Ann-Sofie Sandberg
Professor Sandberg är grundare av Avdelningen för Livsmedelsvetenskap och Nutrition. Hennes forskning under de senaste 30-40 åren har fokuserat på biotillgänglighet av mineraler och inhibitorer för absorption liksom bioaktiva ämnen i sjömat av betydelse för metabola sjukdomar. På senare år har hon intresserat sig för betydelsen av nutrition tidigt i livet och har tillsammans med nationella kolleger etablerat en mamma barn kohort (NICE) i norra Sverige. I kohorten undersöks påverkan av livsstilsfaktorer under graviditet och tidigt i livet på immunmognad och allergiutveckling hos barnen. Professor Sandbergs forskargrupp studerar effekten av kost och nutrition, validerade med biomarkörer, i relation till immunmognad och allergiutfall i barnen med hjälp av metabolomik och andra omics tekniker. Dessutom studerar de nutritionella aspekter på det pågående proteinskiftet från animaliskt till växtbaserat protein.

Visar 217 publikationer
Toxic metals and essential trace elements in placenta and their relation to placental function
Identification of metabotypes in complex biological data using tensor decomposition
Biomarkers of seafood intake during pregnancy – Pollutants versus fatty acids and micronutrients
Identifying metabotypes from tensor data
Protein extraction from cold-pressed hempseed press cake: From laboratory to pilot scale
Differences between Arterial and Venous Umbilical Cord Plasma Metabolome and Association with Parity
Identifying metabotypes from complex biological data using PARAFAC
Nutritional and antinutritional composition of fava bean (Vicia faba L., var. minor) cultivars
Potential Negative Effects of Whole grain Consumption
The development of a novel ferric phytate compound for iron fortification of bouillons (part I)
Effect of fermentation and dry roasting on the nutritional quality and sensory attributes of quinoa
Serum levels of Vitamin A and Atopic Rhinoconjunctivitis in Swedish adolescents
Phytic acid - Properties, Uses and Determination
Habitual high intake of fatty fish is related to lower levels of F2-isoprostanes in healthy females
Mat från havet ska göra oss friskare
No association between allergy and current 25-hydroxy vitamin D in serum or vitamin D intake
Increased Ferric Iron Species in Lactic Fermented Vegetables May Improve Iron Absorption
Vitamin B12 as a potential compliance marker for fish intake
Serum fatty acid profile does not reflect seafood intake in adolescents with atopic eczema.
Ascorbate-induced iron transport through ferroportin involves IRP2 and HIF2 alpha
Proposing a Caco-2/HepG2 cell model for in vitro iron absorption studies
The iron transporter ferroportin is regulated by ascorbate
Usefulness of microbial phytase to improve zinc and iron bioavailability
Renare närmiljö och kost kan förklara ökning av allergier
Low breast milk levels of long-chain n-3 fatty acids in allergic women, despite frequent fish intake
In vitro digestive stability of complexes between gliadin and synthetic blocking peptides
Developing functional ingredients: a case study of pea protein
Identification of gliadin-binding peptides by phage display
The Use of Caco-2 Cells to Estimate Fe Absorption in Humans - a Critical Appraisal
Plasma phospholipid EPA and DHA in relation to atherosclerosis in 61-year-old men
Impaired uptake of beta-carotene by Caco-2 human intestinal cells in the presence of iron
Blocking peptides decrease tissue transglutaminase processing of gliadin in vitro
Ascorbic acid uptake affects ferritin, Dcytb and Nramp2 expression in Caco-2 cells
Aqueous fish extract increases survival in the mouse model of cytostatic toxicity
Herring (Clupea harengus) supplemented diet influence risk factors for CVD in overweight subjects
The type of thermal feed treatment influences the inositol phosphate composition
Absorption of zinc and retention of calcium: dose-dependent inhibition by phytate
Reduction of phytate content while preserving minerals during whole grain cereal tempe fermentation
Methods and Options for in vitro Dialyzability; Benefits and Limitations
Metabolism of extracellular inositol hexaphosphate (phytate) by Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Fish and Cardiovascular Health
Combined Impact of pH and Organic Acids on Iron Uptake by Caco-2 Cells
Phytate degradation by micro-organisms in synthetic media and pea flour
Extrinsic labeling of zinc and calcium in bread
In vitro and in vivo degradation of phytate
Phytogenic and microbial phytases in human nutrition
Effects of malting on betaglucanase and phytase activity in barley grain
Bioavailability of minerals in legumes
Methods for analysis of phytate
Organic acids influence iron uptake in the human epithelial cell line Caco-2
Phytate content and phytate degradation by endogenous phytase in pea (Pisum sativum)
Rapid analyzes of inositol phosphates
Food for helath; an insight into the natural bioactive compounds of plants
Developing functional ingredients. A case study
9. IP6 hydrolysis by Baker’s yeast: Capacity, kinetics and degradation products
Determination of the retention of 47Ca by whole-body counting
Functional foods. Är maten genvägen til hälsa?
