme från Utsatta Komponenter (OTHEC)
En lastad ledskenas värmeöverföring