Determination of the retention of 47Ca by whole-body counting
Inositol phosphates influence iron uptake in Caco-2 cells
Inositol phosphates with different numbers of phosphate groups influence iron absorption in humans
Effect of pretreatment of feed on availability of specific elements in pigs.
. Binding of Cu2+, Zn2+, and Cd2+ to inositol tri-, tetra-, penta-, and hexaphosphates.
Phytate reduction in whole grains of wheat, rye, barley and oats during hydrothermal treatment
Dietary Aspergillus niger phytase increases iron absorption i humans
Mixed-linked β-glucan from breads of different cereals is degraded in the human ileostomy model.
Improved zinc and iron absorption from malted oats with reduced phytate content
Phytate reduction in brown beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
Iron deficiency among pregnant Pakistanis in Norway and the content of phytic acid in their diet
The effect of milk and fermented milk on iron absorption and iron status in ileostomy subjects
Alginate, small bowel sterol excretion and absorption of nutrients in ileostomy subjects
High dietary calcium level decreases colonic phytate degradation in pigs fed a rapeseed diet
Inhibitory effects of isolated inositol phosphates on zinc absorption in humans
Phytate hydrolysis during bread-making: Effect of phytase addition
Phytate reduction in oats during malting
Phytate hydrolysis by phytase in cereals. Effects on in vitro estimation of iron availability
Phytate reduction in bread containing oat flour, oat bran or rye bran
Calcium: Effect of different amounts on nonheme and heme iron absorption in humans
The effect of food processing on phytate hydrolysis and availability of iron and zinc
The effect of extrusion cooking of a high fibre cereal product on the absorption of zinc in man
Effect of wheat bran and pectin on bile salt excretion in ileostomy patients
Apparent small intestinal absorption of nitrogen and minerals from soy and meat protein based diets
The effect of citrus pectin on the absorption of nutrients in the small intestine
Dietary fibre - Determination and physiological effects. A study on ileostomy patients
The effect of wheat bran on the absorption of minerals in the small intestine
Analytical problems in the determination of dietary fibre.
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Visar 22 forskningsprojekt
Perinatalperioden som möjlighetens fönster för prevention av allergi
Gravida kvinnors D-vitamin status i relation till allergiutveckling hos barnen
Proteinskiftet - Utgör det en risk för kvinnor och barn?
Barnets kost under första levnadsåret och prevention av allergi
Mammans mat under graviditet och amning och allergi hos barnet
Förstudie om hållbar och hälsosam proteinförsörjning i Västra Götaland
En viss mängd fluor är bra för barns tandhälsa men tycks kunna störa barnets övriga utveckling
Kostens roll under graviditet, amning och småbarnstiden för prevention av allergi
Nya strategier for prevention mot allergi baserat på det metabola fingeravtrycket i blodet
Kostens roll under graviditet och amning för prevention av allergi hos barnen
Nutrition i tidig ålder och immunologisk mognad med fokus på förebyggande av allergi
Nutrition i tidig ålder och immunologisk mognad med fokus på förebyggande av allergi
Design av nya marina livsmedel för ett hälsosamt åldrande